See also: IRC log
Christian: Next meeting same time same place
Christian: moves to accept minutes
of last meeting
<PaulaP> +1
<Hassan> +1
<josb> scribenick: IanH
Seconded by PaulaP and Hassan
Resolved to accept minutes
<PaulaP> sorry for the delay
Christian: Scribes asked to distribute minutes asap and if pos within 48 hrs
Christian: Any ammendments to agenda?
<sandro> ACTION: [PENDING] chair to put design for extensibility and discussion of proposals on agenda for next telecon [recorded in]
Harold wants to add item on new members
<sandro> Alex Kozlenkov
<sandro> from Betfair
<scribe> New member Alex Kozlenkov introduced himself
<scribe> ACTION: Public membership list needs to be extended to include Alex [recorded in]
Christian: Alex can introduce his background via mailing list
<AxelPolleres> Propose Alex checks intro mails in the archive and sends a similar one.
<sandro> (since it's already done)
Christian: 2 proposals for f2f4 (one with 3 options)
deadline for decisions May 3rd/16th
will therefore make decision by May 2nd mtg
let us know by April 18 if you have any proposal for f2f4
will review on April 18 and set up straw poll closing May 1st
Decision will be taken at May 2nd mtg
Process agreed by popular consent
Christian: Next topic: action for Alan to put Mitre proposal on Wiki - DONE
Christian: Next topic: liaisons - any news?
<JosDeRoo> zakim. unmute me
Christian: Any SPARQL participant who is more often on teleconf? Jos?
<sandro> ACTION: [DONE] Allen to put MITRE proposal on f2f4 Wiki page [recorded in]
JosDeRoo: SPARQL proceeding apart from small objection from Oracle
Discussion on using UTC for telecon times
<scribe> ACTION: Christian will investigate [recorded in]
Christian: XQuery/XPath news? Common Logic?
<EvanWallace> New version of ODM:
Donald: no important news on SBVR
Christian: any other news from any other group?
No news.
Next Topic: UCR
Christian to modify template: DONE
Also made slight modification to structure
<sandro> ACTION: [DONE] csma to modify design constraint template to take into account what was said today [recorded in]
<sandro> ACTION: [PENDING] Evan to publicize to ODM [recorded in]
<johnhall> did it, said so last week
<sandro> ACTION: [DONE] John Hall to publicise to BR community [recorded in]
<sandro> ACTION: [DONE] JosB to publicise to SPARQL [recorded in]
<sandro> ACTION: [DONE] Sandro to set up a wiki page to record dissemination actions [recorded in]
Christian: any comment on dissemination?
Sandro: only one comment on comments list
Christian: not yet evaluated so will discuss next week or via email
<sandro> comments archive:
Next Topic: discussion of specific constraints
Christian: is there a way to visualise structure if we draw dependencies between design constraints? Any visualisation tool for this?
Frank: I use Omnigraffle(?) a Mac tool
<SaidTabet> Frank: Can you point us to it? URL?
<scribe> ACTION: Frank will produce an initial diagram with existing constraints [recorded in]
Frank: it has its own format, but
will generate visio, jpeg, bmp etc etc
... but probably need Omnigraffle to modify (maybe via
Christian: how do we decide which
constraints to discuss, particularly when list grows
... proposes only to discuss constraints that have been
Any objections?
Resolved by popular apathy/acclaim
Christian: Dave Reynolds proposed
strawman goals hierarchy; I believe that it is useful and will
help structure constraints
... wonders why almost no goals belong to existing list?
<sandro> dave's email:
Dave: was mainly trying to get
structure/level right rather than map existing list.
... believes that some of existing goals *are* in the list,
e.g., production rules, semantics, compatibility
... list focuses on high level goals
... wanted to avoid swamping with detail
<sandro> +1 coherent presentation in e-mail vs putting this particular hierarchy on the wiki as is
Christian: encourages people to
react to email and comment and add to requirements if believed
to be important
... Is clear and precise semantics really a requirement?
<sandro> FrankMcCabe
<JosDeRoo> Sandro: I was wrong with fixed utc start times for rdfcore and webont; is only dawg that has fixed utc start time and I generalized; sorry
Frank: Probably not if we can't measure it
<sandro> Good, Jos -- I didn't think I'd misunderstood common practice here so badly.
