by Mike Uschold
Submitted to:
SWBPD Working Group
Contact Information:
Boeing, Phantom Works
P.O. Box 3707,m/s 7L-40
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Tel: +1 425 865-3605
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This is an outline of a draft with some sketchy notes.
RDF and OWL have been designed, in part, to
overcome the challenges of pervasive semantic heterogeneity. This note provides guidance on how RDF and
OWL may be exploited to help achieve semantic interoperability. Semantic interoperability means enabling
different agents, services, and applications to exchange information, data and
knowledge in a meaningful way, on and off the Web. To enable semantic interoperability agents,
services, and applications need to share the same mutually understood
vocabulary or to create correspondences between their different vocabularies.
We briefly
characterize what we mean by semantic interoperability, and what the challenges
are. We describe some RDF and OWL constructs that are designed to support
semantic interoperability and illustrate them with examples. We highlight their
strengths and limitations. The main
strengths are the ability to import, share and reuse public ontologies (in
whole or part) and the ability to express logical equivalence between concepts,
properties and individuals in different ontologies. The main weakness is the
lack of support for procedural functions (e.g. arithmetic, string manipulation)
that are needed for mapping between many real-world ontologies.
Semantic Web languages, such as RDF and OWL facilitate interoperability in significant
ways. They provide the social structure and technical framework to reuse
existing ontologies; they provide formal mechanisms to express logical
equivalences between classes and properties in different ontologies. The goal of this note is to give users and
application developers tools and guidelines to exploit OWL to achieve semantic
interoperability. Ultimately, it is up
to the users to reuse ontologies
correctly and to identify and specify the equivalences between different
Semantic interoperability is about enabling different agents, services, and applications to exchange information, data, and knowledge in a meaningful way (one or off the Web). In this note, we will refer to agents, services, and applications collectively as agents. Great strides have been made in recent decades to improve interoperability at physical and syntactic levels. Streams of data were successfully transmitted between systems, however there was no meaning associated with the data. This situation is analogous to successful delivery of an encrypted message, appearing to the recipient in an unfamiliar script -- mere scratchings on the page. However, “It’s the semantics, not the plumbing”, says Michael Brodie, chief technical officer at Verizon[*]. It is insufficient just to transmit data between systems: does 32 mean your age, or the temperature? To a supplier, the delivery date is the date the product is shipped. To the buyer delivery date is the date received.
Semantic interoperability means avoiding the potential pitfalls that commonly arise when exchanging information. It is about ensuring that the meaning is preserved from one system or agent to another.
Semantic Web and the Semantic Web languages provide both the social structure and the technical means to facilitate semantic interoperability. At the same time, simply expressing ontologies in RDF or OWL does not solve the interoperability problem: agents must either share and reuse ontologies to describe the meaning of their data and processes, or, if they use different ontologies or schemas, to establish correspondences between classes, properties, and individuals in their respective ontologies, thus creating a mapping between ontologies.
Semantic Web provides the infrastructure, standard
languages, and the technical means to
support semantic agreement between different agents. Say something about why ontologies in general
help semantic interoperability – explicit assumptions that one can examine,
The Semantic Web infrastructure
encourages and supports publication of ontologies. This infrastructure will
hopefully encourage agents to reuse existing ontologies rather than create new
ones. When two agents use the same ontology, semantic interoperability between
then is greatly facilitated: They share the same vocabulary and the
understanding of what classes, properties, and individuals in that vocabulary
mean, and how they relate to one another. Easy access to and availability of
ontologies in standard formats that the Semantic Web infrastructure provides,
should enable and facilitate such reuse.
W3C recommendations for RDF, RDF Schema, and OWL, establish
a set of standard XML-based ontology
languages for the first time. While formal ontologies have existed before,
they all used different languages, underlying knowledge models, and formats.
Having a set of standard languages for ontology interchange and reuse should
also facilitate and encourage reuse of ontologies.
Semantic Web languages, such as RDF and OWL, provide the technical means to facilitate
We describe these concepts and provide examples of their
usage to facilitate semantic interoperability below.
Semantic Web and RDF and OWL are not a silver bullet for
semantic interoperability. Agents need to share and reuse ontologies published
in RDFS and OWL, reuse them correctly
and consistently, or create correspondences between terms in different
ontologies, if they choose to reuse different ones. More specifically, there
are several requirements for semantic interoperability that must be addressed
by other tools or by the social structure:
There are two main ways in which RDF and OWL support interoperability.
@@It is critical that in this section, there are some good examples with code. Perhaps we can have a simple usage scenario where we reuse one ontology and create a mapping to another. Ideally, the latter will also involve things that OWL cannot do, such as numeric calculations, concatenations, etc.. Any ideas?
Give a few paragraphs explaining this, and some examples of how you can get reuse of existing concepts from ontologies, or whole ontologies. Give some specific code examples.
The first supports plug and play among different ontologies, and can be seen as the foundation for making the Semantic Web possible. It supports reuse and sharing of ontologies.
Introduce and explain the following. What are they good for, what are their limitations.
NB when using OWL-DL, you have a rich language for specifying necessary conditions, or necessary and sufficient conditions.
Need some good examples.
Jim Hendler referred to Network Inference doing this. Are there any examples?
Deborah talked about this: are there any examples?
OWL and RDF provide the infrastructure and technical means to achieve semantic interoperability in a range of situations. Users and application developers are cautioned not to regard OWL and RDF as a silver bullet for semantic interoperability. Rather, it provides some very important first steps.
