See also: IRC log
Chris: anyone who hasn't filled out the survey for the F2F, please do so
<PaulVincent> Unless dinner is ++ better than the meeting...
Chris: 22 people who will attend the meeting, and 28 who will attend the dinner...
Sandro: make your hotel reservations soon if you haven't already
<PaulVincent> NO update from PRR
Chris: POWDER is another SemWeb WG working on content rating...
<ChrisW> POWDER working group
<AxelPolleres> interesting, that fits with one of our use cases.
Chris: they've identified some
rules use cases and want some feedback from us
... I'll forward to our list; feel free to reply
Axel: I sent comments on SPARQL that could perhaps been endorsed by RIF. For now I just sent them as myself.
Chris: Alas, we
didn't have time to make that formally from RIF.
... I think it's fine.
Chris: main discussion in the group is between ONDS and OS choices
Sandro:: translation to DS is hard, from DS is easy.
Chris: Straw Poll. Who likes OS?
<AxelPolleres> Can MK comment on that?
Chris: translating from a higher number choice back to lower number (esp 3 to 1) is hard
Hassan: why is it difficult to translate from higher number to lower?
<AxelPolleres> That was a question.
<DaveReynolds> Actually #2 (ONDS) to #3 (OS) is not quite trivial if you have equality
<AxelPolleres> what hassan mentions is 2 -> 1, that is easy.
<DaveReynolds> agreed 1 <-> 2 is trivial, it is 3 (OS) which makes it hard, both ways
Chris: there are some entailments that make it extremely difficult from 3 down to 1 (or even 2)
Hassan: if you interpret it then it has a unique meaning; you can spew it out unambiguously
MichaelK: hassan is right, translations in both directions are possible
<sandro> p(a), q(b), p=q, in OS entails p(b) and q(a), right.
<sandro> ChrisW, I'd be interested to hear the results of the straw poll, but I'd like to know if folks can vote for more than one option.
<Hassan> OSR is even better IMHO
Chris: michael, from OS into DS is easy?
MichaelK: it was
proven in the HiLog paper ...
... depends on what you mean
by easy; can use a predicate etc.
Chris: a predicate for each arity ... a combinatoric explosion of rules.
Hassan: where's the combinatorial explosion come from?
MichaelK: grown in the size of each rule, but the same number of rules, same number of symbols. I think the grown is actually linear.
Sandro: if no one is going to argue other side, no need for argument
Chris: yes, vote for more than
one if you're happy with that
... or we'll just ask who is against
... who's opposed to choice 3 (OS)?
<sandro> (say "-1 OS" if you are opposed.)
<sandro> (no one opposed)
Chris: anyone opposed to 2 (ONDS)?
<sandro> -1 ONDS
<MichaelKifer> -1 onds
<DaveReynolds> preference against ONDS but not rule it out
Hassan: I'm opposed to it
<sandro> -1 DS
Chris: who's opposed to DS?
<AxelPolleres> -1 DS
<PaulaP> -1
<Hassan> hak -1
<MichaelKifer> -1 ds
Allen -1 DS
Chris: so no one's opposed to 3; sounds like consensus
Sandro: hassan seems to prefer 4, but we don't need to choose now: can just add reflection later
Hassan: better to have reflection from the start, especially if it's not too costly to add
Chris: is there an encoding of a reflective rule (rule that takes the syntax of the language and puts it into the language)?
MichaelK: I don't know; haven't discussed it
Sandro: by picking 3, we're not ruling out 4
MichaelK: we need to pick up one and define semantics accordingly
Sandro: have you thought about semantics of 3 vs 4?
MichaelK: I know how to do semantics for 3 etc. but there are options for 4 (even syntactic)... we cannot just leave it open
Chris: I agree with that; we should agree on 3 or 4
Hassan: Reflection is the possibility to describe your abstract syntax in your semantics.
MichaelK: How much introspection do you want to allow?
<Harold> Pat Hayes recently put forward the very
<Harold> general IKL system
<Harold> which may be of interest here
<Harold> regarding syntactic self-description:
Sandro: let's resolve on 3 or 4 for now and discuss it more next week
Chris: sure
introspection for encoding rules as data isn't a problem, but
if we get close to Liar Paradox, etc, then it's another
... I'm concerned about what
happens when we go into a first order dialect
<Harold> How much would we go in the direction of KIF and CG if we introduce quotation mechanism?
MichaelK: a first order extension of this could lead to paradoxes, e.g. whatever I'm saying is a lie
Hassan: a very simple reflection mechanism can't harm you
MichaelK: I don't know what the consequences are going to be if we allow reflection in the core; in a dialect only, it's not a problem
Hassan: if you're designing a
language, having the possibility to describe your own syntax is
an advantage
... I don't see any dire consequences
MichaelK: in FOL, if you allow self-reference, you have to be very careful
<Harold> Could we have a 1st-order-capable Core and a (Reflective) Extension Layer above it, of possible use for some Dialects.
Chris: everyone seems to be
talking about a different aspect of reflection
... hassan, could you write up a proposal about reflection you
have in mind?
Hassan: sure, but I'm just using
general programming language notion
... something like Prolog's "univ" ( written "=.." ).
Chris: My concern is whether there is a way to support that in things like FOL.
