Web Services Resource Access Working Group Teleconference

19 Apr 2011


See also: IRC log


Bob Freund, Hitachi, Ltd.
David Snelling, Fujitsu, Ltd.
Doug Davis, IBM
Ram Jeyaraman, Microsoft Corp.
Tom Rutt, Fujitsu, Ltd.
Wu Chou, Avaya Communications
Yves Lafon, W3C/ERCIM
Alessio Soldano, Red Hat
Ashok Malhotra, Oracle Corp.
Asir Vedamuthu, Microsoft Corp.
Bob Natale, MITRE Corp.
Gilbert Pilz, Oracle Corp.
Jeff Mischkinsky, Oracle Corp.
Katy Warr, IBM
Li Li, Avaya Communications
Mark Little, Red Hat
Martin Chapman, Oracle Corp.
Nathan Burkhart, Microsoft Corp.
Orit Levin, Microsoft Corp.
Paul Fremantle, WSO2
Paul Nolan, IBM
Prasad Yendluri, Software AG
Vikas Varma, Software AG
Wei Jun Kong, CA
Bob Freund, Hitachi, Ltd.
Bob Freund, Hitachi, Ltd.


<trackbot> Date: 19 April 2011

<scribe> scribe: BobF

Agenda agreed

<scribe> New Issue 12457

RESOLUTION: New Issue 12457 is accepted
... Issue 12457 resolved as proposed.

Test status

Dug: have been discussing with Gil about how to expand the MEX scenarios

Ram: enum ma and ibm endpoints pass all sections.

Wu: Li says that they may be able to test more as soon as next week outside the firewall

summary test issues:1. oracle recovery of stolen nb tests

2. wrap-up of expanded mex testing

3. filling out avaya rows in text matrix

need: oracle schedule, mex test expanded definition.


have folks consider quo vadis on primers by next call

Next meeting May 10.

Summary of Action Items

[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.135 (CVS log)
$Date: 2009-03-02 03:52:20 $