See also: IRC log
<ChrisW> PROPOSED: Accept May 13 telecon mins
<ChrisW> RESOLVED: Accept May 13 telecon mins
<csma> ACTION: chris to ask mdean for the May 6 minutes [recorded in]
<trackbot-ng> Created ACTION-479 - Ask mdean for the May 6 minutes [on Christopher Welty - due 2008-05-27].
Draft agenda for F2F10 meeting now available
Chris: main objectives for F2F is
to publish BLD and SWC as Last Call docs
... and move the other documents to next working draft
<sandro> Chris is discussing
Chris: aim to resolve decisions for SWC
by am of 2nd day and for BLD by end of second day
... may finish a little early on day 3 apart from editors
Sandro: there has to be an official end time
Chris: make 3pm official end time
of day 3?
... [after discussion] OK, so leave it as 5pm.
... the topics have been up for a while but please review
Igor: why isn't FLD going to Last Call?
<Harold> Igor, Michael and I were also quite surprise about FLD no longer being a on rec track.
Sandro: FLD is a little more open since no one will implement it directly and Last Call should focus on implementations
Chris: FLD hasn't had enough review and feedback yet
<Harold> Soon we will need FLD for PRD.
<Harold> (2nd instantiation)
<Hassan> hak -> harold : good luck ! ;-)
Igor: move UCR earlier in the agenda?
<Harold> hak, at least what we need for CORE.
<Hassan> hak -> harold : yeah - even JUST that ... good luck ! ;-)
<Harold> (a common core of FLD)
Action-452 is completed (will discuss at F2F)
<AdrianP> yes, Igor sent a review for UCR
Action-434 closed
Action-470 closed - review scheduled on F2F
<AdrianP> yes
<csma> action-470 closed
<AdrianP> nothing
Adrian: currently each use case
describes scenario, motivation, requirements
... added concrete examples now that BLD syntax more
... reviewers felt requirements and motivations are not so
important and should be removed
... second question is whether to tailor the use cases to BLD,
whereas currently they are more general - e.g. events
csma: so would just keep the use cases in the document?
Adrian: compromise from Gary would be to compact the requirements into a smaller section separated from the use cases
<Harold> Compactifying the reqs is a good way to to go at this point.
Gary: just summarize them, get
rid of the pictures and the two levels of goals/csf
... drop "critical success factors" and drop the cross-links
between the use cases and requirements (because they are
... some of the links are a stretch and some are missing, just
remove them
Chris: it is common to have such links, maybe they need to be more complete?
csma: remove one direction? Leave the motivated-by list but drop the forward links from the use cases?
Chris: up to Adrian but if have the links one way it seems trivial to have them both ways
csma: the explanations are the
problem - they are too uneven - drop the motivation
... in principle the motivation sections are a good thing but
the current ones sometimes don't make sense
Adrian: the original idea of the motivations was to motivate different dialects but currently not clear
Gary: the current very fine grained linkage is too much, would be happy to just have coarse grained link in the requirements section rather than point by point justification
Chris: loath to loose work we've already done, the current structure was a result of previous reviews
<Hassan> I agree with Chris
<AdrianP> we don't loose the requirements if we only delete the motivates section
Igor: agrees that the motivates
sections and links got in the way.
... would also drop the critical success factors
... the requirements are self-evident and don't need individual
use case links
... would drop both the motivates section on each UC and the
whole requirements section so UCR -> UC
<Harold> I agree with Gary's 'summary-reqs' proposal.
Gary: abbreviate the requirements section but leave it in would be OK, just drop the links and separate motivates sections, summary where we are on requirements and which have been met or not
Chris: as a process matter it may be pretty difficult to completely get rid of the requirements section
<AdrianP> +1 with Garry
<AdrianP> Use Case and Requirements somehow belong together
Sandro: could put the deleted
bits (motivates text, critical success factors) into some
design analysis document?
