W3C Web Services Choreography Working Group weekly conference call
22nd April 2003
Comments from the chair (SRT):
A pretty full agenda this week. I do not expect to get through all of it. The section in grey I am treating as optional. That is we will get to it if we can. I include it so that we can remit until the next meeting or actively strike from an agenda candidate list.
Dial in information (members only): http://www.w3.org/2002/ws/chor/admin#meetings
1. Role Call
2. Confirm scribe
The following is a list of recent scribes (in order): Carol MacDonald, Yaron Goland, Daniel Austin, Jim Hendler, Peter Furniss, Ed Peters, Greg Ritzinger, Leonard Greski
3. Approve minutes
4. Action Item Review
Outstanding actions
All authors of use cases that have not
resubmitted their use cases with business relevance are encouraged to do so.
Haas: Creation of
editors mailing list is in progress due to be complete by the end of the week
hosting of a future face 2 face meeting on the East Coast by Novel, Sun and
Sonic respectively.
McDonald (Sun) in progress
Chappel (Sonic) not on the
call at this time
Ritzinger (Novel) in
Harvesting Use Cases - No progress
Ross-Talbot/Martin Chapman: Chairs to compose tasks for call – open?
Chapman: Extract
requirements from the minutes – open?
New actions
Austin: Will put out a proposal for formally recording use cases and the
problem they are trying to address.
Daniel Austin:
Intention is to take advantage of his boss a Use Case expert and plans to use
this to help propose a formal approach to defining use cases. Assumes this will
be a UP based use case with pre conditions, post conditions, diagram.
Chapman /Len Greski to talk
offline about use cases .
Review requirements document and provide feedback to editors.
All: Everyone should read the CSF(critical
success factors) part of the WSA spec to understand what it is about.
5. Process and procedures
a. Requirements
1. Where to send requirements and comments
2. Review requirements comments (continuing from last week)
3. Understanding CSF (from last week)
b. Issues
1. Appointment of an issues editor (volunteers)
c. Glossary
1. Appointment of a gloassary editor (Thanks to Monica for her sterling work thus far. Lets formalise)
2. Review of glossary thus far
6. Focus for the next 6 months
a. Response to Oasis and WSBPEL (possible outreach)
b. Response to SWSI (possible outreach)
c. Discussion of timetable to make requirements public (deferred from last week)
d. Other deliverables
1. Base line specifications
2. Intermediate specifications
3. Testcases
4. Generators
7. Reusable choreographies and data formats (deferred from last week)
8. Choreography storage and retrieval (hot topic from the public mailing list)
a. What do we search on?
b. Dealing with incomplete information?
c. The role of rules?
9. Dynamically changing participants in a choreography (hot topic from public mailing list)
10. Formal models and choreography (hot topic from public mailing list)
a. The value of the value of the pi-calculus
b. What about petrinets
c. What is a process (hot topic from the mailing list)
11. AOB.