See also: IRC log
JM goes through sample RDDL document
JM shows RDDL showing latest schema, previous schema
The owner of an XML namespace name SHOULD make available material intended for people to read and material optimized for software agents in order to meet the needs of those who will use the namespace vocabulary.
<hugo> [[
<hugo> hugo@buena ~% HEAD
<dorchard> Schema returns application/xhtml+xml
<hugo> [..]
<hugo> Content-Type: application/xhtml+xml; charset=utf-8
<hugo> ]]
no objections to using rddl
RESOLUTION: group accepts Jonathan for issue 55
Group examines Paco's proposal for issue i021
Mark: JM made a proposal about
conformance of messages and endpoints to addressing.
... Is this flag indicating conformance?
Glen: extra work to specify what's being done/not being done, and asynch doing in broadly applicable way
Paco: Not sure if anything has to be
disabled in bindings by wsa use
... my proposal has required=true
... I'm not firm on this. required=false means bindings are
DaveO: this allows existing asynch unaware clients to continue to work.
Glen: required=true means for the binding is that action and To are required.
prasad asks about versioning.
prasad: what if wsdl binding versions, does that mean everything else versions.
paco: pushes back on not versioning marker
daveo: what about errata, minor changes? Change version always.
paco: move 3 specs together.
prasad: I raised a new issue on the versioning and namespace semantics per the action on the last WG call
paco: goes through proposal.
<prasad> We need to explicitly state in the text that describes this marker that this is applicable to all WS-A specs. When the marker is present any of the constructs from all three WS-A specs may be used.
Glen: we should allows required=false
seems to be agreement with Glen in group
glen: required=true means agreeing to semantics as defined by specification.
GregT: boolean isn't quite right.
Glen: required=false means it's your choice
paco: if I do the 2 bindings approach, then responses won't have ws-a info in the "non-wsa".
daveo: if wsdl:required="false", and headers are returned, they ought to be marked with s:mU="false". If they would be marked with mU="true", then wsdl:required=true should have been specifiied.
paco: yes.
... next point, where does the marker occur in the binding
Glen: per op may be useful..
GregT: difficult to map to programming languages..
Group agrees to restrict scope to just binding.
Glen: maybe marker is shorthand for a soap:module?
Paco: rewrite to refer to wsdl:
... have to go into the case
<hugo> Proposed text: In WSDL 2.0, the wsoap:module construct may be used to declare the use of WS-Addressing 1.0 for the SOAP binding. The meaning of wsa:UsingAddressing is semantically equivalent to such a wsoap:module declaration in this case.
<GlenD> sure
<GlenD> although you might want to switch it and say "the meaning of the soap:module declaration is semantically equivalent to the wsa:UsingAddressing...."
<hugo> wsoap:module is allowed in binding, operation, input, output, infault, outfault, fault
Umit, IBM want first message to determine the response message's use of wsa headers. If first msg has no wsa, response won't.
Glen wants to enable optional support to mean response could always have wsa headers.
Discussion about should wsdl:required="false" allow wsa:headers s:mustUnderstand="true" to be returned.
Some folks want to disallow this case.
back to mU=false.
Umit: pushes back that some impls are faulting if they see mU="false".
Paul: mU rules don't help at the app layer.
Pasting in the Hugo text.
prasad: how should this spec talk about the multiple specifications and/or namespaces.
MarkN: what about other soap bindings?
DaveO: then the "new" soap binding would say in a new marker how it was engaged.
<GregT> WSDL 1.1 and 2.0 Web service descriptions for endpoints that follow the WS-Addressing specification, MUST indicate this fact using the <wsaws:UsingAddressing> extensibility element defined in this specification. The wsdl:required attribute MAY be used to indicate whether WS-Addressing message information headers are required in messages received from service requesters.
<GregT> When wsdl:required is set to "true", both request and response messages exchanged with the endpoint MUST contain WS-Addressing headers. When wsdl:required is set to false, the endpoint MUST accept request messages with or without WS-Addressing headers and response messages in that case MAY contain WS-Addressing headers; if WS-Addressing headers are not present in the request, and a SOAP binding is used, WS-Addressing headers encoded in the response MUST NOT be
<GregT> WSDL 1.1 and 2.0 Web service descriptions for endpoints that follow the WS-Addressing specification, MUST indicate this fact using the <wsaws:UsingAddressing> extensibility element defined in this specification. The wsdl:required attribute MAY be used to indicate whether WS-Addressing message information headers are required in messages received from service requesters.
