See also: IRC log
<MSM> johnarwe, an automotive problem has come up that I have to take care of right now; I'll be late for the call. Hopefully not too late, but late.
<scribe> Scribe: James Lynn
<scribe> scribenick: Jim
<pratul> I will be representing Microsoft until Kumar shows up
No objections or updates noted.
Resolution: Minutes approved.
register whether attending in person or by phone. If calling in, please note this in the comment area of the form so the host has accurate counts for chairs and teleconf lines.
The CG is gravitating toward the week that we selected (Oct 27-31). We may be asked to move to one end of the week or the other to accomodate members of multiple groups.
<pratul> Switching back to co-chair role now that Kumar is here
Pratul: No ETA on his item.
Kumar: No update.
Close this bug as this was due to a technical problem on the server.
Sections 4.1.3 and 4.1.1 definitions do not match.
<scribe> ACTION: Julia to propose a change. [recorded in]
<trackbot-ng> Created ACTION-186 - Propose a text change for Bug 5710. [on Julia McCarthy - due 2008-05-29].
<johnarwe> first sentence of 4.3 probably supplies the info missing per bug 5710
Resolution: Mark as editorial, does not need review.
Kumar requested that we defer this to the next meeting to give him time to research whether the "global" restriction makes sense.
<scribe> ACTION: Kumar to research issue in Bug 5712. [recorded in]
<trackbot-ng> Created ACTION-187 - Research issue in Bug 5712. [on Kumar Pandit - due 2008-05-29].
Resolution: Mark as needsAgreement.
Resolution: Mark as editorial, does not need agreement.
Need to wait one more week.
Need to wait one more week.
Need to wait one more week.
Need to wait one more week.
Resolution: Leave as needsReview, create diffs for reviewers
Resolution: Mark as FIXED
<johnarwe> first step: any objs to diff in comment 1?
<johnarwe> second step will be: assess agreement on proposal in comment 2
WG agrees on the changes shown in the diff file in sections 4.1.3 and 4.1.4.
WG agrees to the changes in Comment #2.
Resolution: Mark as editorial, no need for review.
Resolution: Mark as FIXED. Open a new bug to address "processor" per comment #5
Resolution: Mark as editorial, no review needed.
Proposal to have schemaComplete='false'
Resolution: Mark as editorial, does not need review.
Proposal is to move schemaComplete to modelType and update spec as per bug description.
Resolution: Mark as editorial, needs no review.
Resolution: Mark as editorial per proposal in description, needs no review.
Resolution: Mark as needs agreement.
<scribe> ACTION: Julia to discuss Bug 5680 with Valentina. [recorded in]
<trackbot-ng> Created ACTION-188 - Discuss Bug 5680 with Valentina. [on Julia McCarthy - due 2008-05-29].
<johnarwe> this comes up I think because of the first sentence in the bug - we already talk about fragment-only uris
<johnarwe> MSM suggests that, to the degree we need to state anything, we note that it is a consequence of other normative documents, not a normative stmt promulgated by our specs
<johnarwe> the other sticky point about what I'll call this "transitive closure" issue of dependencies, is that if you (as we did with sml) want to say that it supports _either_ schema 1.0 or 1.1, you must choose between non-overlapping RFC numbers (because newer ones superseded older)
<scribe> ACTION: Kumar to draft a proposal for Bug 5707. [recorded in]
<trackbot-ng> Created ACTION-189 - Draft a proposal for Bug 5707. [on Kumar Pandit - due 2008-05-29].
Resolution: Mark as needsAgreement.
<MSM> the lady or the tiger?
<johnarwe> time check - have to wrap soon
Resolution: Remains needsAgreement. Pick up discussion on next call.
<MSM> test cases for lax fallback
<scribe> ACTION: MSM to draft test case for lax falback. [recorded in]
<trackbot-ng> Created ACTION-190 - Draft test case for lax falback. [on Michael Sperberg-McQueen - due 2008-05-29].
Last Scribe Date Member Name Regrets pending 2008-03-13 Gao, Sandy 2008-04-01 Wilson, Kirk 2008-04-17 McCarthy, Julia 2008-04-24 Kumar, Pandit 2008-05-01 Boucher, Jordan 2008-05-15 Smith, Virginia 2008-05-22 Lynn, James Exempt Arwe, John Exempt Dublish, Pratul Exempt MSM Exempt PH