See also: IRC log
*PROPOSED:* accept minutes of telecon March 3 [1]
<csma> PROPOSED: to approve the minutes of March 3 telecon
<csma> RESOLVED: to approve the minutes of March 3
<csma> PROPOSED: to approve the minutes of March 10
<csma> RESOLVED: to approve the minutes of March 10
<csma> next item
<csma> next item
Sandro: datatypes in OWL RL
... we need to decide if we object on any of these
... go for joint value spaces
... list datatypes in OWL RL
Adrian: HCLS looks into query federation for the distributed HCLS KB in Deri and FU Berlin
Adrian: + linked open data interfaces ontop of the KBs
<csma> next item
Action 711 closed
<trackbot> Sorry, couldn't find user - 711
action 708 continued
<trackbot> Sorry, couldn't find user - 708
action 701 continued
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<scribe> continued action 692
cke: waiting on feedback from Harold
Harold: should have something for the next telecon
cmsa: think there is a test case on UCR 4.1 proposed by Stella
<csma> next item
<csma> 1. Make it clear this is only shorthand for the purposes of writing DTB, and
<csma> that all rulesets must use a fixed arity function/predicate
<csma> 1a. specify one rather than n different functions. So, in the case of concat we
<csma> would only have a binary string concatenation function. Clearly all the others
<csma> can be built from this base case.
<csma> 3a. Remove all the well-formedness requirements. The same symbol can have
<csma> several arities, can be a pred, func, and an individual in different contexts.
<csma> 3b. To keep the separation between preds, funcs, and individuals, but pred,
<csma> func, external symbols can have multiple arities.
<csma> 3c. To keep things as before, but for external symbols to allow multiple arities
<csma> (and maybe even allow them to be funcs and preds in different contexts).
csma: the different options we have
<sandro> -0 option 1 (don't much like it, but it's okay)
<Harold> 0
<DaveReynolds> 0
<Gary> -0
<Michael_Kifer> -1 opt 1
<cke> 0
<DaveReynolds> 0 option 1a
<Gary> +0.5
<sandro> +0 option 1a (only have binary strcat), fixed arity.
<Harold> -0
<Michael_Kifer> -1, I dont understand 1a
<Michael_Kifer> -0.5
<sandro> (mk changes after verbal explanation)
<Gary> +1 for 3a
<sandro> -1 option 3a (I don't think we can get it to work right -- +1 if we could actually implement it)
-1 option 3a
<sandro> jos: -1 option 3a (from e-mail)
<DaveReynolds> +0.5 option 3a if it can be done
<Harold> -0.1
csma: option 3b
<sandro> +1 option 3b
<DaveReynolds> +1 option 3b
<Michael_Kifer> +1, 3b
<sandro> axel: +1 option 3b (from e-mail)
<Gary> +1 for 3b
cmsa: Axel prefers 3b
+1, 3b
<Harold> 0
cmsa: Jos prefers 1 or 1a
option 3c
<sandro> +0.5 option 3c
<DaveReynolds> +0.5 option 3c
<Michael_Kifer> +0.3, 3c
0, option 3c
<Harold> +0.75
<Gary> +0, 3c
<csma> PROPOSED: To keep the separation between preds, funcs, and individuals, but pred, func, external symbols can have multiple arities. Closing ISSUE-92.
<sandro> ciao DaveReynolds
<sandro> csma: do this proposal next week
<csma> next item
csma: proposed solutions will be
resolved next week
... bounded quantifiers
csma: reason for bounded
quantifiers in PRD
... most PRD engines have them for the reason of
... PRR has them
<Gary> its trivial syntactic sugar, how can it affect performance?
cmsa: will be needed for an else part
<Gary> its an annoying difference between PRD and Core -- should be in both or better, in neither
<csma> forall ?x, if cond(?x) then action1(?x) else action2(?x)
<Gary> just use 2 rules
<sandro2> testing.
<adrianpaschke> just dropped out of irc
<Gary> not need in Oracle Business Rules, maybe ILOG
<Gary> not a great reason to add to PRD either, IMHO
<adrianpaschke> csma: logic rules do not have an else part?
<adrianpaschke> csma: what would be a reason to add else in Core?
<adrianpaschke> Sandro: convient write rules as if-then-else rules
<sandro> not "else" -- just Bounded Quantifiers are nice.
<Gary> you really want people trying to "performance tune" their rules by moving conditions to different parts of a rule?
