Guide to Guideline 1.2 Level 2 Success Criterion 1

Key terms and important concepts

Synchronized transcript of dialogue and important sound effects. Captions provide access to multimedia for people who are deaf or hard of hearing.
For the purposes of these guidelines, multimedia refers to combined audio and video presentations. It also includes audio-only and video-only presentations that include interaction.

Intent of this success criterion

The intent of this success criterion is to enable people who are deaf or hard of hearing to watch multimedia presentations. Captions provide the part of the content available via the audio track. Captions not only include dialog, but identify who is speaking and notate sound effects and other significant audio.

Techniques for addressing 1.2 L2 SC1

The techniques for GL 1.2 L1 SC1 are deemed to be sufficient by the WCAG Working Group for meeting success criterion 1.2 L2 SC1.

Benefits: How 1.2 L1 SC1 helps people with disabilities

Examples of 1.2 L2 SC1

Related resources

See the related resources for GL 1.2 L1 SC1.