Report from the Attributes Task Force



Steve Graham (Chair), David Snelling, William Vambenepe, Sanjiva Weerawarana, Umit Yalcinalp


Members of the Attributes Task Force would like to acknowledge the contributions of the following people. This document is a synthesis of contributions made by these people:

Philippe Le Hegaret, Savas Parastatides, Krishna Sankar, Jim Webber

Jim Amsden, Jeff Michinsky (invited experts).


The Attributes Task Force was chartered to consider the requirements for modeling attributes, or components of a Web service’s data and/or meta-data, in WSDL.

We have gathered requirements and explored various alternatives and precedents in the industry, including: WebDAV, CORBA IDL attributes and OGSI ServiceData.

This document summarizes our analysis and a recommendation to the W3C Web Service Description Working Group.


The following are the requirements gathered by the Attributes Task Force[1]. The solution must allow or support. Note: many of the requirements are not met directly by the task force’s proposal; the proposal has been designed to permit others to build solutions using, for example, open content.

1.      The user to know a (potentially partial) list of attributes at design time. This implies that additional attributes may appear at runtime. OGSI calls this facility “dynamic serviceData”.

2.      Ability for the user to know type of attributes ahead of time

3.      Ability to restrict read vs. write access

4.      Attributes inheritance through WSDL 1.2 interface inheritance

5.      Metadata on attributes (creation date, type, description...)

6.      Attributes can be of any schema type (simple or complex)

Proposed Solution:

The attributes task force proposes the inclusion of attribute declarations to WSDL interfaces as presented in this document. Declaring attributes in the WSDL interface provides a uniform way of declaring information items constituting the Web service’s data and/or meta-data that can be accessed or modified by Web service requestors.

Based on the experience gained in OGSI and in systems management, we assert that providing a syntactic convention for declaring attributes in the interface with accessibility options is useful for tools to build systems.

This syntactic convention is associated with a very flexible mechanism to associate access mechanisms with the attribute declaration.


The proposed solution has two components:

1.      A mechanism to define Attributes as part of an interface definition;

2.      A mechanism to describe how Attributes and their values can be manipulated.

Declaring Attributes as part of an Interface

A designer uses the attribute element to identify the types of attributes associated with an interface. These elements may be read or written. The exact means by which a requestor accesses attributes is determined by the access mechanism(s) specified in the binding.






        access= “read” | “write” | “read-write”? >

      <documentation />




We propose to add an additional component, named attribute, as child of the interface element.

The properties of the Attribute Component are as follows:

·         {element} A reference, by QName to a Global XML element.[2]

·         {access} A fixed enumeration of strings (“read” or “write” or “read-write”).

An interface could have zero or more attribute element children. Each element defines a single attribute. Constraints on the values of element property are the same as constraints on the operation name property. For example, an interface MUST not have two attribute elements that have the same value of their element attribute.

There is no guarantee that the list of attributes provided in the interface is the complete list of attributes available, it is only a minimum, required list. Attribute access mechanisms (see below) are free to define operations to access attributes not defined in the interface, for example by providing a way to retrieve a list of attributes at runtime.

Accessing Attributes

Just as the binding element defines the transport and encoding details of how operations are invoked, so too does the binding element define how attributes are accessed.

For attribute access, the binding type defines the set of messages that are to be used to read or write values of a Web services’ attributes.

WSDL 1.2 will define the message sets associated with attribute access for each binding it defines. Binding types defined elsewhere will be required to indicate how attributes can be read and written using that binding.

Additional attribute access (such as XPath expression-based access) may be specified by defining operations in an interface.

Reading Attributes using the SOAP Binding

In the case of SOAP binding, the value of an attribute can be read by sending the following message to an endpoint associated with a SOAP binding:


  <soap:body><wsdl:get-attribute name=xsd:QName/></soap:body>


Note the introduction of the wsdl:get-attribute element that contains one attribute, the QName of an attribute.

If the value of the QName attribute corresponds to an attribute of the Web service, then the following response can be expected by the requestor:


  <soap:body ...>

     <xsd:QName> current value </xsd:QName>



Where the current value of the attribute is contained in the body of the SOAP response.

If the value of the QName attribute does not correspond to an attribute of the Web service, then the following fault message can be expected by the requestor:


  <soap:body ...>









        <soap:Text xml:lang="en">Unknown Attribute</env:Text>





Where the wsdl:UnknownAttribute is also defined by WSDL.

If attribute does not support read access, then the following fault message can be expected by the requestor:


  <soap:body ...>









        <soap:Text xml:lang="en">Attribute cannot be read</env:Text>





Where the wsdl:WriteOnlyAttribute is also defined by WSDL.

Other application specific fault messages may appear.

Writing Attributes using the SOAP Binding

The value of an attribute can be written to by sending the following message to an endpoint associated with a SOAP binding:



    <xsd:QName> new value </xsd:QName>



The requestor should expect no response from this message. It is up to the requestor to use other means to determine this message accomplished a change in the value of the attribute.

Reading Attributes using the HTTP Binding

In the case of an http binding to the Web service, the current value of an attribute can be retrieved by issuing the following get verb:


If the combination of the attribute-ns and the attribute-localname identify a QName of an attribute associated with the Web service, then the current value of the attribute is returned in the body of http response message.

If the attribute identified by the parameters of the get is not associated with the Web service, or the attribute is write-only, then an error message is returned in the body of the http response message.

Writing Attributes using the HTTP Binding

The value of an attribute can be written by sending an http POST message to the endpoint associated with a HTTP binding. The body of the POST message would contain the new value of the attribute.

<xsd:QName> new value </xsd:QName>

The requestor should expect no response from this message. It is up to the requestor to use other means to determine this message accomplished a change in the value of the attribute.


[2] Note: this could be either element or complexType. We need to align this with whatever the message removal proposal implies for how operation defines the types of its parts