This fake spec tried to exercise all aspects of WebIDL so as to do regression testing in this complex piece of code.



dictionary RTCConfiguration {
             sequence<RTCIceServer> iceServers;
             RTCIceTransportPolicy  iceTransportPolicy = "all";
             RTCBundlePolicy        bundlePolicy = "balanced";
             DOMString              peerIdentity;
enum RTCIceCredentialType {
dictionary RTCIceServer {
             (DOMString or sequence<DOMString>) urls;
             DOMString                          username;
             DOMString                          credential;
             RTCIceCredentialType               credentialType = "password";
enum RTCIceTransportPolicy {
enum RTCBundlePolicy {
dictionary RTCOfferOptions {
             long    offerToReceiveVideo;
             long    offerToReceiveAudio;
             boolean voiceActivityDetection = true;
             boolean iceRestart = false;
enum RTCIdentityOption {
[ Constructor (optional RTCConfiguration configuration)]
interface RTCPeerConnection : EventTarget  {
    Promise<RTCSessionDescription> createOffer (optional RTCOfferOptions options);
    Promise<RTCSessionDescription> createAnswer ();
    Promise<void>                  setLocalDescription (RTCSessionDescription description);
    readonly    attribute RTCSessionDescription? localDescription;
    Promise<void>                  setRemoteDescription (RTCSessionDescription description);
    readonly    attribute RTCSessionDescription? remoteDescription;
    readonly    attribute RTCSignalingState      signalingState;
    void                           updateIce (RTCConfiguration configuration);
    Promise<void>                  addIceCandidate (RTCIceCandidate candidate);
    readonly    attribute RTCIceGatheringState   iceGatheringState;
    readonly    attribute RTCIceConnectionState  iceConnectionState;
    readonly    attribute boolean?               canTrickleIceCandidates;
    RTCConfiguration               getConfiguration ();
    void                           close ();
                attribute EventHandler           onnegotiationneeded;
                attribute EventHandler           onicecandidate;
                attribute EventHandler           onsignalingstatechange;
                attribute EventHandler           oniceconnectionstatechange;
                attribute EventHandler           onicegatheringstatechange;
partial interface RTCPeerConnection {
    void createOffer (RTCSessionDescriptionCallback successCallback, RTCPeerConnectionErrorCallback failureCallback, optional RTCOfferOptions options);
    void setLocalDescription (RTCSessionDescription description, VoidFunction successCallback, RTCPeerConnectionErrorCallback failureCallback);
    void createAnswer (RTCSessionDescriptionCallback successCallback, RTCPeerConnectionErrorCallback failureCallback);
    void setRemoteDescription (RTCSessionDescription description, VoidFunction successCallback, RTCPeerConnectionErrorCallback failureCallback);
    void addIceCandidate (RTCIceCandidate candidate, VoidFunction successCallback, RTCPeerConnectionErrorCallback failureCallback);
enum RTCSignalingState {
enum RTCIceGatheringState {
enum RTCIceConnectionState {
callback RTCPeerConnectionErrorCallback = void (DOMError error);
interface RTCSdpError : DOMError {
    readonly    attribute long sdpLineNumber;
enum RTCSdpType {
dictionary RTCSessionDescriptionInit {
             RTCSdpType type;
             DOMString  sdp;
};[ Constructor (optional RTCSessionDescriptionInit descriptionInitDict)]
interface RTCSessionDescription {
                attribute RTCSdpType? type;
                attribute DOMString?  sdp;
    serializer = {attribute};
callback RTCSessionDescriptionCallback = void (RTCSessionDescription sdp);
dictionary RTCIceCandidateInit {
             DOMString      candidate;
             DOMString      sdpMid;
             unsigned short sdpMLineIndex;
};[ Constructor (RTCIceCandidateInit candidateInitDict)]
interface RTCIceCandidate {
                attribute DOMString       candidate;
                attribute DOMString?      sdpMid;
                attribute unsigned short? sdpMLineIndex;
    serializer = {attribute};
dictionary RTCPeerConnectionIceEventInit : EventInit {
             RTCIceCandidate candidate;
};[ Constructor (DOMString type, RTCPeerConnectionIceEventInit eventInitDict)]
interface RTCPeerConnectionIceEvent : Event {
    readonly    attribute RTCIceCandidate? candidate;
partial interface RTCPeerConnection {
    sequence<RTCRtpSender>   getSenders ();
    sequence<RTCRtpReceiver> getReceivers ();
    RTCRtpSender             addTrack (MediaStreamTrack track, MediaStream... streams);
    void                     removeTrack (RTCRtpSender sender);
                attribute EventHandler ontrack;
interface RTCRtpSender {
    readonly    attribute MediaStreamTrack track;