... the last published version of UCR didn't have the motivates
sections, though did have the critical success factors
<LeoraMorgenstern> It would be good if it were well done.
<LeoraMorgenstern> The problem is that it is uneven.
csma: need to keep the specific requirements, e.g. the implement-by-translators
Chris: but could take some of the
goals section and summarize as an intro paragraph to the
requirements section
... so the actions are to remove motivates section from use cases,
remove goals section and try to summarize as an intro to the
requirements section
<Harold> Process-wise, can we point out into W3C wiki pages from W3C publications?
Chris: what about RIFRAF?
Gary: reads like an outline of some future document, not clear enough as it stands
Igor: RIFRAF should go out, didn't find it relevant
Chris: several of the requirements use the word "cover" which was hard to pin down. If take out coverage section maybe reword those requirements, use some more informal word like "supports"?
Sandro: not a change to make lightly
Adrian: should have it before the F2F
Sandro: misusing the presentation syntax, <> around curis, just get rid of the <>
Adrian: have to update the examples with latest change, also to have more frame logic examples
<sandro> STRAWPOLL: The XML syntax for BLD should avoid abbreviations, using eg Variable instead of Var
<JeffP> (Sandro, I am on IRC)
<AlexKozlenkov> (Sandro, I am on IRC)
<sandro> Harold: we talked about Const vs Constant, at great length. We can't just say "Constant" for the mathematical set.
<sandro> csma: the terms "Var" and "Const" are VERY WIDELY used. But "Pred" vs "Predicate" is a better example.
csma: Const and Var are sufficiently common that they are not good examples, Pred etc are less common
<AdrianP> +1 with csma
<JeffP> +1 with csma
Hassan: doesn't follow the argument for e.g. Const v. Constant, why not call it by it's full name?
<csma> +1 with calling Const 'foobar' instead
Harold: but even for Hassan "op" was OK because it is so common, similarly "Const" is similarly a kind of symbol but if you spell it out as "Constant" it can't be used in a math text
csma: if we agree some can be abbreviated because those abbreviations are so common we then have a problem that we have to decide case by case which ones to use - it would be easier to just do one or other everywhere
<AlexKozlenkov> "Constant" sounds like it almost comes from physics
<ChrisW> 1: Use abbreviations everywhere
<ChrisW> 2: Use full names everywhere (no abbrevs)
<ChrisW> 3: Use abbrevs when common/familiar
<ChrisW> 4: Decide on a case by case by basis
<GaryHallmark> sure, WTF...
<csma> wrt 3: who decides what is common or familiar?
<AlexKozlenkov> op. 3 creates process issues
<GaryHallmark> I'll ask my kids what the cool new text abbrevs are, lol
Harold: can't vote for 1, because e.g. that would mean using "dec" instead of "declare"
csma: case 1 is "allow" rather than force abbreviations everywhere
Sandro: why can't we use the world "Constant" in the mathematical English?
<AlexKozlenkov> "Constant" as in fine-structure constant, sorry, difficult to accept
Harold: because want to be able to write the maths without font switches so the words have to separable form the rest of the text
<AdrianP> there is a distiction between definabel and computable constants
<sandro> Harold: the term "Constant" when it occurs in the text doesn't stand out as a symbol.
<Hassan> ???
Harold: better to use a new word for the name of a set to make the semantics text clearer
<csma> The point was just that allowing abbrev did not mean allowing aliases: if we abbreviate "declare" as <dec>, the tag <declare> does not exist (as Harold seemed to suggest)
<sandro> Chris: paraphrasing Harold: It's better to use a new made-up word, instead of re-use an existing word, for sets in the semantics.
<Zakim> sandro, you wanted to ask Harold why we can't use "Constant"
<sandro> DaveReynolds: but isn't this question about the XML? I don't need the mathematical english to use the same word as the XML syntax tag.
