Provide sufficient contrast between foreground text and its background.
Content does not specify text characteristics or background color, and is not relying upon technology that changes those defaults from an end-user’s prefered settings.
Content uses default user agent (e.g., browser) text characteristics and background color and does not rely upon technology (e.g., CSS) that changes those defaults.
the relative brightness of any point in a colorspace, normalized to 0 for darkest black and 1 for lightest white
For the sRGB colorspace, the relative luminance (L) of a color is defined as L = 0.2126 * R + 0.7156 * G + 0.0722 * B where R, G and B are defined as:
and RsRGB, GsRGB, and BsRGB are defined as:
The “^” character is the exponentiation operator.
The perceived relative visual contrast (P) between a foreground color and a background color expressed as a percentange is definded as:
Relative contrast ranges from 0 to ???? and 25% is the point of invisibility (i.e., no perceptable contrast) for many people.
The “^” character is the exponentiation operator.