SVG Accessibility API Mappings (SVG-AAM) defines how user agents map Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) [[!SVG]] markup to platform accessibility application programming interfaces (APIs). It is intended for SVG user agent developers responsible for SVG accessibility in their user agent.

This specification extends the Core Accessibility API Mappings 1.1 (CORE-AAM) [[!CORE-AAM]] and the Accessible Name and Description: Computation and API Mappings 1.1 (ACCNAME-AAM) [[!ACCNAME-AAM]] specifications for user agents. It leverages those core mappings and provides SVG-specific guidance to define how the SVG user agent must respond to keyboard focus and Role; State and Property attributes provided in Web content via WAI-ARIA [[!WAI-ARIA]]. The SVG-AAM also adapts the ACCNAME-AAM to make use of standard SVG features used to compute accessible names and description information exposed by platform accessibility APIs. These features allow SVG authors to create accessible rich internet applications, including charts, graphs, and other drawings.

The SVG-AAM is part of the WAI-ARIA suite described in the WAI-ARIA Overview.

This is a First Public Working Draft of SVG Accessibility API Mappings 1.0 by the SVG Accessibility Task Force, a joint task force of the Protocols & Formats Working Group and the SVG Working Group. It provides the first concrete guidance on mapping SVG language features to accessibility APIs, and addresses both native SVG features and ARIA additions. It extends Core Accessibility API Mappings 1.1 and Accessible Name and Description: Computation and API Mappings 1.1, and is part of a suite of similar technology-specific Accessibility API Mappings specifications.

Feedback on any aspect of the specification is accepted. For this publication, the SVG Accessibility Task Force particularly seeks feedback on the following questions:

To comment, send email to (comment archive) or file an issue in W3C Bugzilla. Comments are requested by 27 March 2015. In-progress updates to the document may be viewed in the publicly visible editors' draft.


In traditional Graphical User Interface (GUI) applications, components of the User Interface (UI) are displayed when needed and hidden when not needed based on user interactions. Accessibility APIs are used to communicate semantic information about the user interface to assistive technology software used by people with disabilities. These APIs constitute a contract between applications and assistive technologies, such as screen readers, magnifiers, alternate input devices, and speech command and control, to enable them to access the appropriate semantics needed to produce a usable alternative to interactive applications. For example, screen reading software for blind users can determine whether a particular UI component is a menu, button, text field, list box, etc.

In traditional SVG documents most SVG elements do not provide semantic information of value to assistive technologies as they represent low level vector graphics drawing directives. Consequently, it is when the author provides alternative text, descriptions, or WAI-ARIA semantics when that element has meaning to assistive technologies. SVG 2 now incorporates traditional keyboard navigation from HTML 5. Therefore, the user agent provides focus navigation to SVG elements known to receive focus by default or to that may receive focus through the use of tabindex. Assistive technologies obtain the essential semantic information from the Document Object Model (DOM) through user agent mappings to platform Accessibility API.

Both Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) 1 [[SVG1]] and Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) 1.1 [[SVG11]] included elements for accessibility purposes, such as <title> and <desc> , but prior to this specification there was no normative guidance as to how user agents should expose this information to assistive technologies, or how to integrate it with host languages and validators that support WAI-ARIA.

SVG closely aligns with the DOM Level 3 Core and HTML5 events to facilitate JavaScript use. Through the use of technologies such as JavaScript, Ajax, and CSS authors can make SVG look and behave more interactive without having to reload the page with each user interaction. In SVG, authors are able to produce accessible rich interactive charts, and drawings allowing the author to dynamically supply their intended semantics through through the use of WAI-ARIA. WAI-ARIA enables rich SVG drawn Internet applications to have the same accessibility features as GUI applications. Authors may include WAI-ARIA in their markup and user agents translate the WAI-ARIA markup to the platform accessibility APIs.

For an introduction to WAI-ARIA, see the WAI-ARIA Overview. The Core Accessibility API Mappings specification how WAI-ARIA roles, states, and properties should be supported in user agents using platform accessibility APIs. It is part of a set of resources that define and support the WAI-ARIA specification which includes the following documents:

This specification begins by providing a general overview of accessibility APIs and the accessible object hierarchy known as the accessibility tree. The following sections define how SVG host language elements, with or without WAI-ARIA roles, states, and properties applied map content to accessibility APIs. Other sections give guidance on calculating text alternatives, mapping actions to events, event processing, special document handling procedures, and error handling.

