See also: IRC log
<scribe> scribe: Len Charest
<scribe> scribeNick: lencharest
RESOLUTION: Minutes approved
John: Action is complete, will be closed
MSM: W3 webmaster auto-generated namespace docs for the old/obsolete SML-related namespaces
<johnarwe_> Email from MSM is at
MSM: Propose adding text to the auto-generated namespace docs declaring the namespaces to be obsolete/superseded
<johnarwe_> near the end, starting with NB, is an indented draft for "superseded"
RESOLUTION: Update the old namespace docs with text similar to that in the above referenced mail message
<scribe> ACTION: MSM to draft updates to old namespace docs [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-210 - Draft updates to old namespace docs [on Michael Sperberg-McQueen - due 2008-12-25].
John: Propose updating current namespace docs to contain the text that the WG agreed to
<MSM> I see that strictly speaking what Kumar drafted was a 'namespace policy'. So perhaps the best action is to add the approved namespace policy to the current ns documents.
<MSM> draft policy provided 17 November at
<MSM> also resolves
RESOLUTION: Update the current namespace docs by appending the text re namespace policy that the WG has already approved
<johnarwe_> note: append was used in the colloquial sense of "incorporate", not the literal programmer sense
MSM: I also noted that some of the links are incorrect. I will fix those as well if the wg agrees.
RESOLUTION: Update the current namespace docs to accurately reflect the location of schema documents
<scribe> ACTION: MSM to update the current namespace docs by appending the text re namespace policy that the WG has already approved [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-211 - Update the current namespace docs by appending the text re namespace policy that the WG has already approved [on Michael Sperberg-McQueen - due 2008-12-25].
<scribe> ACTION: MSM to update the current namespace docs to accurately reflect the location of schema documents [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-212 - Update the current namespace docs to accurately reflect the location of schema documents [on Michael Sperberg-McQueen - due 2008-12-25].
John: Closing action 209
Kirk: Completed filling in bib reference info
... but having trouble with CVS
Len: Agrees to check in doc on behalf of Kirk
John: How will you convert Word doc to HTML?
Len: "Save as filtered HTML" in Word
MSM: Post-editing may be required to satisfy pubrules
Len: Volunteer to perform necessary post-conversion editing on both notes to satisfy pubrules
John: Do we want to review Word version of notes before conversion and editing?
Kirk: Propose that we perform conversion without additional review, will review HTML versions
RESOLUTION: Perform conversion of notes without additional review, will review HTML versions
<scribe> ACTION: Len to convert notes to HTML and satisfy pubrules [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-213 - Convert notes to HTML and satisfy pubrules [on Len Charest - due 2008-12-25].
(schema lines too long) No resolution. Editors have already expressed their view that it's not worth fixing, but for now MSM wishes have spend another hour on it himself before deciding to live with it.
COSMOS has interpreted the spec contrary to the intent of the WG
Conclusion: text is ambiguous
John: Shall we draft new text to clarify the issue?
RESOLUTION: Add text to the SML-IF spec to clarify WG intent around this issue
Ginny suggests that the cell formulas on the feature-test-map are incorrect.
Len: I looked at it, but I'm not the Excel guru you're looking for
John: Suggest Len ask Pratul for assistance
<johnarwe_> sample impl reports...
John: Looking at the content of the Feature Name column in SMLFeatureImplementationReport.html, it appears that some decisions from previous WG meetings have not yet been incorporated into the spreadsheet
Len: Volunteers to grovel the minutes and make the appropriate updates to the spreadsheet
John: SMLTestCaseImplementationResults.html reveals some inconsistencies in the spreadsheet
... Need consensus on rows where expected result is missing or inconsistent
... Also need to express multiple primary features in such a way that spreadsheet<->XML round-tripping is preserved
... or drop XSLX in favor of XML version of data
John: WG is in recess for 3 weeks
<johnarwe_> 3 weeks to jan 8, since jan 1 is a holiday for virtually all in us