interface RTCRtpReceiver {
    readonly    attribute MediaStreamTrack track;
dictionary RTCTrackEventInit : EventInit {
             RTCRtpReceiver   receiver;
             MediaStreamTrack track;
             MediaStream[]    streams;
};[ Constructor (DOMString type, RTCTrackEventInit eventInitDict)]
interface RTCTrackEvent : Event {
    readonly    attribute RTCRtpReceiver   receiver;
    readonly    attribute MediaStreamTrack track;
    readonly    attribute MediaStream[]    streams;
partial interface RTCPeerConnection {
    RTCDataChannel createDataChannel ([TreatNullAs=EmptyString] DOMString label, optional RTCDataChannelInit dataChannelDict);
                attribute EventHandler ondatachannel;
dictionary RTCDataChannelInit {
             boolean        ordered = true;
             unsigned short maxPacketLifeTime;
             unsigned short maxRetransmits;
             DOMString      protocol = "";
             boolean        negotiated = false;
             unsigned short id;
};interface RTCDataChannel : EventTarget {
    readonly    attribute DOMString           label;
    readonly    attribute boolean             ordered;
    readonly    attribute unsigned short?     maxPacketLifeTime;
    readonly    attribute unsigned short?     maxRetransmits;
    readonly    attribute DOMString           protocol;
    readonly    attribute boolean             negotiated;
    readonly    attribute unsigned short      id;
    readonly    attribute RTCDataChannelState readyState;
    readonly    attribute unsigned long       bufferedAmount;
                attribute EventHandler        onopen;
                attribute EventHandler        onerror;
                attribute EventHandler        onclose;
    void close ();
                attribute EventHandler        onmessage;
                attribute DOMString           binaryType;
    void send (DOMString data);
    void send (Blob data);
    void send (ArrayBuffer data);
    void send (ArrayBufferView data);
enum RTCDataChannelState {
dictionary RTCDataChannelEventInit : EventInit {
             RTCDataChannel channel;
};[ Constructor (DOMString type, RTCDataChannelEventInit eventInitDict)]
interface RTCDataChannelEvent : Event {
    readonly    attribute RTCDataChannel channel;
partial interface RTCPeerConnection {
    readonly    attribute RTCDTMFSender? dtmf;
interface RTCDTMFSender {
    void insertDTMF (DOMString tones, optional long duration = 100, optional long interToneGap = 70);
                attribute EventHandler ontonechange;
    readonly    attribute DOMString    toneBuffer;
    readonly    attribute long         duration;
    readonly    attribute long         interToneGap;
dictionary RTCDTMFToneChangeEventInit : EventInit {
             DOMString tone;
};[ Constructor (DOMString type, RTCDTMFToneChangeEventInit eventInitDict)]
interface RTCDTMFToneChangeEvent : Event {
    readonly    attribute DOMString tone;
partial interface RTCPeerConnection {
    void getStats (MediaStreamTrack? selector, RTCStatsCallback successCallback, RTCPeerConnectionErrorCallback failureCallback);
callback RTCStatsCallback = void (RTCStatsReport report);
interface RTCStatsReport {
    getter RTCStats (DOMString id);
dictionary RTCStats {
             DOMHiResTimeStamp timestamp;
             RTCStatsType      type;
             DOMString         id;
enum RTCStatsType {
dictionary RTCRTPStreamStats : RTCStats {
             DOMString ssrc;
             DOMString remoteId;
dictionary RTCInboundRTPStreamStats : RTCRTPStreamStats {
             unsigned long packetsReceived;
             unsigned long bytesReceived;
dictionary RTCOutboundRTPStreamStats : RTCRTPStreamStats {
             unsigned long packetsSent;
             unsigned long bytesSent;
partial interface RTCPeerConnection {
    void setIdentityProvider (DOMString provider, optional DOMString protocol, optional DOMString username);
    void getIdentityAssertion ();
    readonly    attribute RTCIdentityAssertion? peerIdentity;
                attribute EventHandler          onidentityresult;
                attribute EventHandler          onpeeridentity;
                attribute EventHandler          onidpassertionerror;
                attribute EventHandler          onidpvalidationerror;
dictionary RTCIdentityAssertion {
             DOMString idp;
             DOMString name;
interface RTCIdentityEvent : Event {
                attribute DOMString assertion;
interface RTCIdentityErrorEvent : Event {
                attribute DOMString  idp;
                attribute DOMString  protocol;
                attribute DOMString? loginUrl;
partial dictionary MediaStreamConstraints {
             DOMString peerIdentity;
partial interface MediaStreamTrack {
    readonly    attribute boolean      isolated;
                attribute EventHandler onisolationchange;
