See also: IRC log
john: no objections to approving the minutes.
RESOLUTION: the minutes of 3/16 are approved.
john: nothing new.
john: it seems that not everyone has reviewed the namespace document. Since Henry himself is not here, we will give one more week to the group to review the document.
john: We need to determine the effect on implementations of having to support xml 1.0 fifth edition.
kumar: I do not yet have the information about whether Microsoft's .net xml processor supports the fifth edition. I will have that info by the next week.
john: We could try the floor-ceiling approach (floor == 4th edition), but there is a possibility that we may have to go back to LC if the director so decides.
sandy: I wanted to ask Henry
about a paradox related to xml fifth edition.
... question to Henry: The xml spec has a new edition (5th)
that allows new characters in some productions (eg, NameStartChar).
However, the namespace spec has not undergone a similar
revision (eg, NCNameStartChar), therefore the new characters would be invalid
according to the namespace spec. How should processors behave
in this case?
... the above may also affect how we (SML WG) deal with the xml
5th edition issue.
group: discussion on bug# 5561 comment# 13 from ginny.
john: I would like the editors to
reach consensus on the () / [] style issue. The group should
discuss it only if the editors cannot reach a consensus or their consensus is unacceptable
to the wider wg (believed to be unlikely, editors have a good track record here).
... I don't have the full context about ginny's disagreements
as noted in comment# 13. I will talk about it in the next
Kumar: for my own part (as an editor), either approach is fine.
group: discussion on bug# 5561 comment# 14 from Kirk.
... john and Len discuss about the sentence "an SML reference
that is an instance of the XLink ref scheme".
Last Scribe Date Member Name Regrets pending 2008-05-22 Lynn, James Until further notice 2009-01-08 Smith, Virginia First half of Mondays (probably scribe-exempt) 2009-01-15 Gao, Sandy Second half of Mondays (probably scribe-exempt) 2008-03-09 Charest, Len 2009-03-16 Wilson, Kirk 2009-03-23 Pandit, Kumar Exempt Arwe, John 3/23 Exempt Henry Thompson 3/23