Analysis of errors and potential errors that TLS can produce. This is based on a reading of rfc4346. (Section) Error (4.3) The TLS record syntax could cause errors, e.g. foo <3...4> and only two foos are present - not clear what different implementations might do, nor where exactly these errors might crop up. (4.5) Emumerated types. Out-of-range errors might occur. (4.6.1) Select (aka case) statement value might not be valid. (4.7) Cryptographic parameters include lengths, padding, structure etc and could (but shouldn't) generate errors. (6) Illegal record type - only 4 are defined. Bad values SHOULD be igored. (6.1) Connection states involve a number of emumerated types that could be extended over time or corrupted. There is no clear error handling specfied in this section for bad values. (6.2.1) The TLSPlainText structure could contain an invalid type, or version or a bad length. (What if length==0?) The length "should not" exceed 2^14, but no error handling is specified if it does. The text says that different content types can be found in the same TLSPlainText (presumably e.g. if some appn data is followed by a change cipher spec), but I'd bet that not all implementations will get that right. (6.2.2) Compression methods other than NULL might cause errors (since probably few implementations support compression afaik). (6.2.3) Various crypto checks could generate errors (MAC check) including some new fields in TLS 1.1 vs. TLS 1.0 (IV & CBC residue) that could cause errors. (7) The handshake protocol is allowed to supply a NULL certificate. That might cause a higher layer error in some applications if they always expect some certificate. (7) There's no clear length guidance for the session identifier nor a requirement for it to be random, so I guess some bad code make that so small that collisions were regular resulting in oddities when resuming a session. (7.1) An implementation might react badly to a significant number of ChaneCipherSpec messages. (7.2) The AlertDescription includes a mixture of various different types of error, from crypto to bad certs to authorization problems. Probably abstracting those into categories would be good. close_notify(0), unexpected_message(10), bad_record_mac(20), decryption_failed(21), record_overflow(22), decompression_failure(30), handshake_failure(40), no_certificate_RESERVED (41), bad_certificate(42), unsupported_certificate(43), certificate_revoked(44), certificate_expired(45), certificate_unknown(46), illegal_parameter(47), unknown_ca(48), access_denied(49), decode_error(50), decrypt_error(51), export_restriction_RESERVED(60), protocol_version(70), insufficient_security(71), internal_error(80), user_canceled(90), no_renegotiation(100), (255) ( The ClientHello contains a time_t value that could be treated as bad by a higher layer (unlikely). (7.4.2) certificate list can contain a chain of certs that might not chain properly, possibly for abtruse reasons, e.g. due to some policy setting. Probably most implementations wouldn't have that problem, but they might. (7.4.3) DH_anon ciphersuites could cause higher layer errors if negotiated. (7.4.3) An implementation could reject an RSA key due to a modulus with leading zeros or a large exponent. (7.4.4) ClientCertificateType values from 224...255 are for private use, which could find bugs in implementations, if used. (7.4.4) DistinguishedName's are sent encoded, so decoding could result in some unsupported RDN causing weird errors (say if an OID contained a very high valued arc). (7,4,6) Not an error, but can cause user interaction - if the server requests a certificate, then user's get confused (when they have >1 matching cert) ( The version in the premastersecret and the ClientHello version MUST be the same (to prevent rollback attacks). ( A static DH public value need not be resent in the PublicValueEncoding, but a server might not properly implement that (even though its a MUST, its probably rare enough to be problematic)). (9) The mandatory ciphersuite is TLS_RSA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA, but only "in the absence of an application profile" so one could presumably come across an implementation that didn't support that because of such a profile (I don't know of any though) (A.5) Says that TLS_NULL_WITH_NULL_NULL "must not" (lowercase?) be negotiated, but I guess a bug could cause that to happen. Similarly EXPORT ciphersuites MUST NOT be negotiated, but an implementation might not conform there. (A.5) Ciphersuites starting with 0xff are for private use and so weird stuff could happen.