SW Education and Outreach IG Weekly

31 Jan 2007

See also: IRC log


Martin Dzbor ,Kingsley Idehen ,Susie Stephens ,Lee Feigenbaum ,Wing Yung ,Kjetil Kjernsmo ,Paula-Lavinia Patranjan ,Karen Myers ,Alistair Duke ,Uldis Bojars ,Benjamin Nowack ,Orri Erling
Ivan Herman, Ina O'Murchu, Pasquale Popolizio
Susie Stephens
Martin Dzbor




<Susie> Regrets from Ivan and Ina

<kidehen> yes

zakim ??p1 is martind

04 01zakim, ??p1 is martind

<kjetilk> IPcaller is kjetilk

<kidehen> martind is P1

Review action items - Susie

<LeeF> Scribe: martind

susie provides overview of where we are,

we will hear from alistair on use case

susie will update on f2f mtg

susie takes action item 1 -- Kjetil provided info

susie added info on blogging,...

susie reports that ivan resent email about e-challenges

there was also email about upcoming conf to the mail.list

about enterpr. outreach, wing prepared update on results

leoS is at vacation re responsibility for info gathering

<kidehen> Susie: Re. O'Reilly event, this is a no-go for me re. pitching a paper

susie says we're in good stading w.r.t. all previous action items; well done

open next agendum

<wing> http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/sweo/group/wiki/SurveyResults

wing refers to wiki pages (see above)

<LeeF> Note: this is a SWEO-secured wiki page

about 51 respondents, mostly US

<Karen> +1 51 responses!

a couple from europe

wing says most participants from services ind., but also aero, gov, etc

most respondents were in multi-roles... many SW architects, some standard comm. reps

ivan suggested earlier partitioning data based on roles

wing started doing this

(see initial results on the wiki)

most participants were very familiar with SemWeb; maybe we should resubmit survey to people less familiar with SemWeb

wing now moves to perceptions

scribe: and describes the graphs, pictures

first images shows ways how would diff.people introduce SemWeb -- data, meanings, reasoning, standards,...

people were mostly aware of data integration and search apps of SemWeb

** pls. use the queue command if you want to ask questions :-) **

for the future it seems useful to get wider participation (not only researchers or similar)

wing now moves to advantages / disadvantages

wing points to bottom graph for advantages = reasoning seems quite big, but not among architects

maybe worth addressing in sweo

there are a concerns = complicated, few qualified people, hard to hire staff (e.g. for ontologies)

<LeeF> Interesting (but not surprising?) that the "too complicated" impression is help primarily by tech people

on customer attitudes, few responses

customers may not care what technology is inside, as long as it works

sources of SemWeb -- demos seem to lead by far; then papers, etc.

interesting category is "vendor support" = who else supports before adopting

wing now moves on recommendations for SWEO

prob. the most important is proposing practical, real use cases

scribe: followed by need/provision of some training

<Karen> +1 Wing!

wing wraps up his summary, it exists also in RDF if people want to analyze further

<kidehen> wing: RDF Data URL?

thanks to wing for nice analysis

did we face classic problem: people who are interested, will participate in the survey?

<wing> need to tidy it up a bit, but you can get it at http://wingerz.com/semweb/sweo/survey/all.rdf

<wing> need to tidy it up a bit, but you can get it at http://wingerz.com/semweb/sweo/survey/all.n3

good to see people are interested in reasoning

<wing> whoops never mind on the n3

<wing> ok, it's there now

maybe good to mention these messages in the use cases proposed to industry

karen thanks wing

<kidehen> +q

a couple observations: not many surprises from survey; but good to have baseline

also good to see strengths, opportunities, weaknesses

<wing> (data was generated by babel, so it doesn't have a lot of structure)

karen wants to share findings internally...

<kidehen> wing: any kind of ontology associated with it?

<wing> nope, not yet

<wing> it was pretty quick and dirty

kingsley - is the survey closed or continues?

susie says: survey closed on 26 Jan

susie says: other people were also doing some surveys -- maybe compare our findings with theirs?

<kidehen> Susie: links please re. other surveys etc..

a summer school ? in austria

susie, some pointers are already on our info gathering wiki...

<captsolo_> martind: http://www.semantics2006.net/semweb-awareness-barometer-an-online-survey-on-roll-out-application-and-training-needs-in.workshop.143.15.htm

we should probably finish with the survey for now, but we may reuse the questions on other customers, etc.

