Test Samples Submission Form (Early Draft)

This form provides a mechanism for those interested in submitting test samples for inclusion in the WCAG 2.0 test samples database. Submissions are publicly archived in the http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-wcag2-techs/. Please note that submissions are subject to TSDTF approval and that there is no guarantee that they will be included in the test samples database.

When submitting a test sample, please ensure that it follows the following format:

  1. The test file does this.
  2. The test file does that.
  3. It must be like this.
  4. It can't be like that.

Submit A Test Sample

Submitter Information


File 1

Positive (contains the problem)
Negative (does not contain the problem)

File 2

Positive (contains the problem)
Negative (does not contain the problem)

Developed and Maintained by: Shadi Abou-Zahra
Last updated: $Date: 2006/08/15 19:13:53 $