Universal-Design review of the Web
Security Context Approach.
- With
respect to version:
- http://www.w3.org/TR/2007/WD-wsc-usecases-20070302/
- prepared
- Al
is so good to see this activity underway. Internet users and
people with disabilities especially have been suffering without good
human-engineered communication of security realities. The
internet has definitely changed the landscape for trust and security in
business dealings by consumers. The opening up of access to
offerors is beneficial. The opening up of inboxes to an equal
myriad of spammers is not. Somehow we need to tame the new
realities with a new way of communicating the trustworthiness of
contexts within Web use.
Layer your answer: model
and view.
consideration of the widely diverse presentation and actuation bindings
that are required so that people with disabilities are afforded access
to information devices and services, realize that it is essential to
define the intended interpretation, which is of broad applicability,
and then under specified modality conditions indicate suggested
with disabilities are going to need to mess with the carefully-honed
presentation that you figure out. For a case history on
security measures that are too presentation-dependent, see our CAPTCHA Note.
To keep your progress from
raising higher the digital divide of disavantage for the disabled, you
really need to make your answer a one-two punch: clearly define your
model of all pertinent decisions and evidence, in a way that it could
be processed by programs that reformulate the presentation, and not
limited to the projection that you recommend be routinely presented to
users with the usual sort of delivery context. Then do go
and articulate good practice as to how to infiltrate the Web user
experience with the security aspect of [OLTP] distance operations.
But clearly articulate the caveat that this presentation is
known good within some (hopefully parametrized) neighborhood of "the
usual situation." Note that, while not detailing how, users with
atypical delivery contexts will a)
do better with a different presentation and b) do best with different
slices of the total available information.
Usability is not enough; neither for security information nor for
disability access.
information deals with context properties that are benign most of the
time and occasionally need the user to pay attention to them.
When they need attention, it is because the consequences are
potentially serious. But this happens infrequently.
This is
a characteristic of safety and security domains. People are
generally rational actors where the odds are less skewed than roughly
20:1. But for safety and security, we fervently intend
to keep the odds more skewed than 20:1, to ensure that the bad
situations are the case much less likely than 5% of the time!
This colors the practice of mixed initiative interfaces as
regards the security aspect, and general usability is too colored by
more frequent, less critical user actions to be an adequate guide to
the design, here.
The recommended remedies for these
gaps are:
- Security and safety benchmarking
- Tap
Human Factors expertise from safety-critical domains such as the U.S.
Food and Drug Administration.
- Draw on techniques
and strategies that reflect best current practice in safety and
security applications.
- Universal Design
- Tap
experties from people who train users of Assistive Technology
- Draw
on technologies and Standards developed with strong Universal Design
input such as the Universal
Remote Console framework.
- Tap expertise from people developing standards in the learning space, and those who are implementing them.
are in document order, mostly. A few topics have been pulled
together. But they're in a flat, arbitrarily numbered list
not indented per the ToC.
- Charter
retains authority
- where it says
(in the Abstract)
- This Note will
specify the goals for
the Web Security Context Working Group.
- please
- This Note will refine the objectives for
the Web
Security Context deliverables.
- Why?
- The
Charter remains the
authoritative source for goals. This Note does not supercede
it in that role.
- Formal
studies don't cover disability access adequately, use experts
- where it says in 2.1
Document the status quo:
- The
Working Group will catalog existing presentation of security
information and corresponding user interpretations reported in user
studies. - please
- You can't limit the user interpretations
that you integrate into your
data to formal studies. Formal studies are often not
available that cover people with disability-adapted delivery
contexts. You need to open the gates to allow for the advice
of experts and some anecdotal experience from users in building this
reference base of experience.
- Why?
- Most
studies that attempt to test for statistical significance don't have
the numbers of people with ability diversity to control for that or
even let the experience of people with disabilities count much.
So weaker forms of evidence than formal studies have to be
- information
overload/underload -- no oneSizeFitsAll
- where
it says, in 2.2
Relevance of
security information
Working Group will analyze common use cases to determine what
security information a user requires to proceed safely and recommend
security information that should, or should not, be presented in
each case. - please
- While
GUI users rarely perturb the presentation decisions of the web author,
Screen reader users commonly do use verbosity settings in their user
environment. So the presumption must be that the good
this Working Group decides on as to "how much to say when" is in fact
only competent for user interface modes and conditions similar to the
predominant delivery context of web
users. It's not universal. Yes, it's good to get
more consistency in following this good practice where it fits, but
recognize the limits of the goodness of this practice and don't think
that this goodness extrapolates across all Web delivery
contexts. For that reason, the function/performance model of
the security aspect needs to be articulated separately and
independently from the good practice binding for presentation of those
functions with the desired comprehension and annoyance performance
characteristics in the nominal delivery context. In
10.1.8 "Provide explanations ..." shows you realize that the
information needs to be there in support of a mixed-initiative,
variable-level-of-detail user experience. All the available
information should be considered 'conditonal content' of the dialog
state as contemplated by UAAG
1.0, Guideline 2.
