I updated some of the legal references, made some minor edits. Attached is the latest file and it is viewable on the Github CMS here:




From: Mike O'Neill [mailto:michael.oneill@baycloud.com]
Sent: 22 April 2016 16:53
To: 'Nick Doty' <npdoty@ischool.berkeley.edu>
Cc: public-tracking@w3.org; 'Wendy Seltzer' <wseltzer@w3.org>
Subject: DNT Guide



The message text has not been changed. The email has been signed by Mike O'Neill <michael.oneill@baycloud.com>.

Nick, here is the first draft of the DNT implementers guide, a bit late. It is viewable here http://baycloud.github.io/DNTGuide/ and the file is attached to this


