<MarkusK> ScribeNick: msintek
<sandro> starting again.
F2F4: no news from Peter (not on the phone)
<sandro> Sandro: he did say the contract had been signed
<ChrisW> Peter, we are discussing f2fs
<ChrisW> do you have anything to say re: f2f4?
<pfps_home> the contract for the space and catering is set up - registration should be set up soon
<pfps_home> hotel information will go on the site in a week or so
<ChrisW> thanks
F2F5: time to consider
Dec - Feb
Dec too soon, so early next year
probably in US (pattern: two EU, two US)
host searched; close to airport if possible; internet and phone connectivity; refreshments; lunch/dinner; accomodation (not all covered by host :-) )
no candidates yet
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