<captsolo_> this might be the summer school

<PaulaP> http://www.semantic-web.at/main.php

<PaulaP> for info on Semantic Web School

should we reopen the survey or use it for different/complementary audience (discussion susie - kingsley)

<PaulaP> Semantic Web School is not a summer school, they organize e.g. courses for industry

kingsley suggests addressing the point of most participants to such surveys are too close to SemWeb, maybe we need additional, more distant users?

<Karen> +1 sharing more datasets over time

susie suggests these follow-ups handled by individual members/companies, and then perhaps sharing results with SWEO

<bengee> the awareness barometer order form is linked from http://www.semantic-web.at/10.12.66.literature.semantic-web-awareness-barometer-2006.htm

uldis asks question: follow up kingsley...

uldis: wants to ask questions locally in Ireland -- reusing existing SWEO survey

susie says, we're happy to reuse the questions

<kidehen> Susie: We want to reuse SWEO question for surveys that are not SWEO tagged, but we will happily share the data with SWEO via RDF (the point I was making)

<kidehen> Susie: Same as Uldis

<kidehen> Susie: Goal being to have many RDF Data Source of polling / survey data

what we don't notice with most other surveys is some form of publication

many people may be interested in seeing e.g. a paper summing up our survey?

should we write a doc as a W3C note or go for a journal? wing asked for opinion

<PaulaP> I think it would be good to publish the results

<kidehen> Susie: Key points, we just want to officially seek permission to use the same questions in the surveys

<kidehen> Susie: rather than writing from scratch

<scribe> ACTION: karen taps into W3C what they prefer [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/01/31-SWEO-minutes.html#action01]

Karen check with Ivan,...

open next agendum

<PaulaP> you can e.g, try to talk about the results at events such as the Semantics 2007

kjetil finishing descrition of community projects

there were a few submissions made already

kjetil says, the project was taken very well

kjetil, can you provide url here into irc minutes?

<kjetilk> http://esw.w3.org/topic/SweoIG/TaskForces/CommunityProjects

susie says this is a good outcome, as it was only discussed at the last few telcos

<LeeF> +1 impressed with response to this also!

we already have 6 projects submitted, which is a good start

<LeeF> FAQ about community project: http://esw.w3.org/topic/CommunityProjectFaq

we have quite tough deadline for proposing new projects, people encouraged to respond quickly

open next agendum

alistair sent some initial input about BT use case

use case looks good, esp. to target more technical people interested in web services,...

alistair is interested in preparing less-techie description (e.g. for non-technical managers)

alistair is not available next week, but suggests doing this 'translation' for the week after

<scribe> ACTION: alistair prepares non-techie summary of BT case for Feb 14th [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/01/31-SWEO-minutes.html#action02]

susie suggests looking at survey again and see which orgs started some pilot projects

scribe: and then ask specific people to contribute a use case to SWEO?

open next agendum

<wing> ACTION: wing to send list of companies with pilot projects [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/01/31-SWEO-minutes.html#action03]

f2f meeting -- feedback from 6 people

stavanger seems to be a suitable place

ivan communicates with local organizers, who may help out with aroom free of charge

we though about thursday/friday mtg, but they're offering other days --

needs just clarification

<scribe> ACTION: Susie to clarify room allocations/dates of f2f [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/01/31-SWEO-minutes.html#action04]

Norway seems to be the right place

close this agendum

susie talks about the grid conf., organizers of grid web-inars series would like to get some presence from SemWeb people

people would go to London, get recorded as they deliver seminar and that's broadcast

people based near London may participate -- e.g. alistair (BT), martind (OU), others

e.g. paul walsh? talis?

may be good to have a couple presenters rather than one

susies sends further info to alistair about the event

<captsolo_> Galway is a flight away from London, too

also, tim BL was in touch re organizing next cambridge SemWeb day

kingsley offers some assistance re the meetings

maybe we should take lead on organizing Feb mtg?

two more things

no more things to cover....

susie thanks to wing, kjetil and alistair

<PaulaP> bye

<captsolo_> what is the web page for Norwegian Semantic Web days?

Summary of Action Items

[NEW] ACTION: alistair prepares non-techie summary of BT case for Feb 14th [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/01/31-SWEO-minutes.html#action02]
[NEW] ACTION: karen taps into W3C what they prefer [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/01/31-SWEO-minutes.html#action01]
[NEW] ACTION: Susie to clarify room allocations/dates of f2f [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/01/31-SWEO-minutes.html#action04]
[NEW] ACTION: wing to send list of companies with pilot projects [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/01/31-SWEO-minutes.html#action03]
[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.127 (CVS log)
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