Version 0.0
This software bundle, including Jacc and RIF serialization examples
using Jacc, is made available graciously by ILOG, Inc. to the W3C RIF Working Group to ease
experimenting with various schemes of XML serializations for a
RIF-compliant rule language from its formal grammar.
The directory containing this HTML START_HERE.html file (i.e., this) comprises a distribution of Jacc (Just Another Compiler Compiler, a tool written in Java by Hassan Aït-Kaci, together with an example application thereof for the purpose of automating the XML serialization of formal languages expressed as context-free grammar rules (BNF).
[NB: Jacc requires Java 1.5 (a.k.a JDK 5.0) to run - it will not run under Java 1.4 or earlier.]
These are intructions documenting the contents of this distribution.
The subdirectories are:
[NB: This is only a preliminary version of the XML serializer tool. ]
Running ant in this root directory will generate a parser and XML serializer from the grammar specified in the file BLD.grm. This grammar is expressed modularly, consisting of the full language obtained using subgrammars (using Jacc's %include directive).
To run the example, you will need Apache's Ant Builder, a Java freeware tool (therefore platform-independent) implementing an XML-based version of the popular UNIX command make. If you don't have Ant, you must first download it from the Apache web site and install it. This root directory contains a Build.xml file specifying an Ant project for running the examples. Here are the most useful ant targets it defines:
Running the example parses the file and prompts the user asking whether or not to show the XML serialization of the parsed example.
[NB: For some reason, the prompt is not displayed - simply
enter a carriage return. This must be due to a bug in Ant that does
not flush it output buffer despite our Java application's doing so. The
correct behavior can be seen running java directly on the examples
(e.g., issuing the command line:
bld Test1.bld
using the UNIX shell script bld
provided in the examples directory).]
Please send comments and/or questions to Hassan Aït-Kaci.
Thank you very much.