SML WG Teleconference

10 Apr 2008

See also: IRC log


Jim, Julia, Kirk, Kumar, Michael, Sandy, Ginny, John
Pratul, Jordan, Zulah
James Lynn




Review and approval of minutes from March 27

Resolution: Minutes accepted

Review of Action Items

<scribe> Pending Action for Kumar - updated estimate - next week.

<scribe> Pending Action for MSM - updated estimate - next week.

Review and close any "decided" bugs.

Bug 5518

Mark as resolved - invalid

Bug 5519

Resolution: Mark as fixed - resolved

Bug 5522

Resolution: Mark as fixed - resolved

Bug 5523

Resolution: Mark as editorial - fix per comments 2 and 3

Bug 5525

Resolution: Mark as editorial

Bug 5526

<johnarwe> http://www.w3.org/TR/2008/WD-sml-20080303/#targetStar_schema_validity

<johnarwe> MSM notes that nested occurs 2x

Resolution: Mark as editorial - fix per comment 2 - note that text occurs in two places.

Bug 5530

Resolution: Mark as resolved - invalid
... Mark as resolved - fixed

<MSM> [Studying the draft of January and HT's note, I conclude that the 'inconsistency' he meant was that sometimes xmlns() was used and sometimes not. That has indeed been fixed.]

Bug 5542

MSM: Prefers we use the term 'implementation-defined' rather than 'implementation-dependent'

<scribe> ACTION: MSM to open a separate bug to address this issue. [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2008/04/10-sml-minutes.html#action01]

<trackbot-ng> Created ACTION-180 - Open a separate bug to address this issue. [on Michael Sperberg-McQueen - due 2008-04-17].

<johnarwe> Updated action in db so it is self-contained. Scribes: we have found it awkward in the past to have Actions show up that are not self-describing... requires going back to the minutes for context. Please try to avoid repeating that.

Resolution: Mark as resolved - fixed

Review of Bugs with no keyword, no target

Bug 5635

Resolution: Mark as editorial - needsReview. Define terms based on defintions in Comment 1 but not reference them.

Bug 5636

John: Concern is that other specs would be prevented from layering on top of SML.

Kumar requested more time to consider this.

Resolution: Mark as needsAgreement

Bug 5637

<johnarwe> MSM: xs:anyType is in fact a GTD

<johnarwe> MSM: if we make any changes based on 5636, may need to hit the text for this bug.

<johnarwe> I will try to find the discussion that Kumar and Sandy vaguely remember us having about this section, and consider that.

Resolution: Mark as needsAgreement

Bug 5638

John: Suggests those who are interested in this bug take the discussion ofline.

Sandy: Thinks that at one point the spec was worded in reference to the Rules property and was changed. We should take a look at the CVS history.

Kumar, Sandy, and MSM will investigate this and bring findings back to the group.

Resolution: Mark as needsAgreement

Bug 5341

Kirk posted a new revision of the proposal today.

Resolution: No change to status

Bug 5298

John added a new comment regarding a change that needs to be addressed

Resolution: Make the change in comment 5 and review next week.

Bug 5541

Resolution: Leaving 5541 as needs review, will pick up again next week

Bug 5561

Resolution: Leave as needsReview. Kumar will add link to bug for note on XLink.

Summary of Action Items

[NEW] ACTION: MSM to open a separate bug to address this issue. [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2008/04/10-sml-minutes.html#action01]
[End of minutes]

Last Scribe Date 	Member Name 		Regrets pending 
2007-08-30          Lipton, Paul        until mid-January 2008 
2008-02-14 		    McCarthy, Julia 
2008-02-21 		    Kumar, Pandit 
2008-03-06 		    Boucher, Jordan 
2008-03-13 		    Gao, Sandy 
2008-04-01 		    Wilson, Kirk 
2008-04-02 		    Smith, Virginia 	4/24 and 5/1
2008-04-02 		    Eckert, Zulah 
2008-04-10 		    Lynn, James 
Exempt 			    Arwe, John 
Exempt 			    Dublish, Pratul 
Exempt 			    MSM 
Exempt 			    PH