See also: IRC log
<csma> agendum+ Action review
<csma> agendum+ Conflict resolution
<csma> agendum+ Bind action
<csma> agendum+ Publication planning
<csma> Scribe: Changhai
<csma> scribenick: cke
<csma> next item
review of the actions
Item 1: conflict resolution
Review and validate the CR proposal , as agreed in Orlando
<csma> PROPOSED: In RIF-PRD, the conflict resolution strategy that is intended for a set of rules will be indicated using keywords, at the group level. RIF-PRD 1.0 will specify one conflict resolution strategy (corresponding keyword to be determined) that can be summarize as follows: apply refraction to the conflict set, then order remaining instances by priority, the order top priority instances by recency (most recent first), then break remaing ties arbitrarily (precis
About csma's emmail, feedback from Changhai & Gary, but not others
<Gary> +1
The corner cases discussion
top level group vs. subgroups
CR strategy associated only to toplevel group?
Proposed: specify the CR only to the toplevel group. Any CR in subgroups can be rejected
<csma> PROPOSED: conflict resolution has to be associated with the top-level group, in PRD 1.0.
<csma> RESOLVED: conflict resolution has to be associated with the top-level group, in PRD 1.0.
What about one document without any CR strategy?
<csma> PROPOSED: rif:standardForward is the mandatory default conflict resolution strategy if none is associated with the top level group.
<csma> RESOLVED: rif:standardForward is the mandatory default conflict resolution strategy if none is associated with the top level group.
Now about priority...
<csma> priority can be any integer, positive or negative?
<Gary> how about xsd:int (or the closest we have in DTB)/
<csma> changhai: yes, and zero is the default
is a priority a signed integer? with positive or negative integer?
<csma> PROPOSED: priority is a signed integer, positive or negative and default is zero.
<csma> RESOLVED: priority is a signed integer, positive or negative and default is zero.
<Gary> [-1000..1000]
<csma> [-1000000..1000000]
I propose [-10000 ... 10000] to better suit coding convention
<csma> PROPOSED: range is [-100000..+10000]
<csma> PROPOSED: range is [-10000..+10000]
<csma> RESOLVED: range is [-10000..+10000]
<csma> rule R has priority 10
<csma> <Group>...<Priority>10</Priority> R </Group>
<Gary> PROPOSED: rule priority is given by the immediately containing Group. If that group has no explicit priority, then the priority is 0
<csma> <Group><Group><Group>R</Group></Group></Group>
<Gary> group p=1 (group p=2( rule1) rule2) => rule1 has pri=2, rule2 has pri=1
<csma> <Group><Group>R1<Group>(priority = 1)R2</Group></Group></Group>
or we can have: <Group><Group>R1<Group>(priority = default)R2</Group></Group></Group> in this case, you don't write the priority
<csma> Group
<csma> Group
<csma> priority=1
<csma> R1
<csma> Group
<csma> priority=2
<csma> R2
<csma> Group
<csma> Group
<csma> priority=1
<csma> R2
<csma> Group
<csma> priority=2
<csma> R1
<csma> RESOLVED: rule priority is given by the immediately containing Group. If that group has no explicit priority, then the priority is 0.
if "prority=2"is removed, then R2 will have the priority "default" (so zero)
<csma> next item
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.133 of Date: 2008/01/18 18:48:51 Check for newer version at Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00) Succeeded: s/with any/without any/ Succeeded: s/is none/if none/ Found Scribe: Changhai Found ScribeNick: cke Default Present: csma, Gary, [IPcaller] Present: csma Gary [IPcaller] WARNING: No meeting title found! You should specify the meeting title like this: <dbooth> Meeting: Weekly Baking Club Meeting WARNING: No meeting chair found! You should specify the meeting chair like this: <dbooth> Chair: dbooth Got date from IRC log name: 04 Nov 2008 Guessing minutes URL: People with action items: WARNING: Input appears to use implicit continuation lines. You may need the "-implicitContinuations" option.[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]