Frank: Wording could be improved
- e.g., success will depend on having clear semantics of a RIF
rule set
... should be sharpened up and made a requirement
Dave: what does it mean for a proposal to be seconded?
Christian: agrees that dependency on another constraint constitutes support for that constraint
Leora: constraints all seem straightforward and uncontroversial.
1st constraint: core must cover pure prolog
Christian: may not be true w.r.t. phasing
<igor> +1
<JosDeRoo> +1
<AxelPolleres> Do you mean full ANSI prolog?
Christian: second for pure prolog use case?
Seconded by Igor
<sandro> Extended RIF must cover FOL
<MoZ> +1
<EvanWallace> +1
<LeoraMorgenstern> Ian, see
2nd constraint: must cover 1st order logic
Seconded by NoZ and Evan
3rd constraint: sound reasoning with unknown dialects
Harold: do you mean soundness in the logical sense?
Sandro: yes
Allen: soundness may be a requirement on systems rather than RIF
<josb> How can you reason with something which is unknown?
Christian: requirement should be rephrased to clearly be a requirement on RIF and not on systems
Allen: agreed; also, do we want requirements/constraints on systems?
<LeoraMorgenstern> Ian, in your scribing, you say 2nd constraint mentions 2nd order logic; actually, it mentions first order logic!
<LeoraMorgenstern> (confusion of seconding the constraint and the order of logic ;)
CORRECTION: second constraint refers to 1st order logic (thanks)
Christian: nobody has yet seconded the soundness constraint; should be clarified and discussed on email before being discussed on teleconf
Sandro: disagrees with procedure; teleconf is good place to discuss focus of constraint (RIF -v- systems)
Christian: agrees in general, but w.r.t. specific constraint 2 clarifications needed: what does "sound" mean; is it a RIF or system constraint
<scribe> ACTION: sandro to clarify meaning of sound and what is the requirement on RIF [recorded in]
Allen: requirements often reflect proposed/imagined applications
<sandro> (I'll probably rename it: RIF Core must allow sound reasoning with unknown dialects
<sandro> )
Allen: but this may lead to revealing constraints/requirement on RIF
<AxelPolleres> -1 (sorry very late) to RIF_Core_must_cover_pure_Prolog: Prolog is not declarative, I don't like that in RIF core
Allen: So may be useful to talk about applications w.r.t. critical success factors and/or goals
<GaryHallmark> -1 to RIF_Core_must_cover_pure_Prolog -- this implies that every prolog ruleset must be able to be translated to every rule dialect we support. I'm not sure that's possible with production rules
Sandro: rephrase requirement 3 as RIF core must allow sound reasoning with mixed dialects
<Harold> Sandro, Re candidate DC "Sound reasoning with unknown dialects" from the RIF perspective we could say "Permit heterogeneous rules in a single ruleset".
<JosDeRoo> use case?
<josb> +1
<Allen> skipped one
<DaveReynolds> You skipped one, the next one was The RIF Core must be able to accept RDF triples as data
<scribe> ACTION: to clarify whether sound reasoning constraint with unknown dialects is a requirement or a critical success factor [recorded in]
<AxelPolleres> +q
<JosDeRoo> +1
<sandro> You want "q+" Alex.
<josb> yes
<MichaelKifer> regarding RIF_Core_must_cover_pure_Prolog: Pure prolog = Horn. I understand that we are committed to that
Constraint: RIF must be able to accept RDF as data
<sandro> You want "q+" Axel
<JosDeRoo> yes
<DaveReynolds> +1 to The RIF Core must be able to accept RDF triples as data
<AxelPolleres> +1 to RDF
Seconded DaveReynolds
<josb> I will second this as well
And seconded by Axel
Sandro/Christian: seconding should be via web page
Christian: you have to add your name on the wiki page for that constraint
<AxelPolleres> Will there also be the possibility to *object* on the Wiki page?
Christian: open discussion on pure prolog
<AxelPolleres> I think jos will clarify this...
<Uli> can we refine constraints? If yes, what happens to the secondings?
Christian: Axel didn't support?