So while the WSC deliverables may well not discuss *how* to
present all this information, *some* way to access all this information
is a requirement of the UAAG guideline.
- presentation
norms -- no oneSizeFitsAll
- where it says,
in 2.3
Consistent presentation of security information
The Working Group will recommend a set of terms, indicators and
metaphors for consistent presentation of security information to
users, across all web user agents. For each of these items, the
Working Group will describe the intended user interpretation, as
well as safe actions the user may respond with in common use cases. - please
- The
desired user interpretation of decisions and evidence are fundamental;
this belongs in the model. It should not be limited to the
'normal mode' dialog that is in the projection of the full model that
is discussed above. The presentation suggestions may be
to the 'normal mode' projection. But what the user should
understand if they drill down deeper or skim more lightly should be
covered, not limited to the suggested summary dialog. Yes,
want to introduce some terms and icons and the like whose consistent
use will enhance recognition of security information when it crosses
the user's bow. But these are not the only prosodic tools
should be used to convey this role in the web-dialog scene or world-let.
- Why?
- In
consideration of the diverse presentation and actuation bindings that
are required so that people with disabilities are afforded access to
information devices and services, realize that it is essential to
define the intended interpretation, which is of broad applicability,
and then under specified modality conditions indicate suggested
- Please consider
- The IMS Global Learning Consortium has established a baseline of metadata
for both content and personal preferences. Even 'though there is
still contention as to how single-sign-on should work, it is very
broadly agreed that we need this. Single-sign-on will give us a
convenient way to manage the affordance of portable, personal
preferences to qualifying sites. Where these preferences are
available, they should in particular be used up front to condition
the presentation of any sign-on dialog. Single-sign-on with the
identity host brokering not only user authentication but presentation
preferences is too important a user case for people with disabilities
for this use case to be left out of your plans, even if single-sign-on
is not yet pervasive in Web practice.
- qualify your
- where it says, in 2.4
awareness of security information
The Working Group will recommend presentation techniques that
integrate the consumption of security information by the user into
the normal browsing workflow. Presenting security information in a
way that is typically ignored by the user is of little value. - please
- Yes.
The WAI-ARIA technologies are targeted to bring into the fold of
accessible web content newer, more integrated high-usability
interaction gestures (such as transient flyouts for information or
action), as opposed to older gestures such as loading a whole new page
or launching a popup dialog. We should work together. And
yes, you sometimes have to get the user's attention. But on
other hand there are real "boy crying wolf" problems if you contend too
hard for the user's attention.
- Why?
- There
is a rather unruly free-for-all going on out there vying for the
Web wanderer's attention. How do you get the user's
attention? In part by not seeking it unnecessarily.
I know
you are
addressing this in part under 2.2. But it also goes for how
the security message into the flow vs. distinguish it so that it is
recognized for what it is. All presentation-based
are subject to imitative spoofing attacks. The communication
of a
"continuing all clear" security status should be something the user is
likely to ignore. Because it doesn't represent a change from
user has internalized about their dialog context, nor anything that the
user needs to do something about. The trick is to have the
field of focus infiltrated with rationally-chosen gestures of graded
'initiative-grabbing' quality for the communication of different hazard
or reassurance levels in the security context. Contemporary
rich-interaction Web and installed applications afford a greater
variety of such gestures with more subtle variation in attention- or
initiative-grabbing quality. Yes, we want to get with the
in this regard.
- no
safe haven in presentation space
- where it says,
in 2.5
Reliable presentation of security information
The Working Group will recommend presentation techniques that
mitigate deceptive imitation, or hiding, of the user agent's
presentation of security information. - where it
says, in 2.7
Best practices for other media
- The
Working Group will provide best practice guidelines for
other media to follow so as not to undermine the presentation of
security information on the web. - please
- This
part of the strategy seems particularly weak. Techniques
to ascertain the actual presentation of [e.g. DOM objects] is sought by
the WAI. Techniques to query the delivery context are under
development by the Device Independence [now Ubiquitous Web
Applications] Working Group. You should think of querying the
delivery context for evidence of spoofing 'security indicating'
presentation as one of the tools in your deployment strategy.
Likewise, making it easy for the user to exercise a faint
of skepticism with what seems to them a lightweight gesture, but raises
the sensitivity of security-information-filtering -- that is a
closed-loop, mixed-initiative way to move the performance curve of
security failures vs. user nuisance. Also, you should
introducing practices which are not widely used now but are up and
running and working in practice. What if the user gets a page with some
protected content and some that was transmitted in unprotected HTTP.
The user doesn't know what in the page is of what category.
Suppose at this point they could by a flick of the hotkey
the challenge "can you send me that offer in a signed document?"
This relies on PKI that is somewhere in the SSL stack, and
server won't have to bear the burden all the time. When a
user is
at all concerned, the ethical merchant could want to invest the extra
cycles for the cryptography. In other words, readily
changes in technology deployment should not be altogether off the table.
- Why?