<GregT> When wsdl:required is set to "true", both request and response messages exchanged with the endpoint MUST contain WS-Addressing headers. When wsdl:required is set to false, the endpoint MUST accept request messages with or without WS-Addressing headers and response messages in that case MAY contain WS-Addressing headers; if WS-Addressing headers are not present in the request, and a SOAP binding is used, WS-Addressing headers encoded in the response MUST NOT be
<GregT> marked with soap:mustUnderstand=true.
Glen: WSDL goes out into the world,
the next version of service supports ws-a, is old wsdl
... picks away at the "MUST" indicate this fact portion.
... would like it to say "CAN" or "MAY"
Paco: what about scenario where ws-a required but why would you not say?
Glen: this should say something like "using the usingaddressing element OR the soap module"
daveO: Paco, do you want MUST use the element if incompatible change and MAY use the element if compatible?
Paco: If compatible change, then MAY use marker and if you do use the marker then required="false". If incompatible, then MUST use marker and must be set wsdl:required="true"
JM: conformance issues around wsdl binding and this text.
Glen: when doing this stuff, make sure that the contracts are reasonable, like wsdl. And here's a marker in WSDL.
DaveH: remove the sentence on wsdl:required as it doesn't help with clarity
lots of discussion about wsdl:required..
Rewording to list the possibilities by required="true" and then required="false" order
DaveH: what about if Action Property
present but is not sent as a header block.
... if you look at message through old eyes, just http:action. If
you look at it with wsa eyes, then wsa:action.
Paco: existance of wsa:action is
always required, that can be the trigger to indicate wsa being in
... to claim conformance with wsa, you MUST indicate if you are
using WSDL.
<Marsh> This specification provides mechanisms for indicating in a WSDL 1.1 or WSDL 2.0 description that the endpoint conforms to the WS-Addressing specification.
JM: WSDL 2.0 says something like you should provide an accurate description.
Glen: you can test the "provide a wsdl" and then test
Paco: trying to catch the wsdl didn't say ws-a yet ws-a was required case
anish: can you conform to core without soap and claim conformance?
umit: quotes wsdl 2.0 spec on conformance and required usage.
<hugo> Scribe: Hugo
Anish: what does the last sentence mean when I'm not using the SOAP binding?
Mark: Hugo took an AI to provide text on this
Anish: but that's specific to the SOAP binding; what if I'm *not* using the SOAP binding?
[ discussion postponed until text about SOAP binding is shown ]
<mnot> WSDL 1.1 and 2.0 Web service descriptions of endpoints that conform to the
<mnot> WS-Addressing specifications SHOULD indicate this fact, and MUST do so when
<mnot> they require conformance to WS-Addressing to operate.
Straw poll on including the "MUST" part: 8 for
<abbie> can u add me
Other text proposed is "This specification provides mechanisms for indicating in a WSDL 1.1 or WSDL 2.0 description that the endpoint conforms to the WS-Addressing specification."
<MSEder> Abstain
Same straw poll (having the "MUST" part of the text): 9 for, 4 against, 9 abstaining
Proposal A: "WSDL 1.1 and 2.0 Web service descriptions of endpoints that conform to the WS-Addressing specifications SHOULD indicate this fact, and MUST do so when they require conformance to WS-Addressing to operate."
Proposal B: "This specification provides mechanisms for indicating in a WSDL 1.1 or WSDL 2.0 description that the endpoint conforms to the WS-Addressing specification."
<MSEder> Abstain
Straw poll about A and B: 7 for A, 10 for B, 6 abstaining
Mark: does anybody feel strongly enough about this to have more discussion?
[ silence ]
<inserted> Mark: Moving to the SOAP text
Proposed text about the SOAP binding: "When applying to a SOAP binding, the <wsaws:UsingAddressing> marker identifies the use of Web Services Addressing 1.0 bound to SOAP as defined by [@@link to SOAP Binding spec@@]."
Mark: [addressing Anish's concern ] the WG went in the direction of having the marker talk about things defined in our specs
Jonathan: this brings back the
problem that the core is difficult to conform too
... you need concrete artifacts, which basically means the SOAP
Anish: what does conforming to the WSDL binding mean?