Josb: problem is that prolog doesn't have declarative semantics; would require procedural semantics for RIF
<Allen> that depends what you mean by "cover"
Christian: too weak?
<MarkusK> An interesting link considering declarativity in Prolog:
<AxelPolleres> IanH: I didn't support prolog in the sense of jos
Josb: no, too strong; would require procedural semantics.
<Harold> MichealK, I agree in the sense that Pure Prolog 'realizes' Horn, which is the language of the Charter's Phase 1.
<FrankMcCabe> I think that jos is misunderstanding the situation
Josb: semantics only defined in terms of algorithm; if this is a req. then we would need this kind of algorithm to define semantics for RIF core
Sandro: e.g. requiring SLD resolution or some such
Gary: Agree, it is too big, and
this would mean that every prolog rule set would need to be
translated into production rules.
... believes that this would lead to problems
<AxelPolleres> I was just about to mention the example that "pure" Prolog doesn't terminate on queries that can be fulfilled and depends on the rule order, so a ruleset, is actually not a set there.
<csma> ack
<MoZ> +1 to define pure prolog
Peter: two issues. 1) what is defn of pure prolog? idealisation of prolog without negation etc? This is effectively horn clauses which is better. 2) this is only semi decidable, which is bad for core
Sandro: believes that by pure
prolog he really meant Horn
... thinks that procedural semantics may be needed in real
world examples.
... needs clarification; we are getting there.
<Uli> ...and perhaps even function-free Horn?!
<igor> pure Prolog = logic program (Horn) with defined order of goals and clauses
Harold: believes that pure prolog realises horn when text. ordering is not taken into account (breadth-first) and occurs check is done.
<MoZ> i imagine with have to settle an action to define the subset of Prolog we cover in RIF language
<josb> +1 to start we Datalog
<josb> Datalog also has a declarative semantics
Harold: decided in charter to specify Datalog as a sublanguage
<AxelPolleres> +1 to igor's definition and thus -1 to the requirement! :-)
Sandro: pure prolog covers Datalog
<AxelPolleres> Datalog is declarative, i.e. rule order does not matter!
Harold: was discussed 1 year ago and we decided to start with Horn and not just datalog
Christian: reason was to have functions in phase 1
Harold: this makes it undecidable
Sandro: maybe we should separate requirements into Datalog and pure prolog
Harold: what about charter?
Christian: again, because we wanted functions
Frank: Harold said it all.
... Most people believe that PP means Horn with no procedural
... has been a religious argument for many years
<josb> Let's use an unambiguous terminology!
Alex: In RIF core will there be any way to mark rules as using a different semantics, or will there be a uniform semantics for all rules?
<MarkusK> What does it mean to "implement the RIF core", for a semi-decidable core?
Christian: every implementation must implement at least RIF core, but not all implementations will be able to implement multiple semantics - big burden on implementors
Alex: but what about provision for plug-in semantics?
<Uli> ...but how will this be an implementation for their combination? We would need to define what their combination means?!
<FrankMcCabe> Semi-decidable = soundness and completeness and decidable equality?
Christian: believes this is for extended RIF, but could be discussed
<MarkusK> +1 to Uli
Michael: believes PP is equivalent to Horn rules
<LeoraMorgenstern> am I the only one hearing french on the line?
Michael: is there a requirement
for decidability of Core?
... what is wrong with core being undecidable?
<Uli> Semi-decidable: "yes" will be answered correctly, "no" might not terminate
<sandro> no, LeoraMorgenstern, me too
<MoZ> sorry
Michael: at f2f we proposed semantic tagging of rule sets for extensibility
Michael/Alex: this is needed for extensibility
<MarkusK> Semi-decidable: all "yes" are recursively enumerable
<FrankMcCabe> there is a completeness proof for SLD logic
Machael: only question is whether core needs to be decidable; what about production rules? not compatible with Horn
Allen: Agrees with Michael; no
need to be decidable.
... notion of representation without being able to reason
Christian: what do we do with non-requirements?
Frank: good idea to have non-requirements
Sandro: we can just decide this; can be written up on wiki page
Christian: this may apply to
decidability (it may be a non-requirement)
... wants write up as to why RIF core should *not* cover pure
Sandro: would like to separate this from decidability (non-)requirement
<GaryHallmark> does anyone know how to characterize the intersection of production rules and pure prolog?
