SML Working Group Teleconference

04 Dec 2008


See also: IRC log


JohnArwe, Sandy, Len_Charest, Ginny_Smith
Kirk, MSM
John Arwe
Len Charest


<scribe> Scribe: Len Charest

<scribe> ScribeNick: lencharest

Approval of minutes 11-20


RESOLUTION: Minutes approved

WG Notes

John: need to get 2 notes (EPR and XLink Ref Scheme) into CVS

Test Plan Spreadsheet

John: need to either find owner for test plan spreadsheet or agree not to update it until Kumar is back

Len: agrees to take responsibility for spreadsheet

John: Comments from 11-20 meeting need to be folded into spreadsheet

Ginny: I'll fold the 11-20 stuff into the spreadsheet

Len: volunteers to finish cleaning up the bug spam!

Discussion of bug 6260

John: Any objections to leaving bug 6260 marked editorial?

RESOLUTION: Bug 6260 to be left as is

Team contact transition

John: When Henry transitions in as team contact, meeting time will probably have to change since Henry is located in Scotland
... 9am is a likely time
... 1 hour meetings may be sufficient

XLink Note

John: Does XLink note need revision to conform to pub-rules?

Len: Don't know

Ginny: should we review the note now?

John: Let's wait until it is checked into CVS

Bug 6245 - SML locid example request from ITS Interest Group

John: Re Bug 6245
... shall we add an additional example to the SML spec as suggested by Yves Savourel?

Ginny: We should at least change the names of the locale-specific files as suggested

<johnarwe_> (previous refers to comment 2 text: One side note on your existing example: ...)

Ginny: Proposes to add the example given by Yves in bug 6260

RESOLUTION: Example will be added as per bug 6260

Ginny: Proposes to change the names of the locale-specific files as suggested in bug 6260

<johnarwe_> (from Yves' email) One last note: There is a spelling error in the French message in the draft document: "L'identifieur specifie" should be

<johnarwe_> "L'identifiant specifié" (an accent is missing, and 'identifier' should really be 'identifiant').

see http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-sml/2008Oct/0032.html

RESOLUTION: File names will be changed as per bug 6260

Len: Proposes that the French text be corrected as suggested by Yves in bug 6260

RESOLUTION: The french text will be corrected as per bug 6260

<johnarwe_> here is what i plan to add to the bug: The working group discussed this bug on its telecon of 2008-12-04 and decided to make the following changes:

<johnarwe_> 1. Correct the existing French spelling mistake (see email).

<johnarwe_> 2. Change the "java resource bundle" file names as suggested in comment 2.

<johnarwe_> 3. Add the requested ITS-based example offered at the end of comment 2.

Test Case Discussions

John: Need some directory structure in CVS to hold test cases

<scribe> ACTION: Len to create directories in CVS [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2008/12/04-sml-minutes.html#action01]

<trackbot> Created ACTION-208 - Create directories in CVS [on Len Charest - due 2008-12-11].

Summary of Action Items

[NEW] ACTION: Len to create directories in CVS [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2008/12/04-sml-minutes.html#action01]
[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.134 (CVS log)
$Date: 2008-11-14 12:03:15 $