Proofreaders checklist

How to record and report errors found

If you use Microsoft word - one method is to simply copy the document into Word (or open the document in Word) and turn tracking on. It is easy for copy editor to find the corrections and it is easy to look at the corrections in context. If you like you can also highlight them in yellow but that is not necessary.

If you do not use word you can:

  1. describe the correction, or
  2. or put [was] [new] at the front of a line with the corrected sentence or just the phrase. You dont need to put the whole sentence, just enough that is can be found with a search for those words. Easiest if you put them on two successive lines so that they line up. it makes it easier to find the differences, especially if it is just a capitalization or comma. For example

General Things to check (applies to all sections)

Standard things to look for

Hyphenation rules

Punctuation checks

"Which" and "That"

Special things for WCAG Documents

All docs

  1. Eliminate contractions (e.g., "don't" should read "do not") (Hint. Search for 't)
  2. Look for use of the word "graphic(s)." Replace with "image(s)."Disability-related phrases and etiquette
  3. Use "photosensitive seizure disorder" instead of "photosensitive epilepsy"
  4. Use "cognitive limitations" instead of "cognitive disability"...others?

Rules for lists

  1. Each list item begins with a Capital letter - UNLESS list items are separated with comma or semicolon
  2. List items end with a PERIOD only if item is a complete sentence.

In the WCAG 2.0 document itself

In the Understanding WCAG 2.0 document and techniques docs

Check for these commonly misspelled words