Editor: Marc Schröder, DFKI
Including comments from Robert Brown, Microsoft, Michael Johnston, AT&T, Patrick Ehlen, AT&T.
Status: Work in progress / Ongoing discussion in protocol subgroup
Review and comparison to draft protocol document
Date: 20th July 2011
Previous version: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xg-htmlspeech/2011Jul/att-0019/Protocol_requirements_draft_commented_MJ-PE.html
This document aims to summarize requirements and design decisions relevant for the specification of a protocol supporting the communication between a User Agent (UA) and a Speech Service (SS). The summary is based on a subset of the requirements (FPR) and design decisions (DD) listed in the draft final report [HTMLSPEECH].
In order to allow for a verification that the group members share a view on what has been agreed and whether there are obvious omissions that should be pinned down, this document attempts to group the items by aspects of the protocol's envisaged use.
Comments are typeset like this paragraph, and prefixed with the initials of the commentator:
In order to structure the collection of requirements and design decisions, this document groups them according to the following aspects of the interaction between UA and SS.
This is an ad-hoc structure which may or may not capture other group members' understanding of the mechanism. One reason of proposing it is to verify whether there is consensus about these aspects.
Requirements or design decisions are listed under more than one heading if they seem to be relevant for several aspects.
MJ: One we need to rework is DD35: As we are moving away from simple HTTP to support the full set of use cases, Suggested DD35 rewrite:
RB: [DD38 and 39] imply HTTP, and pre-date the discussion of continuous speech. Also, DD39 talks about engines rather than services, and doesn't mention TTS. They should be rewritten. [Suggested rewrites inline:]