Web Applications Working Group Teleconference
25 Feb 2009

See also: IRC log


Doug Schepers (DS), Olli Pettay (Sm), Chaals


ISSUE-44 -- Should DOM3 Events cover the interaction of events and the Window object?

Smaug: The thing that Gecko does is very odd, but it because that is what Web pages does

DS: That would be HTML - SVG is different

Sm: Does SVG have SVGLoad?

DS: Yes, and load that is somewhat overloaded. Proposal, say that a language may/must/? define where a load event is fired

Sm: HTML5 does sort of do that already.

[CMN: What happens when the language doesn't do that?]

DS: We could point out the two different cases.

Sm: Something strange happens - the event is dispatched to the window, not to the target. That is how Gecko works, because when I tried to make it do something more reasonable it broke lots of sites.

DS: So, does the proposal work for you?

SM: Yes, makes sense for it to depend on the language

DS: So what should we do if I have SVG inside HTML. How should it bubble?

Sm: If you get loading for the image it is dispatched to the image in HTML, and goes to document. Doesn't go to the window like all other events. Load event listeners on window only find the events that are for loading the page. I think webkit has the same hack we do. Opera used to do something different, years ago, not sure now.

<trackbot> ACTION-312 - Propose some wording to resolve ISSUE-44 by saying that it depends on the language where the event goes [on Doug Schepers - due 2009-03-04].


Proposed topic for next week: Mutation events

Sm: Would it make sense to have a small spec for gesture events?

DS: Yes. Pen, multi-touch, ...

Summary of Action Items

[NEW] ACTION-312: schepers to propose some wording to resolve ISSUE-44 by saying that it depends on the language where the event goes [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2009/02/25-webapps-minutes.html#action02]
[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.133 (CVS log)
$Date: 2009-02-25$