See also: IRC log
<trackbot> Date: 28 October 2008
<Roland> rrsgaent, make log public
<scribe> Scribe: peaston
<scribe> Chair: Roland
<Roland> comments from Mark:
Eric: URI schema should be in sync regarding jndi properties
Roland: That's a separate spec
... fair comment that URI scheme should be synched
All: agree to Mark's first comment MUST vs will
... we agree that soapjmsdeliveryModeType be used in section 2.2.2
Discussing jndiContextParameterType per last weeks name and value attributes
Phil: priority schema should be "maxInclusive"
<Roland> should be: xs:maxInclusive value="9"
<Roland> create: type="soapjms:priorityType"
<Roland> create: type="soapjms:jndiContextParameterType"
Phil: make clear that we want name= and value= attributes for jndiContextParameterType
<gdaniels> in section 2.2.1, first sentence - "identifying and connecting to destination" should be "to a destination" or "to destinations"
<Roland> remove: "If the variant is "context", then the name is discovered via application context."
Glen: Should we upper case Destination since it is formal in JMS
Eric: good idea but not blanket need to be careful
... should it also be typographically different or a term
Roland: reluctant to do it now - perhaps later draft , 100s of references ?
<scribe> ACTION: Editors to look at Destination term and use in spec perhaps post-LC [recorded in]
<trackbot> Sorry, couldn't find user - Editors
<scribe> ACTION: Editors to look at Destination term and use in spec perhaps post-LC [recorded in]
<trackbot> Sorry, couldn't find user - Editors
<scribe> ACTION: Roland to look at Destination and terms in general in spec perhaps post LC [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-48 - Look at Destination and terms in general in spec perhaps post LC [on Roland Merrick - due 2008-11-04].
Roland: After LC minor edits are poss
gdaniels: Section 2.2 precedence rules could be too rigid in some cases perhaps too prescriptive depends on application
roland: We can add a sentence to say that "environment" depends on application
gdaniels: we could pull the environment out of the precedence rules and add a sentence
roland: we can ask specific questions to reviewers for LC in a note
Eric: JNDI additions needed plus Alfreds editorials
... describes Alfred's comments
<scribe> ACTION: Eric to update URI spec to adopt Alfred's comments and the jndi context parms [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-49 - Update URI spec to adopt Alfred's comments and the jndi context parms [on Eric Johnson - due 2008-11-04].
<scribe> ACTION: Roland to add note for Last Call regarding feedback requested on precedence wordings etc [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-50 - Add note for Last Call regarding feedback requested on precedence wordings etc [on Roland Merrick - due 2008-11-04].
Roland: Please everyone read the spec and if necessary produce 2 emails of comments: editorial and non-editorial
yves: XML protocol WG need to be asked to review doc