W3C WS Choreography WG conference call Agenda 20th April 2004, 1pm PDT 1. Role Call 2. Apologies Steve Ross-Talbot 3. Confirm scribe The following is alistof recent scribes (in order): Mayilraj Krishnan, Tony Fletcher, David Burdett ,Kevin Liu, Jeff Mischkinsky, Monica Martin, Nick Kavantzas, Greg Ritzinger, David Burdett, Tony Fletcher, Monica Martin, UgoCorda, Mayilraj Krishnan, Ravi Byakod , Martin Chapman, Steve Ross-Talbot,Monica Martin, Nick Kavantzas, Ed Peters, Anthony Fletcher, Jeff Michkinsky, Dinesh Shahane, Greg Ritzinger, Ed Peters, David Burdett,Ivana Trickovic, Ugo Corda, Assaf Arkin, Monica Martin, Carol McDonald, Nick Kavantzas, TonyFletcher, Mayilraj Krishnan, Francis McCabe, Jeff Mischkinsky, David Burdett, John Dart, Monica Martin,Tony Fletcher, Jim Hendler, Kevin Liu, TonyFletcher, Jon Dart,David Burdett,Ed Peters, Greg Ritzinger, Monica Martin, Len Greski, Jean-Jacques Dubray,Monica Martin, Mayilraj Krishnan, Francis McCabe, Michael Champion, Abbie Barbir, David Burdett, Jon Dart, Carol McDonald,Yaron Goland, Len Greski, Ed Peters, Greg Ritzinger, Daniel Austin, Peter Furniss, Jim H! endler 4. Approve minutes Minutes 13th April2004 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/member-ws-chor/2004Apr/att-0007/MeetingMinutes20040413-1.txt 5. Action item review (from the previous meeting) ACTION: Yves to publish the html of WD of CDL (dependent on previous action. IN PROGRESS (0309, 0316, 0323, 0407, 0413) ACTION: Greg to code up use case (from Requirements document) in CDL IN PROGRESS (0301, 0309, 0316, 0323, 0407, 0413) ACTION: Code banana calculus examples in CDL IN PROGRESS (0316, 0323, 0407,0413) ACTION: Martin/Steve to send out the next F2F Agenda IN PROGRESS (0407, 0413) ACTION: Steve and Nick made a list the resolutions and post in Bugzilla IN PROGRESS (0407, 0413) ACTION: Martin to hold another issues triages. IN PROGRESS (0407, 0413) ACTION: Steve and Nick to list the resolutions made at the face-to-face and the issues in Bugzilla that this version resolves (but may be none as the changes are mainly editorial in nature). IN PROGRESS (0407, 0413) ACTION: Tony and others to look at the model overview and suggest what should be in the specification and what should be in the primer. IN PROGRESS (0407, 0413) NEW ACTION: Daniel to come up with the requirements in determinng the equivalence of WSDL files? (0413) NEW ACTION: David and Steve going to coordinate on the abstract/concrete issues and bring new evidence based (or not as the case may be). (0413) NEW ACTION: Steve to send the FIX protocol documents,links etc. (0413) NEW Action: Martin to poll for timing. Leave the same, one hour, two hours earlier, don't care. (0413) ACTION: Abbie, Greg and Monica will get back to the group about hosting Sep/Oct F2F (0413) 6. Discussion of Editors Draft (new working draft to be) http://www.w3.org/2002/ws/chor/edcopies/cdl/cdl.html 7. Issues/Proposals against editors draft (new working draft to be) - Schema validation How do we do this? - Transaction demarcation - clarification of the situation today - proposal from Tony http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-ws-chor/2004Feb/0024.html - partnerType and roleType http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-ws-chor/2004Feb/0024.html - Issues traige http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/member-ws-chor/2004Apr/0009.html 8. Liaisons 9. Next F2F Draft Agenda http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-ws-chor/2004Apr/att-0045/DRAFT_May_04_F2F_Agenda_-_1.txt 10. AOB