Becky's summary of work needed to complete Guideline 1.3 for the Last Call draft.

Guideline / Success Criterion
Category 1 Issues
Sufficient Techniques Completed?
Tests completed for sufficient techniques?
Suggested Techniques to develop (including tests)
Guideline 1.3
1605 - suggest removing funtionality from GL text:. RESOLVED at  Jan 5 meeting to remove functionality for GL text.

  1. 1309 - definition of programmatically determined
  2. 1795 - asks, " Which structures, then, are "perceivable" for purposes of this criterion"?
  3. 1863 - questions the current definition of structure.

  1. Using label elements to associate text labels with form fields. (this one contains tests)
  2. Using title attributes to label form controls that can't be individually labeled.
  3. Using headings.
  4. Absolute positioning based on structural markup.
Yes,  technique for labels has been updated with tests.  That completes on sufficient technique.
  1. General technique - Using standard text formatting conventions to allow structure in a simple text document to be programmatically determined. NOT REQUIRED since have one completed tech. specific technique but would be good to have.
  1. 1309 - definition of programmatically determined
  2. #1607 and 1608 - Yvette and Gregg took an action item at the December 15
    meeting that should address both issues. ACTION:  Yvette and Gregg to
    review 1.3.2 and 1.3.4 to address programmatically determined, 
    guaranteeing visual access at level 2 and making the working consistent.  Proposal made to the list and survey create but not discussed:
  3. 1879 - suggests an update to the intent section (NOT  REQUIRED for last call)

Drafts completed
  1. Situation A: Ensuring that color encoded information is also available in text (a description).
  2. Situation B: Using color and pattern
  3. Situation C: Using features of the technology to ensure that color attributes are available via the accessibility API.

Drafts include test information
#1766. Missing glossary entries - variations in presentation of text
should be defined.  Proposal at
Yes - drafts completed
  1. Marking emphasized or special text. (general)
  2. <>Using blockquote for quotations. (updated with tests)

Drafts include test information

#1607 and 1608 - Yvette and Gregg took an action item at the December 15
meeting that should address both issues. ACTION:  Yvette and Gregg to
review 1.3.2 and 1.3.4 to address programmatically determined,
guaranteeing visual access at level 2 and making the wording consistent.
Proposal made to the list and survey create but not discussed:  Proposal does not change the 1.3.4 SC text.
drafts complteted
  1. Situation A: Ensuring that color encoded information is also available in text (a description).
  2. Situation B: Using color and pattern
Draft includes test information
Note that the techniues used here are the same as those used for 1.3.2.  NOT REQUIRED but would be nice to have the following for Situation A: Including a character cue whenever color cues are used (e.g. asterisk next to red items).
  1. 1309 - definition of programmatically determined
  2. #1767 and 1789 which suggest that this SC should be at a higher level. See research and proposal at:  Survey results are here: but no discussion by the working group.

Drafts completed
  1. Including meaning-critical sequences in the programmatically determined reading order AND
  2.  Preserving meaning-critical sequences in alternate presentations. NO survey or feedback on this proposal.

Drafts include test information.
  1. 1851 - proposal to promote this to level 1 to better map with 508 req. for accessible forms  This was also surveyed: but not discussed by the working group.
Draft completed
Providing textual identification of items that otherwise rely only on shape and/or position to be understood.
Drafts include test information