WS-Resource-Access Working Group F2F

15 Jan 2009

See also: IRC log


Bullen, Carpenter, Chou, Davis, Freund, Lafon, Li, Narayanaswamy, Malhotra, Mischkinsky, Pilz, Varma, Vedamuthu, Yendluri
Bob Freund
Wu Chou


<Bob> scribenick: wu

<Bob> scribe: Wu Chou

bob: ready to go
... accepting new issues and go through submitted WS-E issues

New Issues


li: issue opened in response 6397
... three issues may be caused by it

<Yves> http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=6397

li: propose to move subcription manager to from field of the SOAP header to reserve these identifier

geoff: perhaps there are use cases might be useful

dug: how use of subscription manager in subend

li: used by subscriper

gpilz: question assumtion of subscriber

Geoff: its a use case and people may be

gpilz: epr comparison is hard to compare

Geoff: existing implementation may use this feature, do we want to be backward competible

li: even we treat epr a block, it is in the from field and will be echoed back by WS-A

dug: the reason for correlation. epr comarison we should not avoid

gpilz: bk competibility, we change namespace may break bk competibility, we can use epr we can compare

dug: featurewise we may not lose much

<dug> s/much/anything/ :-)

bob: gil opposes accepting this as a new issue

wu: we should exmine this, espcially there are exsting implementation

bob: we do not accept this issue at this time and wu/gil will discuss this issue
... we will set this issue to no action at this moment

<Bob> The only opposition to not accepting this new issue was Avaya of those present


asir: push also through mailing list

bob: to make our discussion on the pub mailing list in addition to bugzilla

li: an example is attached and listed examples of infoset model

gpilz: should accept this issue, understand benefits

<Prasad> +1

gpilz: show some benefits of abstract properties

li: original benefits are listed in wu's presentation

yves: exi is a xml format
... which is beyond soap

<Yves> http://www.w3.org/XML/EXI/

bob: there are other cases and a reason for WS-A

dug: if valuabe, should apply to others

Yves: there are many standards use Infoset

<Yves> like SOAP1.2 WSDL2, Addressing etc... It also allows the use of MTOM, for example, or other optimization that may be needed

li: Infoset in eventing clear advantages may apply to others

bob: implication of adopting Infoset

Yves: just define Infoset and apply it to various cases

wu: it will be one standard, but make it more readability

Yves: it should not affact readability

<asir> not a general statement, but for WS-A I like the infoset speak

asir: maybe wu can try write it for one section

<Prasad> The spec is readable as is. Adding infoset notation to make it more readable is a lot more work (for editors to create) and whole WG to review and make sure it is correct etc. is unnecessary work IMHO. Like Dug and others, I find Infoset notation more confusing than helpful

bob: likely to support to take a prototype chapter?

<dug> Prasad - any reason you didn't get on the Q to say that?

bob: Li are you willing to take one chapter?

li: a section?

<Prasad> Dug, I can jump the q and say it exactly the way want it (in the minutes:)

Geoff: yes, say for example a section - subscribe

<Bob> ACTION: Li Produce a exemplar of the proposal for an operation such as subscribe [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2009/01/16-ws-ra-minutes.html#action01]

gpilz: could be important for WS-E since data can be large

Issue 6425

li: the proposal using EPR to address event source
... two examples included in the proposal, including an example in csta for dynamic event source

bob: where part in WS-E spec will be affacted

li: in subscribe section

gil: how well can you do it and not sure how to address someting

dug: not sure what spec is missing

bob: they ask for the pointer which part of WS-E will be affacted

li: if we want to subscript to one of 10 port, subscribe to one of them
... if only with top level address to send message to, not clear how to address lower or dynamic resources

Geoff: full example to compare before and after may help

li: port type is from Annex of WS-E, annotate portType as event source, how to subscribe to this type ...

