See also: IRC log
<trackbot> Date: 21 October 2008
<Phil> ah, Zakim already knows about my home phone # :)
<Roland_> Meeting: SOAP-JMS Binding Working Group Teleconference
<scribe> Scribe: peaston
Should the XML schema for a jndi arbitrary parameter require a value ?
<Roland_> < jndiContextParameter name="parm" > value </jndiContextParameter >
<Phil> < jndiContextParameter name="parm"/>
Derek suggests that a null property is not a use case
<Phil> < jndiContextParameter name="parm" value="value1"/>
Phil prefers name and values to be attributes
Roland: original proposal allows richer content
... a value should be required, no dissent from group
... balance of group feels that name and value should be attributes
<scribe> ACTION: roland to make changes for name and value attributes and place xml schema as appendix in spec [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-46 - Make changes for name and value attributes and place xml schema as appendix in spec [on Roland Merrick - due 2008-10-28].
close action-44
<trackbot> ACTION-44 Create a Schema for the WSDL extensions closed
Derek: discussing the URI property jndi- prefixed
Everyone has agreed to part 1
Derek: presents part 2 xsd and wsdl extensions for arbitrary jndi props
<Yves> wondered if the xsd is normative, or the text of the spec, or both (and in that case, we have to be very careful about clashes between the two)
Consensus on part 2
close action-45
<trackbot> ACTION-45 Tidy up the proposal factoring in Eric's changes and splitting the proposal into 2 parts - URI spec and Binding closed
<scribe> ACTION: roland to incorporate jndi- props into spec [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-47 - Incorporate jndi- props into spec [on Roland Merrick - due 2008-10-28].
close action-41
<trackbot> ACTION-41 Clarify the fault to be returned when the arriving message is neither Bytes or Text message closed
close action-42
<trackbot> ACTION-42 Clarify the conformance section (1.6) to make it clear that the URI scheme MUST be fully supported in the base protocol (just refer to it once) closed
close action-43
<trackbot> ACTION-43 Mail the JMS URI draft to the IETF Secretariat mailing list to move the process to the next stage closed
roland: can everyone pls review document when roland emails out in preparation for last call
... critical review milestone