1. WAI Home
    1. I'm New to Accessibility
      1. Introduction to Accessibility (10)
      2. Principles of Accessibility (46)
      3. How Accessibility Works (11)
      4. Types of Disabilities (44)
      5. How do People with Disabilities Use the Web? (45)
      6. User Perspectives Videos (12)
        1. Keyboard Control (13)
        2. Color Contrast (14)
        3. Layout & Design (15)
        4. Text to Speech (16)
        5. Large Controls (17)
        6. Video Captions (18)
        7. Customizable Text (19)
        8. Voice Recognition (20)
        9. Understandable Content (21)
        10. Notifications & Feedback (22)
      7. Get to Know Some Users (43)
      8. Tips for Getting Started (34)
      9. Mobile Accessibility (5)
      10. How to Contact Inaccessible Websites (40)
    2. Plan & Manage Accessibility
      1. Web Accessibility First Aid (170)
      2. Plan & Manage Accessibility (165)
        1. Initiate (166)
        2. Plan (167)
        3. Implement (168)
        4. Sustain (169)
      3. Building a Business Case (23)
        1. Social Factors (24)
        2. Technical Factors (25)
        3. Financial Factors (26)
        4. Legal & Policy Factors (27)
        5. Resources (28)
      4. Developing an Organizational Policy (162)
      5. Global Web Accessibility Laws & Policies (161)
    3. Design & Write for Accessibility
      1. Designing for Inclusion (41)
      2. Tips for Designing (35)
      3. Tips for Writing (36)
      4. Involving Users in Design (171)
      5. WCAG 2.0 Quick Reference Web App (57)
    4. Develop for Accessibility
      1. Tips for Developing (37)
      2. Mobile Development (New)
        1. Mobile Web & Responsive Design (New)
        2. Native Mobile (New)
      3. Before and After (BAD) Demo (191)
      4. Developer Tutorials (184)
        1. Page Structure (185)
          1. Concepts
          2. Page Regions
          3. Labeling Regions
          4. Headings
          5. Content Structure
          6. Example
        2. Menus Tutorial (186)
          1. Concepts
          2. Structure
          3. Styling
          4. Fly-out Menus
          5. Application Menus
          6. Example
        3. Images Tutorial (187)
          1. Concepts
          2. Informative Images
          3. Decorative Images
          4. Functional Images
          5. Images of Text
          6. Complex Images
          7. Groups of Images
          8. Image Maps
          9. alt Decision Tree
          10. Tips & Tricks
        4. Tables Tutorial (188)
          1. Concepts
          2. One Header
          3. Two Headers
          4. Irregular Headers
          5. Multi-Level Headers
          6. Caption & Summary
          7. Tips & Tricks
        5. Forms Tutorial (189)
          1. Concepts
          2. Labeling Controls
          3. Grouping Controls
          4. Form Instructions
          5. Validating Input
          6. User Notifications
          7. Multi-page Forms
          8. Custom Controls
        6. Carousels Tutorial (190)
          1. Concepts
          2. Structure
          3. Functionality
          4. Animations
          5. Styling
          6. Example
          7. Complete Code
      5. WCAG 2.0 Quick Reference Web App (57)
    5. Evaluate for Accessibility
      1. Intro to Evaluation (174)
      2. WCAG-EM Evaluation Methodology (175)
      3. WCAG-EM Reporting Tool (176)
      4. Involving Users in Evaluation (177)
      5. Selecting Evaluation Tools (180)
      6. Evaluation Tool List (179)
      7. Evaluating on Mobile (New)
    6. Teach Accessibility
      1. Make Your Presentations Accessible (192)
      2. Developing Presentations & Training (193)
        1. Accessibility Topics (194)
        2. Presentation Outlines (195)
        3. Workshop Outline (196)
      3. Pre-made Presentations (197)
        1. Overview of WAI (198)
        2. How Accessibility Works (199)
        3. Benefits of WCAG 2 (200)
        4. Using WCAG 2 (201)
        5. Older Users (202)
        6. Accessibility is Smart Business (203)
      4. Handouts
    7. Utility Nav
      1. About WAI (207)
        1. WAI News (226)
        2. Contact WAI (209)
        3. Contribute to WAI (206)
        4. Translating WAI Documents (209)
        5. Sponsor WAI (210)
        6. The W3C Process (158)
      2. Search Bar (5)
      3. WAI Guidelines (54)
        1. WCAG 2.0 (55)
          1. WCAG 2.0 TR (58)
          2. Understanding WCAG 2.0 TR (59)
          3. Techniques for WCAG 2.0 TR (60)
          4. Quick Reference Web App (57)
          5. WCAG 2.0 at a Glance (65)
          6. WCAG 2.0 FAQ (66)
          7. Submit a Technique (73)
          8. Submit a Comment (74)
          9. Claiming Conformance & Logo Use (61)
          10. Translations (62)
        2. WAI-ARIA 1.0 (129)
          1. WAI-ARIA 1.0 TR (131)
          2. WAI-ARIA 1.1 CR (138)
          3. WAI-ARIA Primer TR (132)
          4. WAI-ARIA Authoring Practices TR (133)
          5. WAI-ARIA 1.0 User Agent Implementation Guide TR (134)
          6. Roadmap for WAI-ARIA TR (135)
          7. WAI-ARIA FAQ (137)
        3. ATAG 2.0 (90)
          1. ATAG 2.0 TR (101)
          2. Techniques for ATAG 2.0 (102)
          3. AGAT 2.0 at a Glance (104)
        4. UAAG 2.0 (105)
          1. UAAG 2.0 TR (116)
          2. UAAG 2.0 Requirements TR (117)
        5. Evaluation & Report Language (EARL) (118)
          1. EARL 1.0 Schema TR (121)
          2. EARL 1.0 Guide TR (125)
          3. EARL Requirements TR (120)
          4. HTTP Vocabulary in RDF TR (122)
          5. Representing Content in RDF TR (123)
          6. Pointer Methods in RDF TR (124)
          7. EARL Resources (127)
        6. IndieUI (128)
    8. Footer Nav
      1. WAI Site Map (3)
      2. Translations (6)
      3. Trouble with Another Site (40)
      4. Using WAI Material (221)
      5. Linking to WAI (157)
      6. WAI Groups (227)
        1. Accessibility Guidelines (AG) WG (232)
        2. Accessible Platform Architectures (APA) WG (228)
        3. Accessible Rich Internet Applications (ARIA) WG (229)
        4. Education and Outreach (EO) WG (230)
        5. WAI Interest Group (IG) (231)
        6. Group Task Forces (239)
      7. Archived Content (New)