gil: port has address, support single binding

asir: can support multiple ports in wsdl

bob: maybe follow Geoff suggestion as next step

li: OK

<Bob> ACTION: Li to produce a before/after text demonstrating the change desired for 6425 [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2009/01/16-ws-ra-minutes.html#action02]


li: WS-E delivery is a single element. It is in wrong place to move to WS-E delivery
... schema does not reflect this element properly
... proposal is to address this

gil: i agree, thanks to bring this issue
... the mode is left open ended
... however, example schema has an error
... delivery type should have some form of any for extension

li: good

asir: proposal seems concrete

bob: to make the amandament to the proposal, send it to public mailing list

Geoff: put section number in to help understanding it

<Bob> ACTION: Li to update proposal for 6426 to the public list [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2009/01/16-ws-ra-minutes.html#action03]

Active Issues


dug: Don't have ocncrete proposal. one thought is using WS-policy

gil: putting policy in side wsdl is not very natural

<gpilz> actually describing operations inside policy isn't very natural

dug: different portType ... looking for suggestions

Geoff: two points to consider, run time, compile (develop) time. we should lose track of both of those

gil: agree to two aspects, inventing new describe language may not be good
... maybe raise an issue to WS-I and it does not apply here
... tell WS-I R2303 not apply here

prasad: the reason of WS-I is binding, outside WS-E may still a problem
... I have no issue since I argued to keep notification

bob: is binding is properly specified in ws-e

dug: changing BP to do this, may not be a reasonable thing to do

bob: write a W3 Note, not W3C recommendation but referrencable

<dug> actually, it may or may not be reasonable - we just need to check because changing BP will have impact on people

bob: this is about outbound operation binding

wu: Binding must be in the context of subscribe/notify web service interaction, which is stateful.

bob: Gil to carry to BP group to extend R2303 allow binding through sub/notify
... how to close this as no action?

dug: this may be an issue

bob: restiction is raised because of binding. ws-e provided this binding

gil: may be try WS-I to see how WS-I react

wu: tool should not be a reason to limit standard

bob: we have charter to be aligned with with BP

dug: BP important to us, most our tools using it
... BP not fair not awaring this. there is other way. I am not suggesting that

gil: BP complaint mode vs. ws-transfer complaint can be hard

bob: if BP 1.2 or BP2.0 can make the situation different

<gregcarp> fine

<Bob> ACTION: Gil to carry BP output-only operation prohibition to WS-I [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2009/01/16-ws-ra-minutes.html#action04]

gregcarp: odd to prohibate valuable apps due to profile. prohibate forever due to not in the profile is not perceivable

bob: Gil has action to take up this with WS-I

<Yves> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-ws-resource-access/2009Jan/0040.html


dug: this is an updated proposal from yesterday discussion

Geoff: thank for improvement, but not like overloading term format

resolution: resolve Issue-6405 with last proposal (Comment#3 in Bugzilla


li: proposal is to copy the default value to schema for benefit of apps and tools

dug: can we do more for other standards?
... this is all or just an example

li: only an example and there are more in ws-e

<gpilz> test

asir: send a list to the group to look at it, than change it

bob: wu list all such changes in ws-e, share with group, then move on


li: 6428 about mode attribute in ws-e, which is used for separate things
... it should be open/extensible, suggest to add new attribute "Format"

dug: you may need more information than URI than Format, which can be something to consider
... you may need more than URI to address it

gregcarp: is it cleaner way or you can do something additional

<dug> a new element, sibling to Delivery/Mode, might be cleaner

li: it would odd to do two things on one URI

Geoff: maybe consider dug suggestin, adding more than URI
... I would like to think if there is additional extensibility


li: this is related to delivery mode. propose to define standard wrap interface

gil: recommand this a separate WSDL

li: exactly, this is the WSDL for the event sink

gil: as event sink, may need more detail, e.g. SOAP 1.1, 1.2, RPC, ...
... static wsdl is hard to determine the what binding is.