<adrianpaschke> Sandro: write rules with bounded quantifiers - readability issue
<Gary> Christian mentioned performance
<adrianpaschke> Sandro: for me the reason is just readability
<cke> this is a semantic issue: bounded quantifier qualify the objects for if / else rules
<adrianpaschke> csma: perfomance was the reason for PRD
<Michael_Kifer> I don't think this is a common issue
<adrianpaschke> csma: bounded quantifier - would they effect the safeness condition
<Harold> Bounded quantifiers remind me of sorted variables, which came into BLD, then were taken out...
<adrianpaschke> csma: if bounded quantifier tells which are all the values you can bind -> you are safe
<Gary> I think no impact on safeness
<adrianpaschke> Harold: bounded quantifiers are not in BLD
<adrianpaschke> Harold: similar to sorted variables, which were taken out
<adrianpaschke> Harold: not in last call BLD
<adrianpaschke> michael: I don't we can add them to Core without changing BLD
<adrianpaschke> csma: just try to understand the impact - if there is a reason for a second last call
<adrianpaschke> michael: impact is - redo BLD
<adrianpaschke> Sandro: for BLD it is just syntactic sugar
<adrianpaschke> michael: need to check consistency
<adrianpaschke> Sandro: not a priority issue - just if we have time
<adrianpaschke> michael: in general bounded quantifiers are useful
<adrianpaschke> michael: will make it easier to express things
<adrianpaschke> michael: optimization
<Gary> remove from PRD: +1, add to Core: +0.5, leave in PRD but nowhere else: -0.5
<cke> can we keep bounded quantifier in PRD, even it is not in Core?
<adrianpaschke> michael: it is syntactic sugar that helps
<adrianpaschke> csma: wondering if in other logical dialects bounded quantifiers are more than syntacty sugar
<adrianpaschke> michael: onyl few languages have them
<adrianpaschke> miachel: e.g. mecury
<adrianpaschke> csma: not so many benefits to add them to Core
<adrianpaschke> csma: not priority to add them in Core
<sandro> csma: I'm hearing not much enthusiasm for them in Core.
<adrianpaschke> michael: in the body of a rule such a quantifier is not very useful
<adrianpaschke> michael: useful for universal quantifiers
<Harold> Couldn't bounded quantifiers become another syntactic desugaring effort on top of RIF, rather than part of RIF?
<sandro> PROPOSED: (Only if we're doing a second last call of BLD anyway) Add Bounded Quantifiers to Core and BLD.
<cke> An example of rule with bounded quantifier: (forall customers such that age > 18 and city is Paris) (if the customer is rich then do something else do something). The first part is a bounded quantifier, it defines the objects for the rule.
<adrianpaschke> michael: univerisal quantifiers in the rules body help simplify the expression
<sandro> +1 (but not enough to slip the schedule more than about two weeks)
<Gary> +0.5 (but rather remove from PRD)
<Harold> -0.5
<Michael_Kifer> -0.1
<adrianpaschke> +1
<adrianpaschke> for translating from PRD into Core a translator would need to create two rules from one with bounded quantifiers
<Michael_Kifer> sandro, I think thee sched will slip > 2 wks because of these quantifiers
<csma> next item
<csma> (2) Leave pred:literal-equal as is
<csma> [on the grounds of symmetry with pred:literal-not-equal, accepting there
<csma> is some redundancy.]
<csma> (1) Drop pred:literal-equal (retaining pred:literal-not-equal)
<csma> [This still leaves me able to shorten the OWL 2 RL and similar rules.]
<csma> (3) Redefine pred:literal-equal to perform all the datatype specific
<csma> equality tests (and redefine pred:literal-not-equal compatibly so that
<csma> for any pair of literals exactly one of these predicates is true).
<csma> [This means I can't use those predicates for the OWL 2 RL rules easily
<csma> (assuming OWL opt for disjoint value spaces). However, there may still
<csma> be value in such predicates for other users.]
<csma> (0) Drop both pred:literal-equal and pred:literal-not-equal
<adrianpaschke> csma: four options
<adrianpaschke> csma: pred_literal-equal(x,y)
<adrianpaschke> csma x and y are literal and x=y
<sandro> sandro: "as is" is: literal-equal(x,y) iff literal(x) and literal(y) and x=y
<sandro> LeoraMorgenstern, you can see the IRC log so far there.