- It
seems unlikely that you can limit yourselves to currently-widely
adopted technology and not find that any presentation-property syndrome
that you select (whether of placement, coloration or language) is
vulnerable to highly effective spoofing attacks. Likewise the
appeal to other media to stay out of your protected zone is not likely
to be successful unless a duly constituted panel representing all
stakeholders decides the allocated reserved presentations.
- cooperate
with WAI-ARIA 'politeness' of live regions in your quest for assured
- where it says, 2.5
Reliable presentation of security information
The Working Group will recommend presentation techniques that
mitigate deceptive imitation, or hiding, of the user agent's
presentation of security information. - please
- One
of the aspects of verbosity control in some delivery contexts adapted
for people with disabilities is the filtering and buffering of
events. In the WAI-ARIA
specifications, we have
introduces values of the @live attribute
that denote
or the urgency with which the user's attention should be given to
event. You have a similar need with yet more
authority, in a way. It would be great
if we had
event politeness wired into the backplane and we could piggyback
functionality for the access API bindings on top of your
functionality for
- Drill-down
access to all security information is not 'nice,' it's required (by
UAAG 1.0).
- where it says, in (non-goals)
Presentation of all security information
Access to
security information beyond what is available through the
recommended presentation may be desireable in many scenarios, such
as debugging. User agents are encouraged to provide this access, but
in a way that does not interfere with the recommended presentation.- you
must change
- This statement is too weak.
Mention and link the fact that access to all this information
is required by UAAG
1.0, Guideline 2.
- Why?
- The
User Agent Accessibility Guidelines 1.0 is already a Recommendation.
The current work is not chartered to undercut its
Don't re-invent this requirement wrong; just pass through the
relevent authoritatve requirement.
- limited
guidance on presentation OK
- where it says,
in (non-goals) 3.1
Presentation of all security information
- This
Working Group does not aim to recommend a
presentation for all of this information. - Fine.
- But
suggestions as to nominal and optional actions to get beyond the short
and sweet should be considered by the Group. Further, it is not clear
that you should not, for accessibility, provide one nominal (technical
report-like) browsable tree structure covering this information;
similar to the operation of the Table of Navigation in the Standard
Digital Talking Book. This is not a recommended presentation,
is a structure enabling structured access in diverse presentations.
This assured structure affords one consistent way to explain
"where am I" in the course of pursuing more information about the
security aspect of the current browse context.
- Re:
Non-HTTP Web interactions
- Drop
sub-section. 4.1
says it better and says everything you need
to say. Less is more.
- don't
disable assistive technology
- where it
says, in 4.2
User agents
Use cases considered by this Working Group must involve a web user
agent, operated by a human user. - where it says,
in 5.3
Security context information for
consumption by automated agent
- The
Working Group will only consider Web interactions that include a human
user. Situations in which all security relevant information is consumed
and acted upon my automated agents are out of scope.
- you
must change
- The
latter statement is incompatible with standard accessibility
requirements, in particularly the W3C Recommendation on User Agent
Accessibility Guidelines. Please review UAAG 1.0, Guideline
On the client side the user must have the option to employ
automated assistance that accesses either the W3C DOM or a
platform-defined accessibility API. The machinability of the
security information (information characterizing the security aspect of
the user's current browse context) is a matter of importance to people
with disabilities, and must not be neglected.
- where
it says, in 4.4
- The recommendations of
visited web sites or reputation services integrated into the user
agent are in scope for this Working Group. - please
- The architecture needs
to support reputation services integrated with the AT as well as
integrated with the base browser.
- Why?
- People
with disabilities who use heavy-duty Assistive Technology such
as a screen reader, voice command software, or on-screen-keyboard for
switch input management, will find the Assistive Technology a more
natural bundle host for recommendation-service access
funtions, as
opposed to the base browser.
- beyond
'who' (some day)
- where it says,
in 4.3
Entity identification
- Recommending
a presentation for these
designators that helps the user recognize which entity they are
currently conversing with, and when they are switching to a
different entity, is a primary concern of this Working Group. - please
- The likely shape of a better world of
trust includes the terms of the engagement beyond just 'who.'
the state of what works today is limited to "who" am I talking to.
DNS domains are about as scientific a 'who' as users ever resolve in
their fuzzy brains, by way of entities that are not human individuals.
the other hand, there is
still a lot of dissatisfaction from consumers about organizations
taking information disclosed for a finite purpose and redistributing it
beyond what the user understood as the purpose of that
disclosure. So the group should be aware of contemporary work
to model trust decisions in terms of contextual
integrity where
the parameteters of a context desiring integrity are the defining
characteristics of shared tasks as well as who is in or out of the
circle of the conversation.
- please
- attribute
certificates in the picture, eventually (bearer is known to me and
assertion/attribute is true about said bearer). User can
a voucher for certified quality, not requiring disclosure of user's
- Why?
- The
parking meter needs to know
you are a qualifying individual to use disabled parking spots, but it
does not need to know exactly who you are. There are, in the
of all possible worlds, many correlates for this in the world of B2C
transactions. So while a clear communication of "who is in
scene, and who am I conversing with?" is the name of the game for now,
the total picture in the long term may use attribute certificates as
well as identity certificates.
