Mail Archives

This is the mailing list archive of the Public discussion forum of the HTML Speech Incubator Group which ran between 30 August 2010 and 6 December 2011.

Access mail archives by date, thread, author and subject
period re-sorted messages
January 2013by threadby authorby subject1
September 2012by threadby authorby subject1
April 2012by threadby authorby subject18
February 2012by threadby authorby subject11
January 2012by threadby authorby subject52
December 2011by threadby authorby subject20
November 2011by threadby authorby subject76
October 2011by threadby authorby subject69
September 2011by threadby authorby subject46
August 2011by threadby authorby subject40
July 2011by threadby authorby subject52
June 2011by threadby authorby subject90
May 2011by threadby authorby subject35
April 2011by threadby authorby subject61
March 2011by threadby authorby subject55
February 2011by threadby authorby subject24
January 2011by threadby authorby subject56
December 2010by threadby authorby subject151
November 2010by threadby authorby subject215
October 2010by threadby authorby subject62
September 2010by threadby authorby subject58