See also: IRC log
Note: We will have a telecon next week.
Peter: please sign up now for f2f4
<JeffP> I will register
<LeoraMorgenstern> Peter, I will sign up.
<LeoraMorgenstern> But 1. I don't need to be fed ;-)
<SaidTabet> Peter, please add me
<LeoraMorgenstern> and 2. I have to wait for management approval to sign up officially.
<AlexKozlenkov> Peteer, please add me and respond to my e-mail
<AlexKozlenkov> Our assistants could not make the registration
chris: explains plans for F2F4 schedule
<AxelPolleres> +1 for work focused meeting
chris: considering 2 parallel sessions for F2F4. Asks which WG members would like to attend both.
<AxelPolleres> I would be glad if we can come out of the RIFRAF meeting with a concrete plan what the document should roughly look like.
<DaveReynolds> possibly ...
<LeoraMorgenstern> Yes, I would like to attend both
chris: UCR and Technical Design will be in parallel
<PaulaP> I would also like to attend both
<LeoraMorgenstern> (Though, as I said, I can only watch on Saturday)
<AxelPolleres> ... and time schedule.
chris: actions will be assigned to parallel groups but decisions will be made in plenary
<johnhall> SBVR - nothing new
<PaulVincent> PRR - nothing new AFAIK
<csma> ACTION-120 continued
<csma> ACTION-121 continued
<csma> ACTION-122 continued
<csma> ACTION-141 continued
<csma> ACTION-142 continued
<AxelPolleres> Michael's mail:
chris: try to write rules using
latest version of core language
... what is missing, what should be added?
christian: what were the poblems and issued encountered in your translation exercise?
gerd: object type v. data type is still an issue in core
chris: group decided not to have such a split -- is a split needed in core or can it be an extension
<FrankMcCabe> what are the criteria for the core? When is my feature a core feature?
gerd: RDF and OWL make this distinction
<josb> RDF does not make this distinction
csma: such a split or not should be illustrated with some examples
chris: core should be simple but extensible
<FrankMcCabe> good
harold: explicit universal quantifiers have been added to core
<Harold> Forall now around Horn rules:
frank: if a feature requires an enormous extension, should it be in core?
<csma> Criticism of the current proposed core design can also come in the form of alternative proposals!
chris: expect that most rule languages will require some extensions
frank: some extensions may require core redesign, e.g. multiple theories, strong typing
chris: illustrate cases that require core redesign with examples
csma: another definition of core in phase 1: features that are not controversial
<johnhall> Sorry, I have to leave. My action on linking UC5 to requirements is continued.
<LeoraMorgenstern> I will volunteer to do this for the Medical Decision Support use case,
<LeoraMorgenstern> since that's the one I'm familiar with
<csma> ACTION: to Leora to propose rule examples for medical use case [recorded in]
<PaulaP> I can take use case 2
<csma> ACTION: Paul to propose rule examples for UC1 [recorded in]
<rifbot> Created ACTION-152 - Propose rule examples for UC1 [on Paul Vincent - due 2006-10-31].
<csma> ACTION: Paula to propose rule examples for UC2 [recorded in]
<rifbot> Sorry, couldn't find user - Paula
<GerdWagner> We'll do several examples and try to link them to use cases
<csma> ACTION: deborah to talk to Allen about doing rule examples on UC3 [recorded in]
<rifbot> Created ACTION-153 - Talk to Allen about doing rule examples on UC3 [on Deborah Nichols - due 2006-10-31].
chris: these actions must be completed before F2F4
<csma> ACTION: Gerd to do some rule examples and try to connect them to UCs [recorded in]
<rifbot> Created ACTION-154 - Do some rule examples and try to connect them to UCs [on Gerd Wagner - due 2006-10-31].
<csma> ACTION: csma to talk to PhilippeB about rule examples and connecting them to UCs [recorded in]
<rifbot> Sorry, couldn't find user - csma
<Franois> Sorry, I must leave now. Francois
<SaidTabet> Like Franc,ois...I need to leave as well.
chris: as you work on rules for the use cases, point out difficulties encountered
<csma> ACTION: Dave to do rule examples for UC8 [recorded in]
<rifbot> Created ACTION-155 - Do rule examples for UC8 [on Dave Reynolds - due 2006-10-31].
<csma> ACTION: Sandro to do rule examples for UC5 [recorded in]
<rifbot> Created ACTION-156 - Do rule examples for UC5 [on Sandro Hawke - due 2006-10-31].
<JeffP> I can give it a try
<csma> ACTION: Jeffp to do rule examples as extensions of OWL UC7 [recorded in]
<rifbot> Sorry, couldn't find user - Jeffp
<AxelPolleres> Acknowledged to take UC10 "Publishing Rules for Interlinked Metadata", probably not before next Telecon though, but before f2f.
<rifbot> Created ACTION-157 - Do rule examples on UC10 [on Axel Polleres - due 2006-10-31].
<csma> ACTION: Axel to do rule examples for UC10 [recorded in]
chris: include constructive criticism
<csma> ACTION-148 continued
<csma> ACTION-149 continued
<LeoraMorgenstern> Not much progress
<LeoraMorgenstern> Sandro handed in a small ontology piece
Leora: not much progress on OWL ontology for RIFRAF
<LeoraMorgenstern> The rest of us are planning to do it later this week
sandro: likes topbraidcomposer but it costs $$ after 30 days
frank: found bugs in protege
axel: will summarize ontology progress at F2F4
david: linking use cases to requirements needs finishing
<csma> ACTION-38 continued
<csma> ACTION-41 continued
<csma> ACTION-72 continued
<csma> ACTION-105 continued
<csma> ACTION-106 continued
<csma> ACTION-131 continued
<csma> ACTION-132 continued
<csma> ACTION-144 continued
<csma> ACTION-147 continued