Jonathan: the presence of the marker means that you are conforming to the SOAP binding
Anish: to me, we mean conforming to
all the 3 specs
... if we think that other bindings are possible, which I think is
true, it would be nice to provide them with a framework
... I was thinking of a marker which means that you conform to
... and you could have a child element which says that you conform
to the SOAP binding
... and we could make this extensible
Paco: there was no intent to restrict the marker to SOAP
Jonathan: but his point is that you may want to have a different binding
Anish: I think that we should provide
such an extensibility point
... in any case, I think we should clarify that we don't limit the
marker to SOAP
[ change being made on the screen ]
Anish: there are lots of optional
properties in the core
... the service may require you to use certain of those
Mark: we have open issues about this, especially i058
Anish: I heard Paco say that using
the marker means that the service recognizes WSDL-related
... let's say that Reply-To is required, and I stick WSDL-related
metadata in there
... will the recipient process it
Mark: we don't define a processing model
Jonathan: what if I put in Jonathan's metadata? what will you do with it?
Anish: we don't talk about it in our
... I see, there's nothing we can say
Mark: are we happy about the text?
Hugo: the wsoap:module text needs to specify which module URIs we're talking about
[ note added for the editors to fix this ]
DaveH: I'm not sure that this text completely addresses i021
Mark: we have other issues that will add more features to the WSDL binding
RESOLUTION: proposed text on the screen accepted as the resolution of i021
<TonyR> scribe: TonyR
Determining the [destination] property from WSDL
Discussed the 5 proposals on a call, but not resolved
Leaning towards 4 or 5
marsh: positing the existence of a WSDL without an address, plus an EPR containing the address
glen: doing this in one of the JSRs
anish: would expect the address in
the WSDL to override the EPR, if both are given
... the transport address in the WSDL
general discussion of physical vs logical address
scribe: logical address from
... physical from WSDL
Marsh: if WSDL does not contain address, may get address from a degenerate EPR
anish: this is addressed by issue 20, subissue 3
umit: do not like confusion between EPR and WSDL, particularly considering a WSDL containing an EPR...
anish: started with that idea, when writing proposal 1 and 2
marsh: happier with proposal 4 if you can put an EPR in a WSDL but without metadata?
anish: wouldn't be consistent, anyway
umit: (unconvinced)
marsh: prefer: if you have both, EPR wins
glen: if EPR contains an address in
TO, that must be the address
... but that doesn't deal with addressing
marsh: if there is nothing else specifying where to send the message, use the address in the EPR
mnot: you mean "a child element" not "the child element" in proposal 4?
anish: yes
... that's for Marc to tidy up.
paco: value of the address in the EPR only affects the value of the TO header in messages
marsh: yes
<uyalcina> i was suggesting we have either an address or an EPR, but not both
marsh: no reference parameters, etc
rebecca: how does this affect the
parameter which points to the WSDL?
... does this replace it?
anish: no - it wouldn't make sense to use it in that case
Clarification: I was trying to say, when there is no EPR in the WSDL, only the To gets set.
chair: is everyone reasonably happy with proposal 5 - seems the way we are heading?
umit: why do we need this complexity?
glen: can specify an address in the WSDL for despatching, give address in the EPR for destination
marc: confirming the meaning of the proposal
anish: this comes into effect when addressing is added to the mix with WSDL
paco: we will be effectively doing physical/logical addressing, even if we don't say it - perhaps we should say so?
umit: don't like that
chair: focussed on proposal 5
omnes: yes
chair: is the group happy to have the editor/s word smith it?
marc: willing to put the words into the spec, group to review
<abbie> yes for me
paco: a last question: if you only have one address, do we use it for both physical and logical address?
<uyalcina> +1 to Paco
umit: want to amend proposal 5: if the WSDL contains an EPR with metadata which points to a WSDL that contains an EPR...
omnes: !run and hide!
chair: let Marc write this up and we will review next week
glen / anish: the TO is not the "physical" address
marsh: don't want to call it the physical address
glen: if you get an EPR from another source, it's up to you what you do with the address
marsh: if this is so useful, why
don't WSDL or addressing include this idea?
... why does this only come up when using addressing and WSDL
anish: disagree with the premise -
can be done with addressing only
... what is being raised is Issue 20
<scribe> ACTION: Marc to write a more complete proposal for proposal 5 of issue 56 [recorded in]
anish: the previous discussion doesn't alter this issue, but has the same problem as was being discussed.
paco: if we go the direction of the physical address is in the WSDL, then the EPR cannot re-direct via the replyto
marsh: if we receive an EPR during a
conversation where we have been sending messages to the address in
the WSDL, does the EPR
... redirect us, or do we simply add the EPR address to the TO
header, but continue to send to the address in the WSDL?
anish: know via some out-of-band mechanism
marc: couldn't you omit the soap:address and use an EPR?
marsh: so we leave the address out of
the WSDL and need to send an EPR before starting the
... don't want to ship a complete new WSDL just to replace the
marc: sounds like different things: design time overwrite vs run time overwrite
anish: conflicting requirements: the address in the WSDL can be overridden by the EPR / WSDL overrides the EPR
glen: how about disallowing both?
marsh: so if I ever want the ability to redirect, I must use an EPR
chair: are we revisiting issues that have been discussed and settled?
glen: disallowing both solves the problem, but doesn't allow earlier possibility (uding a despatch point via WSDL address).
