WSD WG Attributes Task Force
14 Jul 2003

See also: IRC log



 Steve Graham           GGF
 William Vambenepe      Hewlett-Packard
 Umit Yalcinalp         Oracle
 David Snelling         GGF


Scribe: William


Agenda Items

Minutes of 07/14 telecon approved.

Action item from Philippe regarding IP statement from GGF still pending.
David Snelling has made an IP statement regarding attributes from Fujitsu.

<WilliamV> overview of steve's postings over the we
... defines 4 contexts
... further alignment of the proposal
... clarification of details
... mapping to requirements
... mapping to OGSI needs
... those contexts are refered to as a, b, c and d
... participants: david snellig, steve, umit, william
... minutes from previous meeting approved
... steve, umit: there needs to be an operation to access attributes
... william: the message needs to be well-defined but this doesn't necessarily mean that we need a WSDL operation in the WSDL of all services that have attributes
... steve: if an operation needs to be defined, where is this presented? implicit? explicit?
... umit: different opinions in oracle
... william: similarity between this situation and the portType/binding situation in WSDL 1.1
... William: <description of proposal>
... david: this is intresting, it couldn't be done using a WSDL itnerface with option (a) because you would need to know the name of attributes when defining the access emchanism

<sgg> <interface name="someIntf">
... <attribute name="a1" type="xsd:string">  

<WilliamV> umit, william: you need another abstraction layer. for operations: operation->binding, for attributes: attribute->accessMethod->binding4accessMethod

... <operation name="getA1" ... />
... </interface>
... <binding type="someIntfBinding">
... <attributeBinding>
... <get = "getA1"/>
... </attributeBinding>
... </binding>
... ??

<WilliamV> umit: actual WSDL doesn't have to be the same as the client WSDL (client WSDL could have some added "implicit" operations)
... umit: from client perspective, implicit operations look like they exist
... steve: 3 approaches to attribute access: classical getXX/setXX, weak-typed get(name), set(name, value), and finally amore sophisticated access mechanism

<sgg> <interface name="sameIntf">
... <attribute name="a1" type="xsd:string">
... </interface>
... <binding name="b1" type="sameIntf">
... <attributeBinding style="http://www.w3.org/wsdl/attributeAccess/optionA" />
... </binding>

<WilliamV> william, umit: does attributeBinding belong in the binding element or outside of it?
... steve: this is a good compromise between implicit operations and explicit portTypes
... discussion now on which access methods to provide in wSDL 1.2
... steve had 2 questions about inheritence
... plan for F2F: umit, steve (and maybe david and william) meet wendesday morning at 9
... umit, steve, william meet wednesday evening
... to prepare the F2F presentation

Summary of Action Items

Minutes formatted by David Booth's perl script: http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/~checkout~/2002/scribe/
$Date: 2002/02/19
16:35:31 $