<sandro> strawpoll: option "(2)" pred:literal-equal "as is" --- literal-equal(x,y) iff literal(x) and literal(y) and x=y
<sandro> +0.5
<adrianpaschke> +0.5
<Michael_Kifer> -0.1
<Gary> -0.5
<adrianpaschke> Dave: +1 (according to his email)
<adrianpaschke> Jos: prefers not to have generic predicates and if we have them prefers XPath built-ins (by email)
<adrianpaschke> Jos: -0.5 (according to email)
<sandro> STRAWPOLL: option "(1)" Drop pred:literal-equal (retaining pred:literal-not-equal)
<sandro> +1
<adrianpaschke> -1
<Gary> -0.99
<Michael_Kifer> +0.8
<adrianpaschke> yes, for usability reasons it is good to have them both
<sandro> STRAWPOLL: option "(3)" Redefine pred:literal-equal to perform all the datatype specific ... ("xpath equality")
<Gary> +0.99
<sandro> +0 nice for users, maybe hard to implement
<adrianpaschke> +1
<adrianpaschke> Dave: -0.5. (according to email)
<adrianpaschke> Jos: -0.5 (according to email)
<Michael_Kifer> 0
<adrianpaschke> cke: 0
<sandro> STRAWPOLL: option "(0)" Drop both pred:literal-equal and pred:literal-not-equal
<Gary> +1
<sandro> -0.25
<adrianpaschke> +1
<adrianpaschke> Jos: +1 (according to email)
<sandro> -1
<sandro> (it's about extensibility)
<sandro> -0.9
<sandro> (it's about being able to write an OWL-RL ruleset that doesn't know what datatypes are supported.)
<sandro> Dave: -0.5 (according to e-mail)
<adrianpaschke> csma: probably option 3
<Michael_Kifer> 0
<Gary> theory guys: I guess adding != (i.e. Not(a=b)) breaks everything?
<Gary> seems like we are hung up on owl:different
<adrianpaschke> csma: we have discussed this issue from the OWL-RL point of view
<adrianpaschke> csma: general literal-equal will provide extensibility
<adrianpaschke> Sandro: except of a non-identity test
<adrianpaschke> Sandro: can have all the XPath indentity tests
<sandro> STRAWPOLL: Have xpath-style-equals, xpath-style-not-equals, AND non-identical-literals (eg for OWL RL).
<sandro> "non-identical-literals" == current pred:literal-not-equals
<sandro> +0.5 it'd be nice, but it sounds like too much work.
<cke> +0.5
<Michael_Kifer> 0
<adrianpaschke> +0.5
<Gary> +9
<Gary> oops, +.9
<csma> PROPOSED: Have xpath-style-equals, xpath-style-not-equals, AND pred:literal-not-equal for non-identical-literals (eg for OWL RL). Closing ISSUE-80.
<adrianpaschke> Sandro: worried about the work
<adrianpaschke> * Axel is DTB author ;-)
<csma> next item
<adrianpaschke> csma: important issue for PRD
<adrianpaschke> csma: almost finished by new strawman
<adrianpaschke> csma: and we have Gary starwman
<Gary> -1
<Michael_Kifer> -9
<Michael_Kifer> no, -9
<adrianpaschke> csma: big benefit is simplicity and implementability of the proposal
<adrianpaschke> csma: two cons; XML document without a schema, you need a schema
<adrianpaschke> csma: cannot work with data without a schema
<adrianpaschke> csma: second issue, if we import RDF document as XML
<adrianpaschke> csma: will have a completey different RIF document
<adrianpaschke> csma: than if we use SWC for RDF intergration
<adrianpaschke> csma: my proposal can handel data with and without schema
<adrianpaschke> csma: compatible with SWC in the sense that if you import RDf document as RDF/XML (given a view conventions) you will have the same document
<adrianpaschke> csma: with the same interpretation
<adrianpaschke> csma: contrast to Michael - I think it is quite elegant
<adrianpaschke> csma: but strawman is not finished yet
<adrianpaschke> csma: not sure how easily implementable it is
<adrianpaschke> csma: easy if you know the schema and mapping to your platform-sepcific language
<adrianpaschke> csma: if you need to do the mapping on the fly
<adrianpaschke> csma: proposal orthorgonal to Gary's proposal
<sandro> didn't read it yet, sorry :-(
<adrianpaschke> michael: proposal is a good starting point - send an email about what I don't like
<adrianpaschke> michael: can be probably improved
<adrianpaschke> csma: would like that someone takes a look if it is compatible with SWC
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.133 of Date: 2008/01/18 18:48:51 Check for newer version at Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00) Found Scribe: Adrian Paschke Found ScribeNick: AdrianP Default Present: Sandro, csma, DaveReynolds, AdrianP, cke, Gary, [NRCC], +1.631.833.aaaa, Michael_Kifer, Leora_Morgenstern Present: Sandro csma DaveReynolds AdrianP cke Gary [NRCC] +1.631.833.aaaa Michael_Kifer Leora_Morgenstern Regrets: JosDeBruijn AxelPolleres Agenda: Got date from IRC log name: 17 Mar 2009 Guessing minutes URL: People with action items: WARNING: Input appears to use implicit continuation lines. You may need the "-implicitContinuations" option.[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]