WD-webarch-20031209: Are there constraints on the interpretation of fragment identifiers?

Re: Section 3.3.1, para 1 ("Per [URI], in order ...")

This reader wonders at this point whether there are any constraints on
the interpretation which the definer of a media type can place on
fragment identifiers for the media type.  Can one, consistent with Web
architecture (if not necessarily with good design) define a media type
(let us say application/sortes) where the meaning of a fragment
identifier is identified by taking a checksum of the octet string
returned, the conventional numerological value of the string used as
the fragment identifier, multiplying the one by the other, and using
the product to look up a passage in a copy of Vergil, with the
stipulation that the meaning of the fragment identifier is "the
meaning of the passage found by this method"?

Received on Thursday, 4 March 2004 18:19:30 UTC