Some text with different color words interspersed. The words color each are specified in a different color using a span with a class attribute or a span with a color style. This color was specified using the font tag with the color attribute.
JAWS 7.0 will speak the color changes in IE via the Speech and Sounds Manager option. You have to edit the current scheme, navigate to the color tab, turn on speak colors, and save the updated scheme. With this option set, JAWS will speak the color changes for each item it encounters. This works in IE 6 but not with Firefox 1.5.
Window Eyes 5.5 will speak the information about the current element. Cursor to an element, such as a character, word, or form element and press ins-e. WindowEyes will display a dialog with the description, font, font size, style, and foreground color. In IE, the background color is also provided. WindowEyes also allows you to get color information for what is under the mouse pointer. To enable this you must edit the verbosity options. From the verbosity options dialog, select attribute changes and enable color changes. You must also turn Attribute Changes on from the Screen menu. With the mouse pointer over the desired character, press the ctrl - numpad ins - numpad delete keys. Both of these methods work in Both IE 6 and Firefox 1.5