- full
legal entity identification (is a must)
- where
it says, in 4.3
Entity Identification
designators that helps the user recognize which entity they are
currently conversing with
- please
- If
the user can't readily drill down and get a fully-qualified answer to
"who do I sue?" you are wasting your breath. The fact that
user could, in principle, start an independent, un-prompted browse
through WhoIs does not meet this requirement.
- Why?
- Business
runs on recourse. The best commercial practice is not to get
right; but to refund on dissatisfaction. You can't rewrite
aspect of the climate of values that bear on the small domain of
transactions you are working on.
- widely
deployed baseline, yes; usage
and presentation, yes
- where
it says, in 5.4
New security
- Recommendations will only
be made for the presentation of currently deployed security
information. - please
- You
will, per goal
2.6, be making recommendations as to how to use the
identified, widely deployed technologies; as well as how to present the
information that results. You address this in the stated goal, but this
statement appears to contradict that one. Don't leave the
confused; assert both usage and presentation here.
- Why?
- The
security information that is available will depend on appropriate use
of the tech base. Your recommendations need to spell out the
technology utilization that will make necessary information available
and not just how to present it when it's there.
- please
- We need your expertise applied to
identifying "areas for future work"
in addition to this
scope. I understand that you do not plan to design
innovations predicated on model innovations. That's
risk management. But you need to publish the gaps in the
deployed techbase" as well to foster migration to a higher
better state of de_jure as well as de_facto Web security.
- define
extension interface for content-scanning tools
- where
it says, in 5.5
Content based detection
- The Working Group
will not
recommend any checks on
the content served by web sites. - please
- I don't think that you mean people
shouldn't check signatures on signed
What I think that you mean is that the filter queries or trip thresholds
statistical techniques such as you discuss will not be published by the
You should consider providing a
programmatic interface (perhaps a hypothesis
lattice compatible with what a voice recognizer looks like in EMMA) for
such tools to contribute to rational
decision making about when to raise a warning, and in addition an
interface where they can contribute message-content to the security
infoset. - Why?
- The
free-content areas drive trust. Confidence schemes work in
domain. So there is an enduring value-added niche for such
techniques. The group should seek to define interfaces
third-party software can contribute its findings to the rollup
summarized by your recommended presentation. Otherwise we
continue with the plethora of security helpers waving plackards in our
- platform and browser
security out of scope - NOT
- where it says,
in 5.6
and 5.7
- (out
of scope)
- please
- make
a greater emphasis on the semantic model of the
information; integrated with information from these other
and presented in platform-appropriate ways.
- Why?
- There
is a strong conflict between this scope restriction and the points
raised in 10.1.2, 10.1.6 etc. The user does not want to, and
don't want them to need to, sub-divide the security information this
finely. The user also wants to extend trust to software in
descending order of trustworthiness. So the OS and browser,
the present order of things, have priority in defining what terse
messages merit user attention and how to indicate these.
Integration with the web browse realities means integrating
security information from the web application with security information
from the OS, [third party security monitor], browser, [browser plugin],
and then the page. If you can't make common cause with these
other value-added players in the security situation, you have blown
your opportunity to connect with a model the user can generally
- please consider
- there
is an analogy in
terms of web pages respecting the system presentation defaults when the
user invokes High Contrast Mode. These are presentation
preferences that should be global across the desktop, and the
presentation and qualification of messages claiming to speak about
security needs to respect this pecking order, too.
- trust
in browser password cache needs to be better justified
- where
it says, in 8.4
Password management
- (better
to let browser keep it)
- please
- You
have in effect zeroed out the hazard raised by exploits against the OS
and browser. The bald assertion that it's better to minimize
re-entry of passwords on repeated visits is thus not credible, because
it is patently biased.
- Why?
- Presently,
I let the
Apple OS keychain keep passwords for me; else not. This key
wallet is explained as encrypted and this OS has a good track record.
If you want to represent the user's security, you have to
all threats in presenting a balanced picture of good and bad.
then you want the user to use the browser as a web-password safe, you
need to make that case more convincingly than the present appeal to
convenience, or avoiding spoofing risk. Don't substitute a
browser security hole for a user security hole. Fix the
- present web security
is not good enough; even 'though fixing that is
out of scope for this deliverable
- where it says,
in 8
Merits of the status
quo and 9
with the status quo
- (impression is that
security of the Web is OK, it's just the user is gullible and ill
- please
- recognize
that there are defects in the platform, say that this deliverable is
limited to boosting understanding at the user-browser connection.
Collect and document (even in a companion note) the things
would rather have done but didn't because the platform technology is
not as widely deployed as you feel you need.
- Why?
- Just
because this deliverable
going to try to improve things at the cognitive connection between the
browser and the user, don't pretend that that's the only problem left
to fix. For example, present practice is to offer the user a
printed hardcopy for their records, not a fully machinable data record.