This guide relies heavily on the accessibility API mappings defined in the [[CORE-AAM]] and [[ACCNAME-AAM]] specifications but defines changes in mappings due to features in the [[SVG]] host language. Key areas of difference are:

Accessibility APIs

To provide access to desktop GUI applications, assistive technologies originally used heuristic techniques to determine the meaning of the user interface and build an alternative off-screen model. For example, a row of labels displayed horizontally near the top of an application window might be a menu. Labels with a border drawn around them might be buttons. Heuristic techniques are not always accurate, however, and require assistive technologies to be updated whenever the software application is updated.

A much better technique is for the software application to provide the necessary information for interoperability with assistive technology. To meet this need, platform owners have developed specialized interfaces, called accessibility API s, which can be used to communicate accessibility information about user interfaces to assistive technologies.

In Web pages the Document Object Model (DOM) is used to represent the structure and state of the elements in the document being rendered by a user agent. The elements of the document are organized into a hierarchy of nodes known as the DOM tree. User agents map DOMto accessibility APIs in the same way desktop applications map UI components do to support assistive technologies with the expectation that the information passed from the DOM matches the semantic intent of the author.

When the first rich Internet applications came out, authors created custom UI controls where the author created content that visibly matched the intent of the author but not the semantic intent. This is because there was no vehicle in early versions of HTML or SVG to provide the necessary semantics needed for user agents to expose them to assistive technologies through the platform accessibility APIs of the underlying operating system, throughout a web applications life cycle. This problem is worse in SVG as most its elements have no intrinsic host language semantics that make sense to users of assistive technologies as it consists primarily of low level drawing calls. Today, the information needed is provided when developers use WAI-ARIA to supply semantics in the form of role, state, and property information for elements. The screen reader or other assistive technology uses the semantic information exposed via the accessibility API to provide an alternative rendering of an application that is meaningful to a user.

Accessibility APIs covered by this document are:

If user agent developers need to expose information using other accessibility APIs, it is recommended that they work closely with the developer of the platform where the API runs, and assistive technology developers on that platform.

The Accessibility Tree and the DOM Tree

The accessibility tree and the DOM tree are parallel structures. Roughly speaking the accessibility tree is a subset of the DOM tree. It includes the user interface objects of the user agent and the objects of the document. Accessible objects are created in the accessibility tree for every DOM element that should be exposed to an assistive technology, either because it may fire an accessibility event or because it has a property, relationship or feature which needs to be exposed. Generally if something can be trimmed out it will be, for reasons of performance and simplicity. For example, a <span> with just a style change and no semantics may not get its own accessible object, but the style change will be exposed by other means.

Normative User Agent Implementation Requirements for SVG

This specification indicates whether a section is normative or informative and the classification applies to the entire section. A statement "This section is normative" or "This section is informative" applies to all sub-sections of that section.

Normative sections provide requirements that user agents must follow for an implementation to conform to this specification. The keywords MUST, MUST NOT, REQUIRED, SHALL, SHALL NOT, SHOULD, RECOMMENDED, MAY, and OPTIONAL in this document are to be interpreted as described in Keywords for use in RFCs to indicate requirement levels [RFC2119]. RFC-2119 keywords are formatted in uppercase and contained in a strong element with class="rfc2119". When the keywords shown above are used, but do not share this format, they do not convey formal information in the RFC 2119 sense, and are merely explanatory, i.e., informative. As much as possible, such usages are avoided in this specification.

Informative sections provide information useful to understanding the specification. Such sections may contain examples of recommended practice, but it is not required to follow such recommendations in order to conform to this specification.

Important Terms

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Supporting Keyboard Navigation

Enabling keyboard navigation in web applications is a necessary step toward making accessible web applications possible. Neither Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) 1 [[SVG1]] and Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) 1.1 [[SVG11]] included keyboard support. Keyboard support for SVG begins with Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) 2 [[SVG2]]. Conforming user agents MUST conform to Supporting Keyboard Navigation requirements in [[!CORE-AAM]].