<Hassan> ++++1 with Dave
<csma> +1 with Dave
Harold: to simplify the mapping of the semantics to the syntax, using the same word is simpler
<AdrianP> there are also other arguements for abbreviations
<Zakim> sandro, you wanted to suggest rif:Constant
Sandro: one trick is to put a prefix in the mathematical english, e.g. rif:Constant
Harold: Michael probably wouldn't like namespaces in the maths
Hassan: worry about making the
XML tags depend on the symbols in the grammar, grammars are not
... Harold wants a direct map from BNF to the XML tags, but then
the XML depends on the BNF grammar - the grammar is not
canonical, it is the language which is canonical
<AdrianP> abbreviated XML tags are more compact -> e.g. creates less traffic on the wire if RIF rule sets are interchanged
<AdrianP> that can be critical for practical scalable applications
Hassan: which is why annotations are commonly used
Harold: XML grammars have sort of visible non-terminals, some of our non-terminals don't appear (TERM) and some (Const) appear, classical tools don't make that distinction
<sandro> [let's wrap this up with a quick strawpoll. I think we've gotten a better sense of the issue.]
<sandro> STRAWPOLL: The XML for BLD should be changed to avoid abbreviations, using eg Variable instead of Var
Hassan: the grammar might evolve in ways which don't preserve the conventions, by separating the grammar and the XML we allow more flexibility
<sandro> STRAWPOLL: The XML for BLD should be changed to avoid abbreviations, using eg Variable instead of Var
<sandro> 0
<csma> 0
<AdrianP> -1
<Harold> -1
<LeoraMorgenstern> -1 (I like option 3)
<AlexKozlenkov> -1
<DaveReynolds> +0
<JeffP> -1
<ChrisW> 0^100^100
<IgorMozetic> 0
<GaryHallmark> 0 i guess - I'd like to use more English words in PS and XML
<GaryHallmark> I think it would be silly to diverge XML and PS
<AdrianP> abbreviations should be of course meaningful
Next sub-topic.
<ChrisW> Rigid RDF [13] VS concise XML [14] (and all in between)
<csma> I care about RIF XML being Rigid RDF
<csma> +1 to Gary
<sandro> STRAWPOLL: Who is interested in using rigid RDF for the BLD serialization format?
<AdrianP> What is that - rigid RDF?
Gary: seems like we are nearly there anyway, if it is a minor change, it would at least give us a justification to point to
<Harold> ...disadvantages:
<Harold> * it makes the XML syntax even more verbose
<Harold> * the elements from the RDF namespace can be confusing, even
<Harold> off-putting (especially to people who are allergic to RDF)
<Harold> * it prevents us from making arbitrary (non-striped) XML constructs
<Harold> that might be useful and elegant.
<Harold> * it's a course change, late in the day
Sandro: [describes Rigid RDF as expressed in the email thread]
<sandro> Harold: Some people don't want the little bits of the rdf namespace.
<AlexKozlenkov> @Gary, I do not understand that "justfication" point. Any _syntactic_ mention of RDF makes RIF dependent on RDF
<sandro> Chris: Who? Where? Are they on the WG?
<Harold> The Web Services community (all in XML) doesn't want dependency on rdf name space.
Harold: some production rule folks don't even want namespace dependencies like having rdf:
<Hassan> We are using RDF in JRules
csma: doesn't mind about that, rigid RDF does not require knowledge of RDF
Gary: agreed namespaces have been in XML tools for ages, that's simply not an issue
Chris: this is XML not RDF
Harold: thought the current XML, since it is fully striped, is all we need
Sandro: not quite, e.g. handling of datatypes in consts
<sandro> STRAWPOLL: Who is interested in using rigid RDF for the BLD serialization format?
Harold: OWL2 uses XML and then has mapping to RDF, propose doing same for RIF
<LeoraMorgenstern> Could someone summarize the downsides of using rigid RDF?