This is a violation of what ought to be basic business rights
the consumer. The merchants claim that the user can't be
secure these data. But they don't tell the user that.
use their wiles to keep the user ignorant of what the could have, and
should have, had access to. That needs to be laid at the door
the Operating System as a defect in user support, not blown by with
"best current practice is good enough." While this is
as a matter of general consumer defence, it becomes critical for people
with certain disabilities where having your personal-business office in
a personal computer is the only way to be able to independently conduct
your personal business, not just a convenience. One shouldn't
have to pay web merchants through a credit card in order to import the
results into Quicken, for example. And you should be able to
import the full, itemized invoice, not just the bottom line.
- distinguished
Chrome is not the answer
- where it says,
in 9.1
Poorly defined area for chrome
- (user
recognize what information is from browser and not page)
- must
- The
present definition for the chrome is layout-wise. Change to
representation through which the user interacts with the browser
itself, as distinct from the web content accessed." Compare
the language in UAAG
1.0, Guideline 1.
- please
- Think
again. You are asking the user to make crisp distinctions
they don't want to, and we don't want them to need to. The
represents functionality that, in the way the user recalls it, doesn't
change from page to page. What you use frequently, you want
to bring from recall memory and you
don't want display capability wasted on tickling your recognition
memory for these things. The
innovations are strongly confined inside the page. So it's
rational for the chrome to be a wallflower. And it's not just
chrome. The GUI web presents the user with lots of
that they ignore. The only problem is that what they ignore
what they notice varies from user visit to user visit. The
doesn't distinguish page content that doesn't get their attention from
chrome that doesn't get their attention because, well, frankly, their
attention is elsewhere. So asking them to split hairs among
they don't care about is a futile approach.
- please
- Review
the relationship of sounds to events and ShowSounds to the critical job
of attention-getting on event. Different modality
have working BCP solutions to this problem and they are
different, based on the modality mix.
- Why?
- audio
is more atomic than is graphics; it's harder to be out of earshot than
to be out of the visual focus. On the other hand, it's not
- please consider
- Design
the event information (filtering, compression to friendly terse
gestures) on the basis of a VoiceXML dialog. Then abstract to
SCXML for flexi-modal presentation.
- Why?
- You
will note that screen readers say 'link' when a hyperlink is
encountered. That is to say, some of the dialog-situation
information that is conveyed with (status) presentation properties
(color, underline) in the GUI presentation is spelled out, articulated
in language on-transition events, for the audio presentation.
Designing for a voice dialog, and backing all messages with
least a "say it in a sentence" [if longer] backup will improve your
coverage of events the user needs to understand, and can be pruned for
the default GUI presentation. Spelling out both a status and
events view of the process will both improve the quality of your work
and make repurposing the the presentation go better.
- please
- I want to return to the matter of High
mode. The reason you are going to have trouble seeking a
within the confines of present Web technology is illustrated by the
similarity between two functions that are attempting to make the browse
experience user-centric and accountable to the user's interest:
security and accessibility. The Web technology of today is
characterized by the CSS cascade rule that local rules trump global
rules. This is effective in making point and click operation
efficient/easy, but not stable/secure/accessible. What we are
against is a re-factorization of the user-web engagement into aspects,
where there needs to be better support for the stability of the
security aspect (and the presentation-adaptation aspect, as well).
For the purposes of information integrity assurance, we can't
the local escape from global discipline. But that's a change
the techbase. With the ascendancy of Web Applications
rising market share w.r.t. installed) you can't just retreat into "what
the browser should do." There has to be a rationalized and
enforced continuity between what happens in OS, [AT], browser,[plugin],
webApp layers.
- benchmarking
success -- it's out there
- where it says,
in 10
- There are no worked examples
standards of usable security to emulate. - Whoa!
think again
Credit care and debit
card operations at groceries, along with RFID based gasoline purchase
tokens are all existence proofs of successful tradeoffs between
usability and security.
You need to note "what
works" that is "what secure+usable systems are there as close to the
targeted domain of Web commerce as we can get?" and not just look
inside a narrow definition of that domain and say "there are none."
the closest approaches between the domain of successful applications
and your desired target domain. Don't fail to do this.
- augment
general usability wisdom because you are operating on a fringe (as is
- where it says, in 10.1
Reliance on general usability expertise
- These
are also a prerequisite for
usable security. Listed below are design principles, drawn from the
research literature, recognized by the Working Group as relevant to
usable security. - please
usability wisdom is necessary, but not sufficient. Neither
accessibility, nor for the security aspect of the browsing experience.
- Specifically
seek expertise
related to usability under
conditions such as are used by people
disabilities. General usability expertise is not sufficient
assure usability that is robust in the face of
variations in user ability and
situation. Take
specific steps to broaden the base in
expertise that you tap as regards diversity in user
and situation. 'Ability' means tap assistive technology
Rehabilitation Engineers. 'Situation' means tap the resources
the Ubiquitous Web Initiative. - Why?
- Security
operates outside the sweet spot of usability. Safety and
have operating points where the likelihood of the downside is unusually
small and the significance of the downside is unusually large.
For this reason it's incumbent to benchmark what works in
and security, and not just usability, and especially not just HCI
usability, in the small. Likewise, robust usability for
with disabilities can be achieved through universal design, but it
takes structuring the query; just looking for anything that matches the
epithet 'usability' will not assure you of success.