Yeves: binding maybe specified in subscription time to make things easy

bob: 6429 will take further discussion to the list.


li: propose an attribute to indicate event source
... we should consider W3C Semantic Annotation for WSDL and XML Schema

dug: I am wondering if this should be at portType level, operation level, etc.

gil: need to do homework and think of a competing proposal using policy

prasad: this may relate to bp issue

asir: some question of attribute

li: it allows to you to subscribe port, not source

asir: it will help to make the context know.

li: in ecma-348, need to indicate in SOAP header

Geoff: what is the mapping in wsdl and what you subscribe

li: this is another submitted issue for ws-e

asir: some background of the issue is very helpful
... policy assertion apply to shared behavour and event source may not

<Bob> ACTION: Li in email to the public list, describe the background and implications to 6430 more fully [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2009/01/16-ws-ra-minutes.html#action05]

Geoff: to link the issue with 6425 which is another half will be helpful


li: propose add pause/resume operation to ws-e
... it can reduce ws-e overhead in subscribe/resubcribe

gil: seem a good idea, like to see more detail

bob: events will be qued or pause event delivery

li: open to implementation/application at this moment

gil: maybe define pause or queue at start. maybe this is an implementation choice

bob: it may add a lot of complexity. there is any additional cost beyond subscribe/unscribe

<Prasad> What if you pause and forget (to resume) foreever?

li: pause is very common in business case

asir: need to consider cr phase

<Yves> questions about possible cost of a subscription or delivery reminds me of the safeness of WS-Transfer:Get...

<dug> Yves - can you elaborate?

<Yves> if you retreive something using WS-T:Get and something goes wrong, is it safe to re-issue the request or not?

<Yves> ie: is WS-T:Get used in case of payment to retreive information (where you don't want to do twice ;) )

<asir> safe

<Yves> we might clarify that in WS-T then

<Yves> I'll open an issue ;)

wu: we can confine pause as a short-hand of subscribe/unsubscribe then subscribe, which semantics are defined in ws-e

<asir> ok

<dug> are you saying that T.get() will change the fact that a payment happened?

<Prasad> If we introduce pause / resumeetc, semantics need to be simple. No pooling of events until resume etc. Pause will make you lose events until resume also. Otherwise huge overhead on the event-source side and what if the pause is never resumed. There need to be timeout semantics also

<Yves> no, I just wonder if people are tying T.Get and payment (as it may lead to double charging someone if T.Get implies you can safely re-issue the request if something fail, like power failure)


dug: looking atthe impact on ws-rt

Geoff: we need extensibility. ws-rt spec is on extending ws-t.
... by making changes suggested, this relation broken
... Thus, this is a significant change to ws-rt

asir: needs to think more

dug: I missed that relation
... one way to solve it is to ask ws-rt to use the same wrapper

asir: this is significant change and like to see detail

dug: like to know if this wg is o.k. to that geneal direction

asir: need to know more if this is reasonable

<Bob> ACTION: Dug Take proposal for 6398 to the next level of detail including extension to include impact on WS-RT, including deleteRequest (getting us to 8 operations in T) and MEX [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2009/01/16-ws-ra-minutes.html#action06]

see you next Tuesday, Meeting adjourned

Summary of Action Items

[NEW] ACTION: Dug Take proposal for 6398 to the next level of detail including extension to include impact on WS-RT, including deleteRequest (getting us to 8 operations in T) and MEX [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2009/01/16-ws-ra-minutes.html#action06]
[NEW] ACTION: Gil to carry BP output-only operation prohibition to WS-I [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2009/01/16-ws-ra-minutes.html#action04]
[NEW] ACTION: Li in email to the public list, describe the background and implications to 6430 more fully [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2009/01/16-ws-ra-minutes.html#action05]
[NEW] ACTION: Li Produce a exemplar of the proposal for an operation such as subscribe [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2009/01/16-ws-ra-minutes.html#action01]
[NEW] ACTION: Li to produce a before/after text demonstrating the change desired for 6425 [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2009/01/16-ws-ra-minutes.html#action02]
[NEW] ACTION: Li to update proposal for 6426 to the public list [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2009/01/16-ws-ra-minutes.html#action03]
[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.134 (CVS log)
$Date: 2008-11-14 12:03:15 $