Mapping WAI-ARIA to Accessibility APIs

WAI-ARIA support was first introduced to SVG in Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) 2 [[SVG2]]. This section defines how WAI-ARIA semantics are exposed to assistive technologies through platform Accessibility APIs and how SVG elements are mapped to Accessibility APIs based on WAI-ARIA.

General rules for exposing WAI-ARIA semantics

This section MUST conform to General rules for exposing WAI-ARIA semantics in [[!CORE-AAM]].

Conflicts between native markup semantics and WAI-ARIA

SVG user agents MUST conform to Conflicts between native markup semantics and WAI-ARIA in [[!CORE-AAM]] where the host language is [[SVG]].

Exposing attributes that do not directly map to accessibility API properties

SVG user agents MUST conform to Exposing attributes that do not directly map to accessibility API properties in [[!CORE-AAM]].

Role mapping

Platform accessibility APIs traditionally have had a finite set of predefined roles that are expected by assistive technologies on that platform and only one or two roles may be exposed. In contrast, WAI-ARIA allows multiple roles to be specified as an ordered set of space-separated valid role tokens. The additional roles are fallback roles similar to the concept of specifying multiple fonts in case the first choice font type is not supported.

General Rules

[[SVG]] user agents MUST conform to the Role Mapping General Rules accessibility API computational requirements in [[!CORE-AAM]].

SVG Element Mapping Table

This section defines how elements in SVG2 map to platform accessibility APIs based on their native host language semantics and when WAI-ARIA roles are applied. This section refers directly to the Core Accessibility API Mappings specification.

[Note 1] Issue 698: Need to address mappings when tabindex or aria relationships are applied to elements whose native host language semantics have a role="none". Typically these should not be mapped. tabindex is allowed on all elements even though authors are unlikely to do it.

[Note 2] Issue 699: Address use of map to generic container vs. a "group" role and role="none" mapping to concrete objects in some platforms. A role of "none" should not be mapped unless there is an error condition to avoid unnecessary growth of the accessibility tree.

Table describing mapping of WAI-ARIA roles to accessibility APIs.
SVG ELement Default Platform WAI-ARIA Role Mappings Platform WAI-ARIA Role Mappings for each WAI-ARIA Role Applied
a link Role Mappings
animate none Role Mappings
animateMotion none Role Mappings
animateTransform none Role Mappings
audio Map to group except for platform ATK/ATSPI that maps to role: ATK_ROLE_AUDIO application
canvas group Role Mappings
circle none role mapping, provided no associated title element, desc element, aria-label attribute, aria-labelledby attribute, or aria-describedby attribute; otherwise, group role mapping Role Mappings
clipPath none Role Mappings
cursor none Role Mappings
defs none No role may be applied.
desc none No role may be applied.
discard none No role may be applied.
ellipse none role mapping, provided no associated title element, desc element, aria-label attribute, aria-labelledby attribute, or aria-describedby attribute; otherwise, group role mapping Role Mappings
feBlend none No role may be applied.
feColorMatrix none No role may be applied.
feComponentTransfer none No role may be applied.
feComposite none No role may be applied.
feConvolveMatrix none No role may be applied.
feDiffuseLighting none No role may be applied.
feDisplacementMap none No role may be applied.
feDistantLight none No role may be applied.
feDropShadow none No role may be applied.
feFlood none No role may be applied.
feFuncA none No role may be applied.
feFuncB none No role may be applied.
feFuncG none No role may be applied.
feFuncR none No role may be applied.
feGaussianBlur none No role may be applied.
feImage none No role may be applied.
feMerge none No role may be applied.
feMergeNode none No role may be applied.
feMorphology none No role may be applied.
feOffset none No role may be applied.
fePointLight none No role may be applied.
feSpecularLighting none No role may be applied.
feSpotLight none No role may be applied.
feTile none No role may be applied.
feTurbulence none No role may be applied.
filter none No role may be applied.
foreignObject none role mapping, provided no associated title element, desc element, aria-label attribute, aria-labelledby attribute, or aria-describedby attribute; otherwise, group role mapping Role Mappings
g none role mapping, provided no associated title element, desc element, aria-label attribute, aria-labelledby attribute, or aria-describedby attribute; otherwise, group role mapping Role Mappings
hatch none No role may be applied.
hatchPath none No role may be applied.
iframe none application, document, img
image img No role may be applied.
line none role mapping, provided no associated title element, desc element, aria-label attribute, aria-labelledby attribute, or aria-describedby attribute; otherwise, group role mapping Role Mappings
linearGradient none No role may be applied.
marker none No role may be applied.
mask none No role may be applied.
meshGradient none No role may be applied.
meshPatch none No role may be applied.
meshRow none No role may be applied.
metadata none No role may be applied.
mpath none No role may be applied.
path none role mapping, provided no associated title element, desc element, aria-label attribute, aria-labelledby attribute, or aria-describedby attribute; otherwise, group role mapping Role Mappings
pattern none No role may be applied.
polygon none role mapping, provided no associated title element, desc element, aria-label attribute, aria-labelledby attribute, or aria-describedby attribute; otherwise, group role mappingRole Mappings
polyline none role mapping, provided no associated title element, desc element, aria-label attribute, aria-labelledby attribute, or aria-describedby attribute; otherwise, group role mappingRole Mappings
radialGradient none No role may be applied.
rect none role mapping, provided no associated title element, desc element, aria-label attribute, aria-labelledby attribute, or aria-describedby attribute; otherwise, group role mappingRole Mappings
script none No role may be applied.
set none No role may be applied.
solidColor none No role may be applied.
source none No role may be applied.
stop none No role may be applied.
style none No role may be applied.
svg group Role Mappings
switch none role mapping, provided no associated title element, desc element, aria-label attribute, aria-labelledby attribute, or aria-describedby attribute; otherwise, group role mappingRole Mappings
symbol none role mapping, provided no associated title element, desc element, aria-label attribute, aria-labelledby attribute, or aria-describedby attribute; otherwise, group role mappingRole Mappings