- user
understanding is where it's at
- where it
says, in 10.1.2
Conceptual model
- A
will develop a personal model of what something does and how
it works. The user interface should [...] ensure that the actual and
state of the system are consistent. - Yes, yes, yes.
- this
is the root of all your requirements; adjust the rest where they get in
the way
- realism is not
universal, nor does ordinariness befit exceptional
- where it says,
in 10.1.3
between system and the real world
The system should speak the users' language, with words, phrases and
concepts familiar to the user, rather than system-oriented terms.
Follow real-world conventions, making information appear in a
natural and logical order - please
- It is easy for those
locked in bitmapped-display or video presentation modalities to get
carried away with this. To the detriment of access by people
with disabilities.
For machine personality,
cartoon presentation is more suitable and less disquieting to users
than trompe-l'oeil verisimilitude.
is a tool that can always be spoofed. The more you rely on
real-world-liness, the harder it is to draw a sandbox around your
presentation cues and keep others from re-using them to malign intent.
warnings and European
road signs use heavily symbolized
presentation. Now I, as a U.S. habitue, find this in Germany
to be overdone. But verisimilitude is an easy way to optimize
the behavior at the center of the demographic hill and drive it down at
the edges.
- Why?
with disabilities will always
have to use the content in transcodes of the author's putative
presentation. So be sure to afford both a rigorous model, no
matter how code-geeky, as the foundation for what you think (based on
testing with too-central-tendency a sample) is a usable
design for a dialog.- please consider
- the
users bring diverse levels of understanding as well as different
modalities of access, so the system can't rely entirely on familiarity
of presentation. Thus the system should support
mixed-initiative adjustment of the level of 'partial understanding'
that is exposed. You have two performance goals that are in
conflict, here: a) does the user understand what you are
trying to tell her? b) does she trust that you have told her the whole
truth and nothing but the truth?
- please consider
- the
history of 'friendly messages' is littered with the wrecks of things
that only hide what the user needs to know. In one place you
inveigh against codes such as "403: forbidden". On the other
hand, this is the only touchstone of "ground truth" that is available
cross-browser and cross-platform today. Don't let it go.
Just as the UAAG supports "source
view" as one option the user should have; likewise in the
"access to all conditional content" the verbatim evidence from e.g.
protocol messages should be an available option.
- habit
is little help, here
- where it says,
in 10.1.4
Habit formation
Persistent use of any interface will cause the user to develop
habits. A user interface should leverage habit formation to shape
the user's workflow - please
- you are dealing in exceptional situations;
can't rely on habit to deal effectively with threats, unless you want
to make disaster habitual. Why do we hold fire drills?
Not because people are going to make a habit of using the
stairs for exit, but precisely because they don't. They need
to have things within their recall that are beyond the habitual.
That's the performance point where we are working, here.
- please
- Model and prioritize the full
security infoset and
Recommend good practice as to what to engage the
user with and when
predicated on articulated
assumptions of
a default delivery context. - The
Reader (for example) and not the Working Group
has enough
knowledge of the user experience and habits to make
presentation-pruning and presentation-effect-binding decisions.
- qualify
your interrupts; communicate subliminally always and through the focus
- where it says, in 10.1.5
Single locus
of attention
- A user
only a single locus of attention, a feature or an object
in the physical world, or an idea, about which they are intently and
actively thinking. Humans ignore things that aren't their current
locus of attention. The user's locus of attention is only held in
short term memory and so will be quickly forgotten once their
attention shifts. - please
This paragraph sounds as though
the security status should be contending for the user's attention along
with their main-line task. This could lead to mis-design.
principle is
likely to mislead the design if not taken with a large grain of
salt. The point here is that the comfort level of the user
with the current context is typically much more unconscious than is
their concept of what they are focused on. Humans react
subliminally to stylistic effects that connote changes in context or
context continuity in a way that suffuses many of these narrow 'loci of
You could be about to throw
the baby
out with the bathwater. Many in the Web think that
interactive behavior and text effects such as color and underline are
'presentation' that is disjoint from 'content.' But nothing
could be farther from the Web truth. Color or underline
subliminally communicates what is clickable to the visual user, and
clickability is essential to the user's concept of web browsing. the
web would be a laboratory artifact still if this closure of the
interaction cycle through style and behavior weren't in place.
And it works without the user ever focusing on it.
It plays into pre-focus scanning behavior.
have amply demonstrated that just like clickability, trustworthiness is
something that users judge subliminally. Our difficult task
is in presenting a trickle of nuisance events (small enough so they
don't decide it's the boy crying wolf) that will get them to exercise a
modicum more skepticism in the nick of time.
- please
- event sounds and ShowSounds, introduced
- simplicity is in the
[diverse] world of the user
- where it says,
in 10.1.6
Aesthetic and minimalist design
- Dialogues
not contain information which is irrelevant or
rarely needed. Every extra unit of information in a dialogue
competes with the relevant units of information and diminishes their
relative visibility - please
- presentation effects that communicate
subliminally are not subject to quite the same contention as is, say,
the collection of objects in a popup. True, there can be too
many of them. But for a finite number, they tend to play nice
together. Note also that best current practice uses
combo boxes at times where the diversity of method afforded adds more
than it subtracts.