<ChrisW> they were put into the irc above by Harold
Sandro: that is proposed but not agreed, the normative piece is the functional syntax
<AlexKozlenkov> I do not want even to face my managers if I even mention RDF
<AlexKozlenkov> any shape or form
<GaryHallmark> +1 for rigid rdf (I have nothing really for or against RDF. If our customers want it, we'll be happy to sell them some)
Sandro: pretty neutral, but one additional argument - fallback processing seems easier to write in RIF than XSLT and then in turn is easier in the Rigid RDF
<LeoraMorgenstern> Thanks, Chris.
<csma> Alex, you will not have to mention RDF. Somewhere deep inside a RIF document, sometimes, there might be a reference to the RDF namespace...
<sandro> STRAWPOLL: Who is interested in using rigid RDF for the BLD serialization format?
<sandro> +0.5
<Harold> -1
<AlexKozlenkov> -1
<IgorMozetic> 0
<AdrianP> -1
<Hassan> All these problems again are caused by dependence on the grammar ....
<JeffP> 0
<csma> +1
<AlexKozlenkov> I'm going to lose all support here even if RDF is mentioned
<csma> I just got cut off by Zakim...
<AdrianP> and we should not map to rdf datatypes
<csma> Alex, RDF will NOT be mentionned
<sandro> AlexKozlenkov, it's very frustrating that you're on IRC but NOT the call.....
<AdrianP> I also was thrown out
<sandro> calling back AdrianP
<Harold> -1 (from Michael)
ChrisWI don't have a proxy request from Michael but in any case this is just a straw poll
<GaryHallmark> +1
<GaryHallmark> Alex, mere use of the rdf namespace does not commit you to rdf any more than having an rdf mapping to frames commits you to rdf
<csma> I understand that the cost is near zero, and I heard people saying they found it useful
<csma> PR people, btw...
<ChrisW> testing
<AdrianP> XML Schema Part 2: Datatypes are very well known in many communities but I don't think that people want to read about RDF datatypes if they don't care about RDF
<AlexKozlenkov> it seems like an entirely unnecessary sneaking of RDF via back door
<csma> We already have RDF datatypes, btw...
<csma> Harold, you have already the RDF namespace in BLD
<sandro> Sandro: Harold -- are there any technical reasons? Or is this solely marketing reasons?
<csma> # rdf:XMLLiteral
<csma> # rif:text
<AlexKozlenkov> For me, web services is key, I cannot see RDF making it there--at all
<GaryHallmark> harold, there is nothing really to "buy into"
<DaveReynolds>Alex the proposal is not RDF but XML, there is zero impact on web services
<GaryHallmark> all web services use namespaces
<sandro> AlexKozlenkov, just because of Bad Blood? Or is there some technical reason?
csma: already have rdf namespace in RIF at least for some literals
<AlexKozlenkov> and any rdf namespace is not the one I would like to see there
Harold: the current syntax is better and took a lot of work to get here. And can use stripe skipping on it.
Chris: so can't you stripe skip the Rigid RDF syntax?
<sandro> FWIW, as I replied to Gary -- I don't *think* you can stripe skip & be extensible.
<AlexKozlenkov> Guys, it is about extending the reach of the standard, the smaller the dependencies, the better
<AlexKozlenkov> It is Occam's razor again
Harold: can stripe skip the current syntax with one XSLT rule and get to the prior nice syntax
<csma> alex, Rigid RDF means zero dependency
<sandro> Ah -- oh, maybe this kind of skipping single-property slots.... maybe.
[Not as scribe] As a reviewer I did NOT say the proposed XML syntax was "very good"
Sandro: the problem with an argument based on stripe skipping is that stripe skipping harms extensibility and the ability to have metadata everywhere
<Hassan> +1 with Sandro!!!
<AlexKozlenkov> OK< so why are you calling it Rigid "RDF"?
<AdrianP> bye
<csma> because it makes the XML parsable by an RDF parser.
<JeffP> bye
<sandro> ROFL, AlexKozlenkov. I'll try to think of a better name!
<csma> Pars-able. Does not mean you have to do it
<csma> but people who want to do it, can
<csma> So, it extends the reach