5 Sep 2006

See also: IRC log



 Allen_Ginsberg,  ChrisW,  csma, DaveReynolds, Donald_Chapin, FrankMcCabe, GaryHallmark, GiorgosStoilos, Harold, Hassan_Ait-Kaci, JeffP, johnhall, Jos_de_Bruijn, Jos_De_Roo, LeoraMorgenstern, MalaMehrotra, MarkusK, MichaelKifer, Mike_Dean,  PaulaP, sandro, StellaMitchell



        FrançoisBry  AxelPolleres  IgorMozetic  MohamedZergaoui DeborahNichols


Chris Welty (ChrisW)


Allen_Ginsberg (Allen)







 f2f3 minutes now on wiki

            too soon to approve

            Will approve next week

<ChrisW> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rif-wg/2006Aug/0041.html

 last week telecon minutes posted


 Does not have regrets or attendance

 David will send email to Alex to please update attendance - regrets

 No updates to agenda


<Donald_Chapin> nothing new


<Allen> UC1 is clearly about exchanging both facts and rules. Maybe Sven's question was about an earlier version or something. (addressing Sven's review of UCR)


I haven't finished putting in the action updates from last week.

ACTION: allen to post the previous work on links between reqs and [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2006/09/05-rif-minutes.html#action01]

<ChrisW> UC

<rifbot> Created ACTION-98 - Post the previous work on links between reqs and [on Allen Ginsberg - due 2006-09-12].

<sandro> ACTION-98 CLOSED

<sandro> Looking at: http://www.w3.org/2005/rules/wg/track/products to see overview of topics

<LeoraMorgenstern> what document is Chris reading from?

<LeoraMorgenstern> URL?

<sandro> Chris is probably looking at http://www.w3.org/2005/rules/wg/track/issues/open

<LeoraMorgenstern> Okay, thanks.

<ChrisW> http://www.w3.org/2005/rules/wg/wiki/Use_Cases

<Allen> http://www.w3.org/2005/rules/wg/wiki/UCR


<ChrisW> "Which CSFs (other than Alignment) does the XML syntax requirement support? "

CSFs are http://www.w3.org/2005/rules/wg/wiki/UCR/Goals

look at 9-circle diagram near top of that page

<csma> The idea is to show that XML is important for more than just W3C.

 ie it supports widescale adoption in other ways, too.

  ChrisW: + low cost of implementation

<ChrisW> + Extensibility

            what about Interoperability?

 <csma> That's interop between rules

 <FrankMcCabe> link between XML and extensibility is pretty weal

<sandro> I don't know if it's weak yet -- I don't know how we're doing extensibility

<DaveReynolds> -1 on XML having strong support for the extesibility CSF

<csma>  I think XML is a CSF itself -- it makes RIF *mentally* easier to adopt

<GaryHallmark> xml syntax supports low cost implementation because you can reuse standard language tools

<sandro> FrankMcCabe: That is -- "low cost of adoption"

<sandro> csma: Implementation is one part of adoption

<sandro> sandro: low cost of software development (adoption by vendors); low cost of deployment (adoption by end-users).

<FrankMcCabe> you could interpret "implementation" more generally

<ChrisW> ACTION: Frank to draft solution to Issue # [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2006/09/05-rif-minutes.html#action02]

<rifbot> Sorry, couldn't find user - Frank

<ChrisW> ACTION: Francis to draft solution to Issue 3 [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2006/09/05-rif-minutes.html#action03]

<rifbot> Created ACTION-99 - Draft solution to Issue 3 [on Francis McCabe - due 2006-09-12].


<ChrisW>  How about Frank looks at all the issues around linking Reqs o Goals and CSFS, issue 3, 4, 13

<ChrisW> http://www.w3.org/2005/rules/wg/wiki/UCR/Document_issues?highlight=%28ucr%29%7C%28issues%29

<sandro> ammend action 99 to cover issues 4 and 13 as well

<ChrisW> ACTION: Allen to deal with ISSUE-5 [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2006/09/05-rif-minutes.html#action04]

<sandro> rifbot not happy about the database being offline either.

<ChrisW> NOTE that rifbot stopped before ACTION 4

<Allen> I'm scribing again

<PaulaP> Axel sent regrets






 Action review for RIFRAF

 Hassan's Action?

 Hassan and Christian will talk


 Alex and Axel not here

 End of action review


            Taxonomy/ontology tools for building RIFRAF artifacts?

<Hassan> Great idea - but we need to agree on terms

             Should we use OWL?

< ChrisW > should we use OWL

             Or RDF/RDFS

 <FrankMcCabe> excellent idea.

<Hassan> +1

            but does OWL have expressiveness?

 <sandro>  seems like it could be good enough

<Hassan> agrees, but does everyone else agree?