Marc: perhaps if you specify both, they must have the same value.
<uyalcina> +1 to Marc
Dave: if you have both, the client may choose either?
?: might want both to service a non-addressing-aware client
anish: they are not the same.
marsh: if they are not the same, WSDL 2.0 should deal with this.
chair: if people want to make them the same, this modifies issue 56
marsh: use the address to set more than the TO header - do something more.
anish: not convinced that they should be the same
marsh: should the values expressed in the two syntaxes be the same?
straw poll: should the values be the same? Yes: 7, No: 0, Abstain: 15
<scribe> ACTION: 1 to Marc to draft a proposal to address issue 56 (reflecting his prejudices), dealing with the values of the address properties [recorded in]
chair: does the discussion affect issue 20?
anish: yes.
chair: wait for 56 to play out before addressing issue 20
dealing with reference parameters
NOTE: there will be no meeting next week - too many people will not be available
anish: wait for issue 56 and 20 to play out first.
defining MAPs in WSDL service descriptions
anish + paco: can discard source, reply endpoint, action, message id
must consider fault endpoint, relationship
glen: faults - might want to send all faults to a central point
chair: there may be use cases for fault endpoint & relationship - do we want to support these in WSDL?
anish: may wish to specify relationship statically in unusual MEPs (eg: out-in-out)
marsh: could handle this with a WSDL extension?
anish: correlating two one-ways using a relationship in the WSDL
marsh: but the relationship is a dynamic property, one of which is run-time
anish: couldn't use property directly
- need some replacement technique, with the WSDL specifying the
non-runtime IRI
... describing a technique using two operations
chair: possible use case, but questionable if there's if enough will to follow this up.
chair: perhaps we can close this. If there's a need, we can deal with under issue 59
chair: looking for someone to write up the resolution
<scribe> ACTION: Jonathan to write up the resolution of Issue 58, explaining reasoning behind each [recorded in]
<scribe> ACTION: Anish to write a new proposal for Issue 17, including the new information [recorded in]
Supporting async
report from the async task force: glen (chair of TF)
glen: summary of discussions,
comments invited
... in Melbourne DaveO presented on the use of various MEPs on
various transports
... acknowledged need for supporting async comms
... useful if all the async comms worked in a standard way
... most basic case: send a request with a replyto on HTTP, get
back a 200 OK, later receive response on a fresh HTTP connection
... began by soliciting use cases - six or seven use cases - can we
meet these with current facilities? If not, what do we need?
... three layers: SOAP / WSDL / WS Addressing - which do we
glen: we have come to the conclusion
that we need something at the SOAP MEP level
... how do we make in-out over a one-way transport (eg: UDP)?
... note: that the diagrams (link above) omit the specification of
replyto / faultto.
... (talking to the diagrams)
... in talking about a channel which has a back-channel, we need to
consider whether a message will travel on the backchannel
... in the diagram, A shows reply on backchannel; B shows it coming
back on in a separate message
... important thing is that sometimes you have a backchannel
(HTTP), sometimes you don't (UDP, SMTP).
anish: (questioning the relevance of the backchannel)
glen+dave+tony: (describing reasoning for considering the backchannel)
<pauld> tony's timeline for when a replyTo channel is understood:
glen: describing layering of
... Monday's meeting agreed that we require the ability to
represent one WSDL MEP as more than one SOAP MEP
umit: there was considerable discussion about the ability to limit interchange to A or B
dave: and that there may be cases where you don't know which
rebecca: considering cases other than SOAP?
glen: definitely
... the important case is that there may be mapping taking place -
one WSDL MEP may be mapped to multiple lower interchanges
paco: the fact that the programming model looks synchronous "on top" will not stop the underlying support being asynchronous.
glen: an apparent single request /
response at a higher level may get implemented as multiple request
/ response interchanges underneath
... in-out in WSDL means nothing more than correlated request-reply
marsh: made everything outside the single in-out MEP out-of-scope
glen: the Monday meeting discussed timing issues about when/whether one might take advantage of the back-channel for returning a fault, even though the FaultTo has been processed.
