This document lists the use cases, implied requirements and identified gaps that the Media API TF of the Web and TV IG has considered during its first iteration of work (March 2013 - February 2014)
The Media APIs task force, part of the W3C Web and TV interest Group, merges the focus of three previously independent task forces (terminal, metadata and recording&downloading) and focuses on:
During the first phase of its work, the TF has asked members to contribute use cases that they were interested in investigating. Such use cases have been collected on the TF wiki and are available here
Starting from the Use Cases pointed above, the TF has derived a set of requirements; these are also recorded on the TF wiki and available here
The use cases and requirements have then been cross-referenced in a spreadsheet .
Based on the use cases and the requirements, the TF analyzed the gaps between the requirements and W3C specifications. The details of the result are available here.
There are 23 gaps across 10 specifications, which is summarized as follows:
Reqs | NSD | HTML5 | HTML5.1 | WebRTC | Web Storage | MSE | Push | Manifest | Service Worker | Web Crypto |
#4 Service Synchronization | X | X | ||||||||
#5 Service Expiry | X | X | ||||||||
#5.2 Application Authentication | X | |||||||||
#6 Device Authentication | X | |||||||||
#7 Local Access Control | X | |||||||||
#8 Local Network Service Protection | X | X | ||||||||
#10 Wake-up Mechanism | X | X | ||||||||
#11 Service Information in Push Notification | X | X | X | |||||||
#12 Offline Mode | X | |||||||||
#17 Tuner Control | X | X | ||||||||
#20 Content Download | X | |||||||||
#21 Metadata Protection | X | X | ||||||||
#21.B Metadata Protection (Offline) | X | X | ||||||||
#24 Content Recording while Watching | X |
Some gaps can be addressed by one specification as an obvious way. We need to communicate with corresponding Working Group and get the estimation of if and when the gaps can be bridged.
Some gaps can be addressed by 2 or more specifications. We should communicate with corresponding Working Groups (WG), and find the best path (if, which and when) to fill the gap.
One particular features gap #17 Tuner Control, whose gaps was identified in HTML5, may have to go through a different route considering the heavy workload in HTML WG and precedent of how other feature gaps was handled, e.g. MSE, EME, WebVTT etc. Either a specific Task Force in HTML WG needs to be established to address this gap through the extension method or a Community group needs to be initiated to work on a new specification that can bridge this gap.
It is suggested that motivated and interested parties may take the following next steps to bridge the gaps:
It is also recommended that the Web and TV IG Media API Task Force look into the scope of the potential Community Group, and facilitate the interested parties to create the Community Group.