 <ChrisW>even if something in RIFRAF is beyond OWL, doesn't mean it doesn't go in RIFRAF

<Zakim> csma, you wanted to ask about the link between UC and reqs

 <DaveReynolds> what does owl encoding buy us?

<FrankMcCabe> OWL would enhance precision

<DaveReynolds>: if it is only for people why do it?

< ChrisW > will need to include text annotation. Problem is we are beyond capabilities of questionaire tech is doing this.

<DaveReynolds>: this is less work than fixing questionaire?

<sandro>  looks like it is

<csma>  encoding in owl buys us help in extracting the meaning of the terms

  <DaveReynolds> need to analysis questionaire data

 <Hassan> don't think it will be that much work and will be a time saver....Questionaire is losing forest for trees.

<Hassan> would like to discuss specifications with sandro

< ChrisW > might want to ask Axel as well... continue to pursue this idea

<sandro> general sense: let's go ahead


Technical Design

< ChrisW >

             Action Review

            Peter's action done

            Any discussion on Peter's versus pre-existing wiki?

<csma>  if we remove negation aren't they the same?

 Chris and Harold agree with that

<csma>  could be used for first draft of technical design

 <MichaelKifer> semantics doesn't make sense for naf

<csma>  didn't understand Michael’s email

<MichaelKifer> agreed, but this was clarified in 2nd email.

             naf changes what is an intended models

            naf makes a global difference

<Harold> We could start with http://www.w3.org/2005/rules/wg/wiki/A.1_Basis%3A_Positive_Conditions and extend those to Horn rules in Phase 1.

<csma>  for phase 1 it makes no difference...

<MichaelKifer> phase 2 naf would require more but compatible with earlier

<csma>  do phase 1 w/o negation

<JeffP> what about individual vs data values for variables in P's proposal

< ChrisW > michael's proposal was different from P's in that way

 <MichaelKifer> also need to divide predicates along those lines too then

 < ChrisW > does M's semantics include that (possibly)

<MichaelKifer> yes, but it was a general framework not a semantics per s

 < ChrisW > is breaking the universe up this way required for phase 1

<Harold> for many purposes not necessary, but not a major problem if we need to do it later

<DaveReynolds> +1 to starting with union, RDF would want to bind variables to both kinds

 could add these separate domains into later refinements

 <Harold> it should not contain this  core is union; extensions could be refinements

<Hassan> My phone is dead ... I'call

<JeffP> these issues can be related in some way, might want to think more carefully

<Hassan> I'm back - sorry! design choices could impact the way we extend to negation

 <MichaelKifer> not related. data types uses sorts. negation proceeds same with or without sorts

 <Hassan>  agree with Michael

< ChrisW > question is do we need it in the core?

<Hassan> this semantics is agnostic to the universe of discourse

<Harold> We could have a uniform 'universe' of constants initially, then split into "i" and "d" constants, then split "d" according to XML Part 2 (Datatypes). Maybe we don't want new kinds of variables for all of these refinements of constants, instead permit certain kinds of 'generic' variables (for some of these distinctions).

 < ChrisW > only one has been proposed so far and that one makes the distinction. Can we simply that?

<Hassan> it is silly to have that.

< ChrisW > not silly. should it be in core or in extension.

<JeffP> another way is to distinguish predicates. eg, if you have builtin than its variables have type info

<FrankMcCabe> puzzled by peter's intention.

 <MichaelKifer> typing variables is problematic. Don't make the distinction in the core.

<csma>  support that. first version should be simple. reaction to core will tell us what to do

<Harold> I agree with Chris and Michael and Christian: Easier not make distinction in first core.

< ChrisW > next step - put peter's work in wiki page and connect it to technical design but delete negation and revise interpretation to get rid of distinction

<MichaelKifer> start new wiki page with original?

< ChrisW > no.

<Harold> I can help

<Harold> can Michael’ss proposal be the starting point (made compatible with peter's)

<ChrisW> ACTION: harold to start new wiki page on the core language to include Peter's proposal modulo changes we discussed [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2006/09/05-rif-minutes.html#action05]


Meeting adjourned

Summary of Action Items

[NEW] ACTION: Allen to deal with ISSUE-5 [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2006/09/05-rif-minutes.html#action04]
[NEW] ACTION: allen to post the previous work on links between reqs and [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2006/09/05-rif-minutes.html#action01]
[NEW] ACTION: Francis to draft solution to Issue 3 [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2006/09/05-rif-minutes.html#action03]
[NEW] ACTION: Frank to draft solution to Issue # [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2006/09/05-rif-minutes.html#action02]
[NEW] ACTION: harold to start new wiki page on the core language to include Peter's proposal modulo changes we discussed [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2006/09/05-rif-minutes.html#action05]
[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.127 (CVS log)
$Date: 2006/09/05 16:30:39 $