W3C Web Services Choreography Working Group weekly conference call
29nd April 2003
Dial in information (members only): http://www.w3.org/2002/ws/chor/admin#meetings
1. Role Call
2. Confirm scribe
The following is a list of recent scribes (in order): Abbie Barbir, David Burdett, John Dart, Carol MacDonald, Yaron Goland, Daniel Austin, Jim Hendler, Peter Furniss, Ed Peters, Greg Ritzinger, Leonard Greski
3. Approve minute
5. Action Item Review
Hugo Haas: Creation of
editors mailing list is in progress due to be complete by the end of the week :
Possible hosting of a
future face 2 face meeting on the East Coast by Novel, Sun and Sonic
SRT will prepare list of places for harvesting use cases and send list
to WG list
in http://www.w3.org/2003/04/08-ws-chor-irc#T20-41-43
Chairs to compose list of tasks for a call for SME
volunteers in next week's call
in http://www.w3.org/2003/04/08-ws-chor-irc#T20-42-02)
All: Review
requirements document and provide feedback to editors.
All: Everyone should read the CSF(critical success factors) part of the WSA
spec to understand what it is about.
6. Focus for the next 6 months (continued from last week)
a. Other deliverables
1. Base line specifications
2. Intermediate specifications
3. Testcases
4. Generators
[note from chair: In the absence of other input I have picked the first two topics that were on last weeks agenda which we didn’t get to]
7. Reusable choreographies and data formats (deferred from last week)
8. Choreography storage and retrieval (hot topic from the public mailing list)
a. What do we search on?
b. Dealing with incomplete information?
c. The role of rules?
9. Dynamically changing participants in a choreography (hot topic from public mailing list)
10. Formal models and choreography (hot topic from public mailing list)
a. The value of the value of the pi-calculus
b. What about petrinets
c. What is a process (hot topic from the mailing list)
11. AOB.