W3C Web Services Choreography Working Group weekly conference call
Dial in information (members only): http://www.w3.org/2002/ws/chor/admin#meetings
1.       Role Call
2.       Confirm scribe
The following is a list of recent scribes (in order): Carol MacDonald, Yaron Goland, Daniel Austin, Jim Hendler,  Peter Furniss, Ed Peters, Greg Ritzinger, Leonard Greski
3.       Approve minutes
4.       Action Item Review

1.       ACTION: ALL actions required re-submit use cases with business context

2.       ACTION: HH/YL Check connection of mailing (public-ws-chor-comments) lists to bugzilla

3.       ACTION: Hugo to ask for XML Spy licences

4.       ACTION: Yves/Hugo setup an editors ML

5.       ACTION: DC to send details to private list

6.       ACTION: MM to post glossary document on publlic list for review

7.       ACTION: HH            will take a look at monica's glossary document

8.       ACTION: CM will check with Sun about F2F

9.    ACTION DC can check with sonic for F2F

5.       Discussion on submitted Use Cases (led by authors)
a.       Please email the chairs to indicate your willingness to lead a use case discussion prior to the call.
6.       The needs of vertical industry groups (RosettaNet etc)
7.       Classification of general requirements
8.       Reusable choreographies and data formats
9.    AOB.