webrtc-charter ================= Pull requests ------------- Issues ------ #63 Move -extensions rules from webrtc-pc to charter repo () webrtc-pc ================= Pull requests ------------- #2636 simulcast example: remove signalling offer handling () Issues ------ #2397 Can we have non-origin-clean MediaStreamTracks? (jan-ivar) #2579 Stopping senders and receivers: Present or absent? (alvestrand) #2622 statechange fired synchronously before state on RTCSctpTran (jan-ivar) #2624 Should garbage collecting RTCDataChannels be observable? (jan-ivar) #2625 Expansion of port blocking? (alvestrand) #2654 RTCDataChannel::onbuffereamountlow should trigger when thre (alvestrand) webrtc-extensions ================= Pull requests ------------- #37 Add a requestKeyframe() API () #81 Add a CSP check to RTCPeerConnection.constructor(). () Issues ------ #12 Testability of playoutDelayHint () #20 The naming of playoutDelayHint () #21 Add API for exposing codec HW capabilities (hardwareAcceler () #26 RTCIceCredentialType has some formatting problem () #28 Allow more control over playoutDelay behavior () #30 define playoutDelayHint aggressiveness () #34 "return undefined" when populating a dictionary member is u (henbos) #43 Mixed-codec simulcast proposal () #45 When is negotiation complete? () #46 How does a developer decide on a value for `playoutDelay` ? () #47 RTP Header Extension Encryption (aboba) #48 restricting available media types in the constructor () #49 RTCRtpSender.getCapabilities() may not return correct infor (henbos) #50 Consider an API for non-delivered messages in SCTP datachan () #52 Invalid TURN credentials: What function should fail? (aboba) #53 Define administratively prohibited in more detail () #54 `getCapabilities` seems to leak hardware capabilities w/o a () #57 Add normative steps to getCapabilities() or deprecate it in (aboba) #58 get/setParameters() while in-parallel SDP is being processe () #63 Enabling opus stereo audio without SDP munging (stereo=1) (henbos) #65 fractionLost missing from MTI stats list () #66 BUNDLE-only m-sections () #67 Adopt as working group draft (aboba) #68 Network Tokens and WebRTC QoS () #69 ptime is mentioned but not actually settable anywhere () #70 (How) should we mitigate error code exploits? () #71 Add RTOMax to RTCDataChannelInit () #72 Add API to control WebRTC encoder, in particular to request (aboba) #73 Share some connection infrastructure with Fetch () #74 adaptivePtime prose unclear; concerns over lack of signalin () #76 Should there be an extension to enable voice activity detec (aboba) #77 Create RTCPeerConnections in workers (youennf) #79 Need editor and bug manager for this document (aboba) #80 WebRTC-Extensions Implementation Status () #82 Tests for Transferable DataChannels (youennf) webrtc-encoded-transform ================= Pull requests ------------- #101 Reuse WebCodec audio/video chunk definitions () #107 Refactor spec to introduce media thread () #108 Define writable readyPromise handling () Issues ------ #9 what metadata is useful? () #10 metadata for start and flush () #15 statistics () #31 Interaction with Congestion Control () #32 Applicability Statement () #49 Optimizing encoded frame buffer allocation and memory copie () #50 How to handle transforms largely changing frame size () #55 Use hooks from SFrame specification when available () #58 Handle SFrame error case when encrypting/decrypting () #65 Should we rename SFrameTransform and RTCRtpScriptTransform () #89 Generalize ScriptTransform constructor () #90 Adopt feedback streams in RTCRtpScriptTransformer () #91 Describe accurate threading model () #99 Encoded frame IDLs share definitions with WebCodecs () #100 RTCEncodedAudioFrameMetadata and RTCEncodedVideoFrameMetada () #104 Should there be a RTCConfiguration boolean to prevent data () #105 Document the old API that was removed in #64 (alvestrand) #106 Add use cases that require one-ended encoded streams () webrtc-priority ================= Pull requests ------------- Issues ------ #7 Add localPriority