See also: IRC
Steve Graham GGF
Philippe Le Hégaret W3C
Jonathan Marsh Chair (Microsoft) (x:35)
William Vambenepe Hewlett-Packard
Umit Yalcinalp Oracle
Chair: Steve Graham
Scribe: Philippe Le Hegaret
next week:
... OGSI ServiceData review
following week:
... WebDAV review
for the proposal:
... 3 parts (initial
proposal, later amended)
... - Conceptual overview of the approach (why are we doing this)
... - how would you model a state in a service interface, implications on
inheritance and bindings.
... interface that models the operation to get the
data, and query it
... - interface that models the operation to get the data, and query it
William: differences between the
last 2?
Steve: first is how to model (XSI type, ...). how to define an
interface to deal with the state.
William: first part is ok. second part: abstract model of the states. third is syntax changes.
... changes to define the attribute, and let the consumer
how to access it.
Steve: agree. second
part should be a combination between abstract model and implication.
Steve: 3rd part: abstract model for
getters/access + syntax
William: would prefer to see the
abstract model in part 2, and define the syntax in 3.
... use cases and requirements?
William: use cases are not always
useful but requirements are clearly necessary.
Steve: requirements in section 1,
William: maybe as a separate
Philippe: would still be good to
have use cases to present the idea to the group.
Steve: I can harvest those from the
OGSI group.
William: I can get some requirements
from the management work as well
William: do we have one more
specific document from OGSI or a "latest" work?
Steve: the latest version is in
public comments
Steve: I don't expect changes to it.
GGF is meeting at the end of June. I don't expect much discussion on that
before July
William: is there one section that
contains everything?
Steve: you might need to read about
OGSI serviceData
regarding including notification into our requirements
Steve: leaning towards not including
notification for the moment
Philippe: is query fundamental?
Steve: yes, not having them wouldn't
make attributes powerful.
Philippe: you can stil make them as extensions.
... we can make attributes part of the WSDL Core, and
have query as extensions.
Steve: 3
work items:
... - requirements statement, with or without use cases.
... - actual proposal (3 sections)
... - actual concrete proposal: different packaging options proposed to the WG.
Jonathan: important to present how
the TF came up with those proposals.
... and list why other solutions were eliminated
Jonathan: concerns about the need
for serviceData need to be addressed as well
... (mailing list will be
used for the documents for the moment)
from the CG, IPR concerns mainly.
... is there a patent policy in the OGSI?
... if the attribute stuuf
goes in the WSDL, it needs to RF (following the CPP).
Steve: i.e. no legal bind if adopted
in the WSDL WG?
Jonathan: yes, no essential concept
... CPP:
... ACTION: Steve to check IP restrictions with OGSI
ACTION: Steve to check IP restrictions with OGSI
ACTION: Steve to find a
CORBA IDL expert
ACTION: Steve to get
requirements from OGSI
ACTION: William to get
requirements from the management prospective