- please consider
- same
old -- layer the answer by model then view
- The
Working Group is competent to state what the user needs
to understand, and what the user has available to help them understand
(including all
available) and should spell those out independent of presentation
advice or conventions. Then, in a second layer,
suggest what makes sense to present under
stated nominal
conditions, and how.
- Why?
- Under
adaptive conditions, there is no way for
the experts in this group to a_priori know how much the security
infoset should be filtered, or for that matter what constitutes a
"friendly message" corresponding to a "403: forbidden."
- challenge
and recover are essential; one presentation fits all -NOT
- where
it says, in 10.1.7
Help users recognize, diagnose, and recover from errors
Error messages should be expressed in plain language (no codes),
precisely indicate the problem, and constructively suggest a
solution - please consider
- model
the system-driven forward path of the browse dialog and exception- and
user-initiated digressions in UML/SCXML. Document recovery
path options in the model. Then slice and style what you will
for stated nominal conditions.
- Why?
- You
simply can't do
all those things at once for the breadth of the disabled
population. The literal codes of the protocol messages are
the only way to be fully precise. Plain language
is dependent on the language skills of the user.
What the author thinks is a constructive suggestion as to a resolution
is frequently a bad choice when operating through an adapted delivery
context. The full model needs to be documented and shared
with AT so that appropriate decisions can be made about these
things. Yes, the author (and WG) *should* propose what they
*think* is good presentation and recovery paths. OTOH they
need to know that they will be wrong about these decisions for some
delivery contexts and that more user-centered, use-initiative,
AT-knowlege-based decisions must be enabled in the implementing
- reinvent Help and
- where it says, in 10.1.8
Provide explanations,
justifying the advice or information given
If the user is expected to carry out a task or an action to achieve
the desired level of security, they should have access to an
explanation that justifies why it is necessary. - Yes,
yes, yes.
- Where the projection of the
security infoset that the WG has nominated as "what to present" fails
to communicate, and the user can recognize this, there needs to be
built into the *easy* interactive fabric of Rich Web content a way for
them to get more information when they will somehow manage to recognize
that they care
about the decision and don't grasp the info they need. See
comment to 10.1.7 for more.
- Know
you don't know your users
- where
it says, in 10.1.9
Understand the user
should begin with an understanding of the intended users.
This includes population profiles that reflect training, motivation,
and goals - please
- The situation here is just like
Alcoholics Anonymous. The first step is to admit that
you don't understand the user.
So you have to create a dialog
that collaborates, in a mixed-initiative way, with a diverse base of
users with more diverse delivery contexts than you have time to learn
- Why?
- The
security underpinnings need to be part of the woodwork. That
is to
say, universal. You need Universal Design, not targeted
- User-adjustable step
is part of Universal Design
- where it says,
in 10.1.10
Create task profiles
With the intended user in mind, designers should formally write down
user tasks - Yes, yes, articulate a task
view. However...
- Note that the step-by-step
granularity in which tasks are accomplished is *not*
universal. Some delivery contexts mitigate in favor of
smaller steps, some larger.
- please consider
- formalize
these workflow models in UML/SCXML. Stay in touch with the
people in Multi-modal
Interaction WG who are working on authoring in this medium
for help in how to develop your specification-maintenance drill if you
do so.
- consistency is good
where it fits; it doesn't always fit; so undergird your consistency
with a model
- where
it says, in 10.1.11
- The cues should be
displayed consistently in location and across
sites and browsers in an attempt to prevent spoofing and user
confusion. - please
Yes, you are going to
publish good presentation practice.
On the other
hand, the deliverables need to create a semantic platform
terms of what the user should understand, and the evidence bearing on
that they have available to make. Capturing this into a
model and encoding is essential for equal access
for people with disabilities.- Why?
- There
is no one presentation that works for all. Discussed
- 'where'
is less universal than 'how' for drill-down
- where
it says, in 10.2.2
The user must be aware of the task they are to perform
The user must be aware that a decision is to be made, what
information should be used to make the decision, and where to look
for the information - please
- s/where to look for/how to get
- Why?
- Pagination,
and hence even place-in-ToC varies with the delivery context.
the user has to take the initiative to look for something, it should be
a recallable item like '?' for 'Help' and not a ToC-path, a 'where.'
This is where object-oriented is the wrong model, and a
globally-bound verb comes first. Compare with the context
menu in
the GUI, not the man-pages department in the site map.
Infiltrating the Web 2.0 look and feel means re-inventing
not cruising with what is widely deployed.
- testing
throughout evolution of product
- where
it says, in 10.3
Implementation and testing
- We
will pursue resources that allow us to do
more extensive usability testing, including:
* Substantially different low fi testing for each iteration
* Broader and more representative user population participating
* Lab testing of sample code, for example [147]Johnny 2]
* Contextual or "in the wild" testing of sample code [148]Social
* More
iterative combinations of the above, throughout the
specification lifecycle - Hooray!
