EXIF - Status ------------------- EXIF ontologies (RDFS) currently publicly available: 1) http://www.w3.org/2003/12/exif/ - This is develped by Kanzaki.com and was moved to a W3C site a while back. - Currrently used in PhotoStuff 2) http://nwalsh.com/rdf/ - develped by Norm Walsh Semantically, these are both very similar. They are essentially straightforward encodings of the EXIF metadata tags for images (see http://www.exif.org/Exif2-2.PDF). There are some syntactic differences, but again they are quite similar. Both developers provide an EXIF conversion service: 1) Kanzaki - http://www.kanzaki.com/test/exif2rdf - They provide a simple web page, in which you can paste an image URL that referrences an EXIF image. Their script will then extract the EXIF metadata and convert it to RDF, adhering to their schema. 2) Norm Walsh - http://www.nwalsh.com/java/jpegrdf/ - Norm provides a Java program that, among other things, will read an EXIF image and covert the metadata to RDF (adhering to his schema) I haven't yet compared the output of the converters in detail yet, however upon first glance they seem similar. As a side note, I also came across http://jigsaw.w3.org/rdfpic/ which will embed RDF in the EXIF header of JPEG files. Next Steps ------------------- In my previous email I asked the following: "So, given this, I have a question...exactly how do we want to proceed and exactly what do we want to show in the 2nd deliverable." Here is the response from Mike Uschold (note that Jacco agreed with his suggestions): "A good start would be to identify some use cases where having EXIF translated into RDF is useful. Playing devil's advocate, one can say it is just a trivial syntactic translation of one format to the other. What services can be supported once it is in RDF? Give examples." I think this would be useful to do, and probably quite easy. If we feel, as a group, that this is what we would like to do for the EXIF use cases, I will proceed. I'm also open to any other/additional directions and comments.