Extensions for Asynchronous Message Exchange

1         SOAP Bindings

1.1      Anonymous Response feature

SOAP bindings MAY support the anonymous response feature.  Such a binding MUST provide a means of sending a reply directly to the sender of a given message, independent of the contents of the SOAP message itself.

1.1.1      Response Correlation property

Bindings which support the anonymous response feature MAY provide a means of correlating responses with the message to which they are responding, independent of the contents of the SOAP message itself.  In such a case, the value of the response correlation property for that binding is true.  Otherwise it is false.

1.2      Marker message

An endpoint receiving a SOAP message (other than an anonymous response) using a binding which supports the anonymous response feature MUST produce a SOAP response to the sender, as per the SOAP request-response MEP.  If the endpoint does not respond with a fault or an application-level response, it MUST indicate that no further response will be sent on the anonymous response channel, by sending a message with an [action] property of http://www.w3.org/@@@@/@@/addressing/marker. This message MAY also have any other content, as appropriate.


Bindings MAY provide optimized means of transferring particular forms of messages with this [action].

2         WSDL Extensions

2.1      Response Binding element

WSDL binding elements MAY include zero or more [response binding] child elements.  The value of such an element MUST be an IRI denoting a SOAP underlying transport binding.  This infoset item is represented as an element with QName wsaw:ResponseBinding.

2.2      Using Addressing element

WSDL binding elements MAY include zero or one [using addressing] child elements.  If this element is present, the operation MUST follow the rules specified in the WS-Addressing Core, SOAP Binding and WSDL Binding specifications.  This infoset item is represented as an element with QName wsaw:UsingAddressing.

3         Interaction with WS-Addressing

The following uses the WSDL 2.0 names for MEPs, with the understanding that the same considerations apply in the context of WSDL 1.1.  This section applies only to the in-only, robust in-only and in-out MEPs.

3.1      Supported Response Bindings

For any given operation, the set of supported response bindings contains all, and exactly all, of the following IRIs:

Unless the operation is in-only, this set MUST NOT be empty.

3.2      Compatibility of endpoints and supported response bindings

For a given in message in a WSDL MEP the set of response endpoints is

All response endpoints for a message MUST be compatible with exactly one of the supported response binding IRIs for the operation.  Note that this is automatically true for an in-only operation.  An endpoint is compatible with a binding IRI if

An endpoint receiving a message with incompatibly specified response endpoints MUST attempt to fault if an anonymous response channel is available, as per section 3.3 below.

3.3      Faults and the anonymous response channel

An endpoint supporting the anonymous response channel may encounter errors at various stages in processing the message.

3.4      Message ID

In addition to any requirements placed by the WS-Addressing specifications, an in message SHOULD contain a [message id] property if the [address] of at least one response endpoint is not http://www.w3.org/@@@@/@@/addressing/anonymous.

1         Existing bindings

Authors of new underlying transport bindings are encouraged to specify whether the binding supports the anonymous response feature, and if so, the value of the response correlation property and any optimizations for marker messages.  The following supplements the existing SOAP/HTTP binding by supplying this information for it.

1.1      SOAP/HTTP

The SOAP/HTTP binding supports the anonymous response feature with response correlation true.  The anonymous response channel is simply the normal HTTP response mechanism.  An HTTP response with status code 202 (Accepted) and no SOAP body is equivalent to a SOAP response with an [action] property of http://www.w3.org/@@@@/@@/addressing/marker, no other headers and no body.


The practical consequence of this is that a WSDL binding with transport="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/http" and a <wsaw:UsingAddressing> element present will follow the rules given in sections 1-3 above, as illustrated in the non-normative examples in section 5 below.


2         Non-normative examples

2.1      WSDL Fragments

These examples illustrate three operations: An in-only Ping operation, a robust in-only RobustPing operation, and an in-out EchoString operation.  They are defined abstractly by:


<operation name="Ping">
   <input message="s0:PingMessageIn"/>
<operation name="RobustPing">
   <input message="s0:RobustPingMessageIn"/>
<operation name="EchoString"> 
  <input message="s0:EchoStringMessageIn"/> 
  <output message="s0:EchoStringMessageOut"/> 


For the purposes of this illustration, they are bound by:


<binding name="operation name"> 
  <wsaw:UsingAddressing required=”true”/>


This binding indicates that the rules specified by WS-Addressing are in effect, and that responses may be sent via an HTTP connection separate from the one carrying the request.

2.2      Sample HTTP wire traces

2.2.1      In-only

HTTP request:


POST /wsaService/service.ashx HTTP/1.1 


HTTP response:


HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted

2.2.2      Robust in-only with anonymous [fault endpoint]

HTTP request:


POST /wsaService/service.ashx HTTP/1.1 


HTTP response (if no fault occurred):


HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted


HTTP response (if a fault occurred):

HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error

2.2.3      Robust in-only with non-anonymous [fault endpoint]

HTTP request:


POST /wsaService/service.ashx HTTP/1.1 


HTTP response (in all cases):


HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted


Outgoing HTTP fault message (if a fault occurred):

POST fault HTTP/1.1


HTTP response to outgoing HTTP fault message (if a fault occurred):


HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted


2.2.4      In-out with anonymous [reply endpoint] and [fault endpoint]

HTTP request:


POST /wsaService/service.ashx HTTP/1.1 


HTTP response (if no fault occurred):


HTTP/1.1 200 OK


HTTP response (if a fault occurred):


HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error


2.2.5      In-out with non-anonymous [reply endpoint] and anonymous [fault endpoint]

HTTP request:


POST /wsaService/service.ashx HTTP/1.1 
      <wsa:Address> http://www.example.org/reply</wsa:Address>


HTTP response (if no fault occurred):


HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted

Outgoing HTTP reply message (if no fault occurred):


POST /reply HTTP 1.1


HTTP response to outgoing reply message (if no fault occurred):


HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted


HTTP response to request message (if a fault occurred):


HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error


2.2.6      In-out with non-anonymous [reply endpoint] and [fault endpoint]

HTTP request:


POST /wsaService/service.ashx HTTP/1.1 
      <wsa:Address> http://www.example.org/fault</wsa:Address>


HTTP response to request message (in all cases):


HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted

Outgoing HTTP reply message (if no fault occurred):


POST /reply HTTP/1.1


HTTP response to outgoing reply message (if no fault occurred):


HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted


Outgoing HTTP fault message (if a fault occurred):


POST /fault HTTP/1.1


HTTP response to outgoing fault message (if a fault occurred):


HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted

2.2.7      In-only, headers needed in marker message

For various reasons, a SOAP marker message response may need to contain SOAP headers beyond the <wsa:Action> header.  In this case, the response should be a non-optimized SOAP message, as shown here:


HTTP request:


POST /wsaService/service.ashx HTTP/1.1 


HTTP response:


HTTP/1.1 200 OK