- This
program is ambitious, but meritorious. Wishing you all
- Please consider
- Investigate
what can be done with high-function verification technologies such as
NVDL and Schematron to aid authors (and user agents) in deriving
information that bears on the conforming or non-conforming use of your
suggested practices. The flow here is from the logical model
security information to machinable checks targeted to two applications:
things that get run on the author side in preparing materials for
publication, and the same things get run on the client or a third-party
service when it seems there's something not quite right in the State of
- please consider
- Stay
in touch with the Mobile
Web Best Practices WG. They are ahead of you on the road in
exploring new and better paths to testing
and deployment.
- please consider
- Keep
a journal. The WAI stands fair to gain from anything you
so fast
This document reads unfortunately as if the Working
Group believes that one reserved presentation of one
summary level
of the security situation will solve the problem of weak user awareness
and understanding of the security aspect to the actions they take in
web browsing and web commerce. Unfortunately, this easy
is an illusion; you have to follow the harder road.
major reasons why consistent presentation is not the silver bullet it
might seem are a) the infrequency of security-problematic
micro-contexts in web browsing, and b) the W3C commitment to serving
people of diverse abilities and in diverse situations -- demonstrated
by the existence of the Web Accessibility Initiative and Mobile Web
The infrequency of malign security
contexts will
defeat any presentation convention. Whatever we choose as the
to present the security placard for the current context, even if we do
(unlikely as it is) persuade or force others to stay out of that
particular presentation-styling niche, that will fade into the ignored
background of the user's awareness. As Cheryl Trepanier put
it so
well, "People are adapted." This is where habit is our enemy.
If our styling is recognizable, and the information presented
that styling is routinely boring, the user will learn to ingnore, not
attend to, whatever we send them by way of security coaching in that
Separation of presentation and
content is a watch-word
of accessibility, and enshrined in the Web
But the establishment of a forearm's-length separation while
stustaining effective presentation and interaction is an art.
can succeed in this art, but it takes a) strategic recognition that a
clear model is a goal and b) tactical methods that will let the model
evolve out of what you would be doing anyway, rather than a radical
reset and restart of the process.
you know that
The seeds of a successful strategy are
all here.
recognition in 10.1.8 and 10.2.2 that whatever summary indication is
given in 'push' mode has to be backed by a more detailed situation
explanation available to user 'pull' means that the pool of
user-accessible information is deeper than the glint in the proposed
presentation. Amen. Here's the conditional content
the UAAG
is talking about. So the level at which the security
situation is
presented is subject to the user's initiative. Our state
for describing the (dialog-based) solution and performance measures
that we are working on includes both the situation where the iconic
status or event notification is present and the user chooses to
question further or press on, and the state where they have chosen to
ask for more explanation on the current security climate. The
path to success does not through summary go/no-go decisions made on the
highest level of summarization, but in building habits of informed
decision making, because the majority of situations are still benign.
The user should be double-checking more contexts than they
The first transition (to ask for more) should be infrequent,
the second state (in which the user gets more) should be effective
communication; not just the cues that condition that first transition.
tacet recognition in 2.6 that new discipline in applying the
established, endemic-in-the-wild security building blocks will be part
of the solution. We can't be responsible for
the user's mistakes, but we can be responsible to
the (initially small fraction of) users who exercise some skepticism.
To be responsible to the users whose attention we do get, we
sound information on which to base what we tell them. That's
where the encoding discipline of the ethical merchant community comes
in. If the benign merchant community doesn't exercise due
to reliably populate the security information that our designed
user-coaching works off, then the barn door is wide open for spoofers
to do the same shoddy stuff as everyone and the user will get bad
The commitment, exposed in 10.3, to an
process of continual evaluation of what you are doing in the ground
truth of user testing. This shows that you are actually
to results, not the the baseline ideas sketched here in framing your
Backing into a Model
expositions of the Model/View or Model/View/Controller paradigm say
"you start with a model." This is not how it works in the
world. To succeed in ending up with a model, work a spiral
development with frequent re-factorization after the manner of Extreme
Programming. The ideal of the model is a concept lattice
links the concepts in the summary presentation through the concepts and
complexes in the 'explanatory backup' level to the assertions that
express precisely what each available security datum tells us.
Consider using SKOS to link the concepts that you are working
with. Even if the bottom layer of deployed security
technology is
populated with keywords that are mnemonic in English, and the
dominant mode of presentation of the highest level of summarization may
be iconic, yet the middle layer of "how we explain to the user what it
is that they should be aware of" should be localizable. When
dealing with tough nuts like explaining Web security at a non-trivial
level, this is hard. The concepts will have to be worked over
make them comprehensible by the layman. Once you have done
work, a SKOS thesaurus of compare-and-contrast with more commonplace
terms is in you heads; all you need to do is capture it.
using assertion lattices after the manner of speech recognition as a
model of what you know (dynamically, in the moment), from which you
derive the user briefing.