as orthogonal value to networkPriority () #11 Create idlharness test for priority spec () webrtc-stats ================= Pull requests ------------- #559 RTCScalableVideoCodecLayerStats added () #604 RTCMediaHandlerStats.remoteSource description () Issues ------ #62 Additional ICE metrics for pacing STUN packets () #153 Stat for likelihood of echo () #229 Interframe delay stat for video receive stream. () #238 Add stat to reflect the redundancy of FEC/RED data () #245 CPU metrics () #289 WiFi Stats. (vr000m) #324 Clarify stats hierarchies (vr000m) #345 Write a "how to add more stats" guideline document (henbos) #348 add a graph showing the relationship of stats to the spec (vr000m) #373 Inconsistent usage of not applicable/not present (vr000m) #383 RTCAudioHandlerStats: Signal/Noise Ratio (vr000m) #393 Correlating RTCInboundRtpStreamStats with simulcast streams (vr000m) #401 Add SVC stats in RTC[In/Out]boundRtpStreamStats (henbos) #427 Request to add neteq waiting time to stats report (henbos) #430 RTCVideo*Stats: Video Device Errors (aboba) #465 Measuring background noise (energy) (karthikbr82) #471 Rethinking "sender" and "receiver" stats (henbos) #484 RTCPeerConnectionStats is missing state stats (connection, (vr000m) #496 How do we handle overflow of metrics (karthikbr82) #507 What does a "transport" consider as "payload"? (vr000m) #508 How does the Opus hybrid mode affect the SILK/CELT counters (vr000m) #509 Wrap around issue with bytes and packet counters (vr000m) #522 statistics for BWE probes? (vr000m) #530 Home of ended, trackIdentifier and kind (henbos) #533 Flatten the stats hierarchy (henbos) #536 rtcp stats - should we measure rtcp bytes sent/received? (vr000m) #537 End-to-end delay metrics (henbos) #539 Stats objects creation and WebRTC objects lifecycle (alvestrand) #550 Stats API should require additional permission / user opt-i () #555 Clarify FlexFEC stats (henbos) #558 Lifetime of "outbound-rtp" (henbos) #571 Unclear result of stats filtering by sender/receiver. () #572 Security considerations need to mention portscanning as an (alvestrand) #573 framesEncoded exists only for video? (vr000m) #574 Finding associated audio and video tracks? (henbos) #588 sdpFmtpLine value space (alvestrand) #593 bytesReceived for local inbound could have a clearer defini (vr000m) #595 Map out implementation status of getStats and make a plan (vr000m) #597 outbound-rtp.active (vr000m) #600 Need to relate all timestamps to Unix time (alvestrand) #601 why is candidate stats nullable instead of an empty string? (henbos) webrtc-provisional-stats ================= Pull requests ------------- #12 add delayedPacketOutageSamples stat description () #14 Add relativePacketArrivalDelay stat () #20 jitterBufferTargetDelay () Issues ------ #2 Add RTCMediaStreamTrackStats.concealedAudibleSamples (henbos) #3 E2E/One-way delay estimation () #4 Fill in an introduction and clean up the "hello world" stuf (henbos) #6 Stats for Audio network adaption () #8 jitterBufferFlushes and delayedPacketOutageSamples () #13 Relative packet arrival delay (jakobivarsson) #17 Add audio interruption metrics () #19 Add RTCInboundRtpStreamStats.jitterBufferTargetDelay () mediacapture-main ================= Pull requests ------------- Issues ------ #453 How to handle changes to the set of tracks in a MediaStream (jan-ivar) #519 Clarification needed on ended HTMLMediaElement with MediaSt (jan-ivar) #584 ResizeMode (crop-and-scale) is underspecified (henbos) #675 Use new Storage endpoint model for deviceId (jan-ivar) #752 Broken foreground detection (jan-ivar) #756 default audio output should be first in the enumerateDevice (youennf) #775 what is the default channelCount () #792 Use xref, avoid data-cite="html" () mediacapture-extensions ================= Pull requests ------------- #26 Expose MediaStream in workers () #30 Describe more precisely transfered track lifetime managemen () Issues ------ #1 Expose the type of device in MediaDeviceInfo () #3 MediaTrackSettings lacks support of channel layout () #5 No way to