daveo: this backchannel discussion
(see diagram pointed to above) is still open
... a possible approach is an "allowsAnonymous" flag to indicate
that the backchannel may be used.
glen: another is the "fastClose" hint that indicates that the backchannel should be closed as early as possible
dave: a not-very-async server (holds
backchannel open a long time) - its HTTP OK may mean all went
... a more async server's HTTP OK just means backchannel closed
marc: how do we tell these apart?
glen: that's got to be policy, or
some other setting
... we need to figure out how these things are specified
dave: the question of whether a server will accept requests that do not include a replyTo (no replyTo means use backchannel)
daveo: there is the case: a server
will not accept requests without replyTo
... not even with anonymous
glen: if we have a concept of a flag that indicates whether the binding has a backchannel
greg: was the polling model discussed?
glen: we did not discuss that model
marc: minimum amount of processing would be mustUnderstand & addressing processing before can decide to be async
glen: not necessarily - if there was
a flag saying "will never reply on backchannel", then no.
... will be able to close backchannel immediately on receiving
daveo: need a new HTTP binding, or modify existing one.
glen: need to explain how to support one-way, either on existing binding, or using a new one.
paco: would it make sense to represent this in a WSDL 1.1 binding? To see how it works on the wire, before we try to get it in WSDL 2.0?
glen+dave: trying to decide which SOAP MEPs we require.
paco: can we bypass the SOAP MEPs by trying it in WSDL 1.1?
anish: summary: 1. need ability to have one WSDL MEP from multiple SOAP MEPS; 2. need new HTTP binding or modify existing one
glen: yes, but not just HTTP - there are other protocols that have a backchannel
anish: like the approach Paco is suggesting - solve the SOAP 1.1 / WSDL 1.1 problem now, take that forward to SOAP 1.2 / WSDL 2.0
<dorchard> Paco, kind of like the examples in
glen: because we have an idea of what we want on the wire, let's try to develop WSDL 1.1 markup to produce that result
umit: this is simpler, because we can ignore the more esoteric MEPs
?: have the TF members agreed on the wire content?
glen+daveo: pretty much - there are some minor items to sort out
anish+umit: we need not solve the SOAP MEP problem before doing this
glen: there are other questions yet
to be resolved
... things like the ability to specify that a server supports
ReplyTo on both HTTP or BEEP
... how do we limit replys to those two protocols?
paco: perhaps we should solve the simpler cases first - particularly the HTTP + WSDL 1.1 + SOAP 1.1
glen: the way forward is to nail down a specific scenario during the next telecon (two weeks time)
daveo: perhaps we can have a call next week?
(general agreement)
There will be an Async TF meeting next week - regular time, DaveO chairing.
chair: dealing with LC issues in the next few calls
UNKNOWN_SPEAKER: perhaps close them
by Berlin
... with a view of going to CR or back to second LC at Berlin
... with possible exception of issue 59
... can the Async TF estimate when they can give
glen: Juneish
chair: recommendations at Berlin?
glen: perhaps not - need face-to-face time, perhaps
chair: if the other issues are wrapped up, perhaps the Async TF work can be pulled back into the WG proper?
anish: perhaps we can split the async work in the same way as we are considering splitting the WSDL document?
pauld: working on the document
... created a document called "Test Suite Specification"
... this doc won't be part of the formal delivery, but will be a
Note, but will be a notification of the text cases used
... have been building test scenarios at high level. Looking to
ensure we have coverage of all required items.
... some of the scenarios are "interesting"
... conforming to all the tests in this test suite does not mean
full conformance
... (this is standard language in relation to W3C test
... possible to be conformant even if failing some tests?
... struggling to find terminology that isn't overloaded
... really should have a test for every MUST in the spec
chair: need a coverage document to identify all of the MUSTs, plus who is required to satisfy the MUST
pauld: writing an assertions document can be valuable feedback to the spec, and could be taken to the Rec.
marsh: perhaps not, not on that timeline
anish: useful to implementors, but considerable work
marsh: small audience
pauld: good to generate the document,
but not include in the Rec - we'll get feedback, either way
... we need a lot more test cases to populate the document - not in
a position to write all the test cases personally.
chair: we should identify the requirements in the spec as it stands today, and all the features defined
pauld: is it a problem that the MS test cases are for the early version?
chair: no - just update them
pauld: concerned about writing WSDL
2.0 test cases
... looking for contributions of test cases
glen: will help. People in Sri Lanka will help too.