See also: IRC log
chair: any additional items? None.
chair: can we approve? Minutes approved
chair: anish issue item 4 for Berlin
anish: can I please have a deadline?
chair: next Monday
AI for Glen. Did it, but it hasn't turned up yet.
Gudge - not done AIs yet. Will be done by end of call.
Jonathan lc6 done AI
M Hadley done AI.
chair: pulled out easy ones to start with.
Duplicate of earlier IRI issues; Jonathan to write back to Jacek and explain.
RESOLUTION: editorial - accept
RESOLUTION: editorial - accept
<prasad> +1
RESOLUTION: jonathan accepted and was on call
<Marsh> I accept the resolution of issue LC74 as a satisfactory resolution of my comment :-)
chair: is this just the semantics of wsa headers or any other headers?
paco:all headers
anish: why would we want to prevent wsa:action in a header? seems like you may want to do this.
paco: seems to require a SHOULD NOT rather than MUST NOT
general discussion: is there a really good reason for putting wsa in refparams? not sure. but if we disallow this we'd require the parsing of all refparams to check.
daveo: leave unspecified.
chair: someone write up proposal for discussion?
<mnot> ACTION: Glen to write proposal for lc77 [recorded in]
RESOLUTION: editorial
RESOLUTION: editorial
<Marsh> We should change: "The reply to a WS-Addressing compliant request message MUST be compliant to WS-Addressing and is constructed according to the following rules:"
chair: defer
<Marsh> To "The reply to a WS-Addressing request message is constructed according to the following rules:"
RESOLUTION: accept and editorial
RESOLUTION: accept and editorial
RESOLUTION: accept and editorial
RESOLUTION: accept and editorial to update references
anish: has to be serializable with xml 1.0, but you don't have to use xml 1.0 - could use 1.1?
chair: agreed. So issue is to state that as long as 1.0 can serialize it then it's fine?
anish: +1
RESOLUTION: not relevant issue. close lc96 no action.
RESOLUTION: accept and editorial
RESOLUTION: accept and editorial
RESOLUTION: close. duplicate of lc13
RESOLUTION: accept and editorial
RESOLUTION: accept and editorial
<scribe> ACTION: Jonathan to write back to reviewer on lc106 and look into notational conventions
paco: reply not necessarily tied to response in wsdl
<plh> Web Services Glossary ->
paco: text in section 3 for this
... dont' want limiting definition of request-reply
marc: current text is too subtle
paco: happy to take AI to clarify
<mnot> ACTION: Paco to continue discussion of lc107 on the list. [recorded in]
<scribe> continue discussion on list. leave open
jonathan: interesting to add
regardless. Sizeof refparams - too large could cause denial of
service attack.
... may want to limit size.
... scarce resources - how many sockets service has open; might
be possible to send enough eprs to exhaust.
anish: why is this special?
... true for any header (xml related, not ws-addr
chair: not exposing self, but exposing someone else?
jonathan: nope
... really is ws-addr specific. complex headers take time to
process (potentially blocking).
caveat emptor
jonathan: developer feedback. better in the spec than out?
##any too?
jonathan: will go back to security guys and check
tony: small messages may expand
while being processed
... "pass by reference"
chair: asks jonathan to go back and check
anish: the idea of causing someone else to be the victim is intertesting
<mnot> ACTION: Jonathan to come back with more information on lc37 [recorded in]
jonathan: non-neg integer for
retry value on fault. prefer something that does not have
arbitrary number of digits. may become implementation
... unsigned int or long
chair: look at lc73 too
paco: likes jonathan's proposal, which covers all reasonable scenarios.
<bob> +1
+1 for unsigned long
<dhull> unsigned long, but would take unsigned int
XP can be slow sometimes ;-)
<bob> anything longer than a fortnight is ok
<dhull> +1
RESOLUTION: accept lc 38 and use unsigned long.
<bob> I favor the never expected to be successful
marc: lc73 - if value omitted retry is never expected to be successful.
<bob> no
RESOLUTION: lc73 use text: if value is omitted, retry is never expected to be successful.
milo: only one and always addressed to ultimate receiver?
chair: clearly not 1 for wsa:action
<Marsh> Is the proposal to replace (mandatory) with (1..1)? Seems reasonable.
general: is mandatory 1..1 or 1..* ?
<katy> How do other specs define mandatory?
ws-context uses mandatory to mean 1..1
glen: when you receive msg, you pull out all elements targetted at you and you will only get 1 addressing property. doesn't mean there may not be another one in the header targetted at someone else.
tonyr: mandatory means "at least one", with no statement referring to maximum
<pauld> wonders if we're revisiting issue#9
tonyr: dont overload mandatory
<Marsh> Proposal: Change (mandatory) to (1..1)
chair: remove mandatory?
tonyr: no, happy to keep mandatory but qualify it with other word(s)
<Marsh> Assuming (x..y) is short for minOccurs=x, maxOccurs=y, which it seems to be.
<dhull> +1 .. 1
mandatory and limited to 1?
<plh> (1..?)
<anish> the correct set notation I think would be [1, 1]. I *think* [] implies inclusive and () implies exclusive
"We are also chartered to refine the WS-Addressing member submission which restricts the cardinality of message informational headers such as destination, source, reply, fault, action and message id to be at most one instance per message."
chair: put 1..1 in draft?
<dhull> +1 .. * to formal notation
chair: additional text for mapping to abstract bag of properties?
chair: we can write back saying 1..1 is what is meant instead of mandatory?
<bob> +1
<katy> +1
chair: any objections? none.
<pauld> recalls reading something about having multiple EPRs in the IBM Basic B2B Profile, but can no longer find it:
<bob> -1
<TomRutt> Is there a fault for the receiver to return if they do not understand metadata?
chair: everyone comfortable to say nothing about metadata? OK
chair; is this a case of mislabeling?
chair: any objection to asking the editors to look at this?
<bob> dwr
marc: table with prop. name, description, where it goes in soap 1.1/1.2
<marc> ACTION: marc to write arun re lc57 [recorded in]