reliably choose correct camera & microphone upfro () #6 "user-chooses": Does required constraints make any sense no () #7 MediaStreamTrack resizeMode constraint is too vague to requ () #8 Broader API proposals for device selection and permissions () #10 MediaStreamTrack and back/forward cache () #11 Enforcing user gesture for getUserMedia () #12 Expose camera presets to web pages () #13 Add constraint to avoid inefficient (compressed) pixel form () #14 Do we need an infrared constraint? () #17 Deprecate inputDeviceInfo.getCapabilities() for better priv () #18 Simplify device selection algorithm () #19 Origin isolation () #20 How to avoid wide-lens backfacing camera on new phones? () #23 Compare callback-based and ReadableStream-based exposure of () #25 Adding "subkind" in MediaDeviceInfo (for detection headphon () #29 We need to tighten lifetime of transferred MediaStreamTrack () mediacapture-fromelement ================= Pull requests ------------- #54 Migrate spec text to bikeshed. () #63 Remove duplicate info on method parameters () Issues ------ #20 HTML Media Element captureStream() should avoid protected/e () #21 Expand on captureStream() for CORS-cross-origin media data () #24 Tie MediaStreamTrack lifetime to the underlying AudioTrack () #28 Specify when requestFrame() captures the canvas content (uysalere) #29 When is the first frame pushed to the MediaStream for captu (uysalere) #34 What happens to the audio being rendered to a Media Element () #37 video.captureStream() with no source should throw () #47 CD publication of specification () #48 define behaviors of the common ConstrainablePattern Interfa () #50 WG CR review for mediacapture-fromelement () #53 Convert mediacapture-fromelement to Bikeshed () #55 Width, height and frameRate : intrinsic or drawn? () #58 Consider using Promises for capturing from HTMLMediaElement () #59 Add examples to the Spec () #60 Fill Security & Privacy questionnaire () #65 Bindings with offscreen canvas () #68 Investigate and document the fingerprintability of user med (youennf) #82 Clarify if CanvasCaptureMediaStreamTrack mute, unmute, and () #83 Inconsistency: Taint, not mute cross-origin element tracks () #84 The sequence canvas.transferControlToOffscreen() followed b () #85 Define behavior when a cycle is detected () mediacapture-image ================= Pull requests ------------- #185 Add support to get and set desired image format () #280 Check the results of PTZ permission requests () Issues ------ #157 Provide a way to map POI to particular camera option (WB, A () #208 Missing MediaTrack Settings () #209 Extend getPhotoSettings() to include additional EXIF data () #210 onframe Event () #211 Transferable? () #212 Clarify grabFrame timing () #213 grabFrame and muted streams () #243 Determine how PTZ permission prompts are supposed to work () #254 Enforcing user gesture for getUserMedia in case of PTZ requ () #262 If PTZ permission is required, PTZ devices should be select () #272 Does ImageCapture work on non-camera tracks? () #276 grabFrame cannot be cancelled () #277 Does mediaStreamTrack/ImageCapture.grabFrame() do any encod () #278 Optional MIME type as argument for takePhoto() () #279 Should check results of PTZ permission requests () #281 Some type of support for "PanTilt (Relative)" and "Zoom (Re () mediacapture-output ================= Pull requests ------------- Issues ------ #63 Controlling 3rd party iframe audio output on a page? (guidou) #84 Ask for user gesture to call setSinkId () #85 Go back to the default output () #87 Setting the audio output for a whole context or page () #92 Rename HTMLMediaElement.setSinkId to a more readable name () #93 Should the spec define specific static audio output device () #100 Behavior when audio device is changed by user-agent () #112 Rename setSinkId to setAudioOutput () #116 PING review () #119 "triggered by user interaction" link does not properly reso () mediacapture-record ================= Pull requests ------------- #118 Make Error Event go after ondataavailable. (jan-ivar) #172 