Hassan: a language that does not support reflection doesn't have to worry about it
Chris: We're trying to make the the Core be something that can be translated to every other language.
Sandro: concrete example: we have a ruleset and we're translating it to FOL ... if the rule is trying to infer new data, does it affect rules themselves?
Chris: anyone else in favor of adding reflection to Core?
(no one)
Chris: hassan, please send a
message to the list and we'll discuss next week
... if no other support, we'll have to move to a dialect
Sandro: let's resolve that we agreed on 3 or 4, not 1 or 2
Hassan: I won't object to 3; I won't be able to attend next week
<PaulVincent> I'd be interested in reading Hassan's arguments for 4...
MichaelK: I won't be on the telecon next week either
<sandro> PROPOSED: To go with 3 or 4, and next week we'll decide between 3 and 4, if Hassan's e-mail convinced anyone.
<sandro> PROPOSED: To go with 3 (OS) or 4 (OSR), and next week we'll decide between 3 and 4, if Hassan's e-mail convinced anyone.
Chris: any objections?
<sandro> RESOLVED: To go with 3 (OS) or 4 (OSR), and next week we'll decide between 3 and 4, if Hassan's e-mail convinced anyone. (cf
Chris: I'm not really prepared on this issue; christian not here
Sandro: I feel somewhat
... DaveR may be more than me if he'd rather
DaveR: How do
we represent Metadata? What core vocab should we have? And How
extensible should it be?
... I think it should be, in the style of RDF, completely open
Sandro: what if you use RDF in RIF Core format?
<Hassan> BTW: having meta-data is having some relection
Chris: we have to be careful
about putting this in core because of problems in translating
rules into languages that don't support it
... what if
you have a rule like "All the rules authored by Chris are
false" ?
Sandro: How about having a file have a Ruleset and a Metadata set, and you can merge them at your own risk.
Chris: one obvious way to express
RDF as metadata would be to use triples ...
... what metadata do we need?
<sandro> 4.1.5. Embedded metadata
<sandro> RIF must support metadata such as author and rule name.
<Harold> A 'rulename' can be used to *attach* metadata to rules such as 'author'.
<PaulVincent> Rule metadata - see Dublin Core; properties like priority etc
Chris: just wondering about kinds of metadata that might impact the core.....
DaveR: date, provenance,
Chris: is Dublin Core enough?
DaveR: for round-tripping, we might need "the original form of name"
Paul: usually in rule-matching systems, data defined for customer
<DaveReynolds> +1 to Chris, translator hint annotations seem valuable
Paul: obvious one is original language in which rules are defined, also source rules as comments
Chris: we have this Dublin Core metadata, round-trip "preservation metadata", any other kinds?
Allen: dialect identification metadata?
Sandro: I don't think that's metadata
Harold: instead of giving dialect as metadata, could have different URLs pointing to different XML Schemas of RIF
<DaveReynolds> Harold - surely a URL refernce is just a form of metadata?
<PaulVincent> Reference:
Sandro: I agree, could have different namespace for each dialect
Harold: XSD is quite weak; may involve other things like Schematron or even semantic validators (for results of static analysis)
<Harold> Dave, I meant the URL that points to the definition of a dialect such as to its xml schema.
Chris: does each dialect define set of metadata fields?
<Harold> Chris, about the direction of pointing between a RIF file and its metadata, I think essential metadata (about results of static analysis) cannot point from outside into their RIF file -- they must be attached to the ruleset iteself.
Chris: where do we stand?
Allen: need to add text for figures, otherwise nothing else
Chris: should we have a use cases section at F2F?
Allen: phase 2 requirements...
Chris: I think Paula started a list of phase 2 requirements
Allen: I did the ontology thing using imports and sent it to the list a while ago... just wanted to make sure it's okay
<AxelPolleres> Suggestion: Can we postpone this discussion until in two weeks (will be)
<AxelPolleres> travelling next telecon!
Chris: sure
Chris: so schedule F2F time to talk about RIFRAF
<AxelPolleres> yes!
<AxelPolleres> sorry, cannot unmute, my skype is somewhat stuck
<Hassan> +1
<AxelPolleres> please schedule rifraf on day 1 (june 2)
<AxelPolleres> thanks!
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.128 of Date: 2007/02/23 21:38:13 Check for newer version at Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00) Succeeded: s/any c/any dire c/ Succeeded: s/n?/n to Core?/ Succeeded: s/Schematron/Schematron or even semantic validators (for results of static analysis)/ Found ScribeNick: DavidHirtle Found Scribe: David Hirtle Default Present: Sandro, ChrisW, Mike_Dean, Dave_Reynolds, PaulaP, DavidHirtle, Harold, AxelPolleres, PaulVincent, Hassan_Ait-Kaci, Allen_Ginsberg, IgorMozetic, +39.047.101.aaaa, MichaelKifer, +1.403.762.aabb Present: Sandro ChrisW Mike_Dean Dave_Reynolds PaulaP DavidHirtle Harold AxelPolleres PaulVincent Hassan_Ait-Kaci Allen_Ginsberg IgorMozetic +39.047.101.aaaa MichaelKifer +1.403.762.aabb Regrets: FrançoisBry JosDeBruijn MichaelSintek MarkusKrötzsch DeborahNichols Agenda: Got date from IRC log name: 8 May 2007 Guessing minutes URL: People with action items:[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]