The use of the group role here is that of generic container for text. More work is required to address what additional text interfaces are exposed through platform accessibility API services.


The use of the group role here is that of generic container for text. More work is required to address what additional text interfaces are exposed through platform accessibility API services.

title none No role may be applied.
track none No role may be applied.

The use of the group role here is that of generic container for text. More work is required to address what additional text interfaces are exposed through platform accessibility API services.

use none role mapping, provided no associated title element, desc element, aria-label attribute, aria-labelledby attribute, or aria-describedby attribute; otherwise, group role mappingRole Mappings
video Map to group except for platform ATK/ATSPI that maps to role: ATK_ROLE_VIDEO application
view none role mapping, provided no associated title element, desc element, aria-label attribute, aria-labelledby attribute, or aria-describedby attribu oe; otherwise, group role mappingRole Mappings

State and Property Mapping

This section describes how to expose WAI-ARIA states and object properties. SVG user agents MUST conform to the State and Property Mapping accessibility API computational requirements in [[!CORE-AAM]].

Special Processing Requiring Additional Computation

Name and Description

When computing an accessible name or accessible description, user agents MUST conform to the section titled Text Alternative Computation of the [[!ACCNAME-AAM]] specification with the following modifications for the SVG host language:

  1. Replace step 2D with the following:
    Otherwise, if performing a text alternative computation for an accessible name and the current node provides a descendant <title> element chosen based on the language rules for the SVG specification, return the title text alternative as a flat string, unless the element is marked as presentational (role="presentation" or role="none"). If performing a text alternative computation for an accessible description, and the current node provides a descendant <desc> chosen based on the language rules for the SVG specification; return the description text alternative an accessible description computation attribute as presentational (role="presentation" or role="none").
  2. In step 2F skip step iii of Text Alternative Computation

Widget Values

SVG user agents MUST conform to the Widget Values accessibility API computational requirements in [[!CORE-AAM]].


SVG user agents MUST conform to the Relation accessibility API computational requirements in [[!CORE-AAM]].

Group Position

SVG user agents MUST conform to the Group Position accessibility API computational requirements in [[!CORE-AAM]].


SVG user agents MUST conform to the Actions accessibility API computational requirements in [[!CORE-AAM]].


User agents fire events for user actions, WAI-ARIA state changes, changes to document content or node visibility, changes in selection, and operation of menus. Conforming user agents MUST support the [[!CORE-AAM]] Events mappings.

Special Document Handling Procedures

SVG user agents MUST conform to the Special Document Handling Procedures in [[!CORE-AAM]].



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