Input width, height MUST be recorded and playable () #186 Add replaceStream to MediaRecorder () #187 Add replaceTrack method to MediaRecorder. (jan-ivar) Issues ------ #52 Ensure that the error event is the last event to be fired () #57 Rate control () #59 Provide an option to enumerate all supported media types () #60 Provide a way to specify custom encoder (to generate other () #67 Support producing raw encoded bitstreams via MIMEType optio () #87 Integrate with ReadableStream () #92 isTypeSupported() algorithm should be more specific () #93 Reconsider isTypeSupported() API () #131 Shouldn't remaining async methods run "in parallel"? () #140 timecode issues () #141 Add 'privacy and security' section (yellowdoge) #142 Fingerprint surface coming from MediaRecorder-able types - () #147 Proposal: Specify ability to pause and resume between addin () #166 Feature request: Concat filter () #167 Add replaceTrack method to MediaStream (henbos) #173 Input video track width and height MUST be recorded and pla () #177 Ability to tell MediaRecorder to maximize frame rate () #178 Add method MediaRecorder.restart considering this use case. () #179 Add method that allows user specification of which tracks g () #188 Handle the case of audio/video track configuration changes () #191 pause/resume are not very well defined () #192 Multi-blob encoding () #194 mimeType ambiguity: "video/webm;codecs=vp8" means? () #195 What is the "important"difference between start/stop and pa () #196 Improvements to Privacy & Security Considerations () #199 Describe more precisely the handling of disabled tracks () #202 MediaRecorder specification expects to synchronously know t () #204 Edge cases related to firing start and stop events () #205 Allow updating audioBitsPerSecond and videoBitsPerSecond as () #206 MediaRecorder in detached contexts () #208 More information about timing of recording (start event, bl () mediacapture-screen-share ================= Pull requests ------------- #186 Use the displaySurface constraint to signal application pre () Issues ------ #126 Normative security requirements ("ISSUE 1") (eladalon1983) #141 Should mute and unmute events of MediaStreamTrack be allowe (jan-ivar) #155 getViewportMedia(): Let pages opt-in to capture () #158 Add ability to crop a MediaStream obtained through the shar () #160 API for Grabbing a Screenshot () #165 Tab-Focus One-Way Hand-Off (Capturer -> Captured) () #166 Identification of Captured Application By Capturer () #167 Should top-level transient activation be sufficient for `ge () #171 Need test for {video: false}, {video: true} and {video: {}} () #180 Should restrictOwnAudio be settable? (jan-ivar) #182 Recognize safer & better-integrated web presentations in ge () #184 Revisit: Let getDisplayMedia() influence the default type c (eladalon1983) mediacapture-transform ================= Pull requests ------------- #18 Clarify Generator construction with required kind () #43 Update MSTP section to use more algorithms () #46 Update MSTG section to use more algorithms () Issues ------ #1 Add a high-quality face/body tracking API to discourage poo () #3 Access to raw metadata () #4 Is using ReadableStream/WritableStream the right approach? () #6 Memory management for incoming frames () #20 Add "real-time" warning/note to MediaStreamTrackGenerator () #21 Add description of stability guarantees for feedback messag () #23 Out-of-main-thread processing by default () #24 Controlling channel mechanism is unclear () #26 Should MediaStreamTrackGenerator have an API to fine-tune M () #27 MediaStreamTrackProcessor threading model is underspecified () #28 Spec examples do processing on main thread () #29 Is MediaStreamTrackProcessor for audio necessary? () #30 Memory locality () #31 Is MediaStreamTrackGenerator for audio necessary? () #34 Relationship to WebGPU () #35 Document timestamp (non)synchrnoization behaviors () #36 Call the streams algorithms () #37 Can one JS document hose a browser's camera capturing abili () #38 A review () #39 What does sink mean? ()