Issue number: Issue name: Issue URL: Section number in the FPWD: Contributors to this text: Description: Specification: Examples and use cases: ===== For instance... Issue number: Issue-1 Issue name: Example issue to be closed, so people can see what an issue looks like Issue URL: Section number in the FPWD: Search through to find where the issue is discussed, and give the section number like 0.0 Contributors to this text: Aleecia M. McDonald Nobod E. Else Description: Sample issues are important so WG members get an idea of how issues are created, added to, and closed. It helps to demonstrate such things in practice rather than talk abstractly. Specification: A sample issue MUST be created in the issue tracker. A sample issue MAY NOT only be discussed in the abstract. A whiteboard MAY be useful, but is not required. Working group members SHOULD see the sample created, not just see it after it has been created. We discussed two options for the group to consider: (1) A sample action SHOULD also be created, for the same reasons. We should open a new issue. (2) A sample action is unnecessary after seeing a sample issue, since they are so similar. It's fine if a group wants to create one on their own, but we don't need to take this up. Examples and use cases: A working group with members who are not familiar with W3C procedures and tools may want to create a sample issue. We should have an easy way for them to do so. The first issue created in the tracker can also act as an example, with no need to create a specific sample issue.