If we can, it might be nice to say something along these lines.
If you want to do X, then you can go ahead with OWL as it is, and get along fine.
If you want to do Y, then you can proceed, but do so with caution. Realize the pitfalls.
If you want to do Z, then there is little or no support provided by OWL at this time.
The built-in OWL property owl:sameAs
links an individual to an individual. Such an owl:sameAs statement indicates that two URI
references actually refer to the same thing: the individuals have the same
For individuals such as "people"
this notion is relatively easy to understand. For example, we could state that
the following two URI references actually refer to the same person:
:Description rdf:about="#William_Jefferson_Clinton">
The owl:sameAs statements are often used in defining
mappings between ontologies. It is unrealistic to assume everybody will use the
same name to refer to individuals. That would require some grand design, which
is contrary to the spirit of the web.
In OWL Full, where a class can be treated
as instances of (meta)classes, we can use the owl:sameAs construct to define class equality, thus
indicating that two concepts have the same intensional meaning. An example:
<owl:Class rdf:ID="FootballTeam">
One could imagine this axiom to be part of
a European sports ontology. The two classes are treated here as individuals, in
this case as instances of the class owl:Class. This allows us to state that the class FootballTeam in some European sports ontology denotes
the same concept as the class SoccerTeam in some American sports ontology. Note the difference
with the statement:
<footballTeam owl:equivalentClass us:soccerTeam
which states that the two classes have the
same class extension, but are not (necessarily) the same concepts.
NOTE: For details of comparison of URI
references, see the section on RDF URI references in the RDF Concepts document
[RDF Concepts].
The owl:equivalentProperty
construct can be used to state that two properties have the same property
extension. Syntactically, owl:equivalentProperty is a built-in OWL property with rdf:Property as both its domain and range.
NOTE: Property equivalence is not the same
as property equality. Equivalent properties have the same "values"
(i.e., the same property extension), but may have different intensional meaning
(i.e., denote different concepts). Property equality should be expressed with
the owl:sameAs
construct. As this requires that properties are treated as individuals, such
axioms are only allowed in OWL Full.
AXIOM SCHEMA: class description owl:equivalentClass class description
A class axiom may contain (multiple) owl:equivalentClass
statements. owl:equivalentClass is a built-in property that links a class description
to another class description. The meaning of such a class axiom is that the two
class descriptions involved have the same class extension (i.e., both class
extensions contain exactly the same set of individuals).
In its simplest form, an equivalentClass
axiom states the equivalence (in terms of their class extension) of two named
classes. An example:
<owl:Class rdf:about="#US_President">
NOTE: The use of owl:equivalentClass does not imply class equality. Class
equality means that the classes have the same intensional meaning (denote the
same concept). In the example above, the concept of "President of the
US" is related to, but not equal to the concept of the principal resident
of a certain estate. Real class equality can only be expressed with the owl:sameAs construct. As this requires treating classes as individuals, class
equality can only be expressed in OWL Full.
Axioms with owl:equivalentClass can also be used to define an enumerated
class by linking a type 1 class description (a class identifier) to a type 2
class description (an enumeration). An example:
<owl:oneOf rdf:parseType="Collection">
<Opera rdf:about="#Nozze_di_Figaro"/>
<Opera rdf:about="#Don_Giovanni"/>
<Opera rdf:about="#Cosi_fan_tutte"/>
This class axiom defines the class of
operas that together represent the "Da Ponte operas of Mozart" (a
popular subject in musicology). By using the equivalentClass construct we can
state necessary and sufficient conditions for class membership, in this case
consisting of an enumeration of three individuals, no less, no more.
NOTE: OWL DL does not put any constraints
on the types of class descriptions that can be used as subject and object of an
owl:equivalentClass statement. In OWL Lite the subject must be a class name and the object
must be either a class name or a property restriction.
NOTE: Although in principle different
types of class descriptions are allowed as the subject of an equivalentClass
statement, in practice it usually is some class identifier. This is also true
for the examples in this section.
It is possible to have multiple
equivalentClass axioms about the same class. However, this requires care. Both
axioms must lead to the same outcome, i.e. exactly the same class extension.
For example, an alternate equivalentClass axiom for Mozart's "Da Ponte
operas" could be the following one:
<owl:intersectionOf rdf:parseType="Collection">
<owl:onProperty rdf:resource="#hasComposer"/>
<owl:hasValue rdf:resource="#Wolfgang_Amadeus_Mozart"/>
<owl:onProperty rdf:resource="#hasLibrettist"/>
<owl:hasValue rdf:resource="#Lorenzo_Da_Ponte"/>
This states that the class extension of
the Da Ponte operas of Mozart corresponds exactly to those operas which are
composed by Mozart and for which the libretto is written by Da Ponte (note:
intersection = "and"). This axiom indeed defines a class with exactly
the same instances as the previous axiom.
NOTE: If we wanted to "upgrade"
an axiom of the form "A subClassOf B" to "A equivalentClass
B" (meaning that the class extension of A is not just any subset, but in
fact the same set as the class extension of B), we could add a second
subClassOf axiom of the form (B subClassOf A), which by definition makes the
two class extensions equivalent (and thus has the same meaning as "A
equivalentClass B"). Such subClassOf "cycles" are explicitly
allowed. As OWL is usable in a distributed environment, this can be a useful