Sandro: question as to definition/semantics also needs to be clarified
<AxelPolleres> If it was about specifying the criticism, I can do that. In the document?
<scribe> ACTION: MickaelK to extend page on pure prolog and give a precise definition (according to standard publications) [recorded in]
<sandro> page is
Christian: volunteer to clarify (non)decidability?
Sandro: proposes that decidability is not a requirement
<AxelPolleres> We should of course define the decidable fragments and give them a name. Or no?
Uli: could we be clearer about what kind of reasoning problems we are talking about?
Christian: agrees; this needs to be discussed and clarified
<sandro> +1 define somewhere the decidable fragments, w.r.t. particular reasoning tasks, like query answering
Axel: even if we decide against decidability, would be useful to identify known decidable fragments (w.r.t. particular reasoning tasks)
<Harold> Uli, right: issue is decidability of conjunctive queries
<Uli> +1
<Harold> Axel, yes: standard sublanguage Datalog is a good idea.
<pfps> A counter to Michael's claim that PP is always Horn (only) can be found in
Christian: would like someone to propose decidability (non-)requirement so we can discuss something more precisely defined
Harold: Charter says Horn, and this is undecidable
<josb> +1 to pfps; we should be unambiguous in the terminology
<AxelPolleres> +1 to Hassan
<josb> +1 to Hassan
<MarkusK> +1 to avoid the term Horn
<PaulaP> +1 to Hassan's comment
<Uli> +1
<MarkusK> s /Horn/Prolog/
<sandro> Moz, I muted you because you were being noisy
<AxelPolleres> MArkusK, you meant Prolog?
Hassan: hears a lot of confusion; shouldn't use prolog, should use Horn; not clear what pure prolog means - should just cast out this term
<MarkusK> Axel: yes
Hassan: any interesting rule language will be undecidable, so its a non-requirement
<MichaelKifer> +1 to Hassan's proposal (especially since this obviates my action item :-)
Hassan: need rule annotations that can specify semantics (which may be declarative or procedural)
<scribe> ACTION: Christian to send email to propose resolution that decidability is a non-requirement and gather relevant arguments before next telecon [recorded in]
<sandro> Extended RIF must cover jrules
Sandro: Imagines each participant
requires that extended RIF covers their rule language of
... thought that pure prolog was, however, small enough to be
covered in core, but is a real language that is widely used and
well understood
<josb> -1 to Sandro
Harold: agrees; can extend such an implementation in many directions.
<Uli> ...but prolog doesn't have a declarative semantics!
<sandro> +1 extend 10 minutes
<MoZ> +1
<DaveReynolds> -1 continue by email
<josb> -1: continue by email
<sandro> resolved 5 minutes
<AxelPolleres> If we agree to Sandro then we implicitly should agree to drop the term rule-"set" odr no?
At *most* 10 minutes for me!
<josb> Few people agree with Sandro!
<josb> +1 to Hassan again
<Harold> ...Pure Prolog (with annotation: no textual order, breadth-first, occurs check) has declarative semantics of Herbrand models.
Hassan: pure prolog is not a language; it is a set of rules and you need to say how they will be used; let's not be ambiguous.
<josb> ++++++++1
<Uli> Harold, I thought "Pure prolog" is depth first, and order-dependent?!
MichaelK: Peter points out variations on meaning of pure prolog. May mean terminating prolog rules. Michael agrees; suggests we only talk about Horn. He will clarify on wiki.
<AxelPolleres> I thought the same as uli.
GaryH: Agrees with Sandro about favourite language; core must be common to everyones favourites; is "pure prolog"/Horn small enough to be in this intersection?
<pfps> The pointer I gave does define Pure Prolog as L-R evaluation, and other deviations from "Horn" semantics.
<FrankMcCabe> we must decide on declarative vs procedural semantics
Sandro: will be interested in outcome of discussion.
Christian: aob?
<PaulaP> bye
Christian: hearing none, meeting is closed.\
<Deborah_Nichols> bye
<Uli> bye
<JeffP> bye
<Allen> bye
<SaidTabet> bye'
<igor> bye
<MoZ> bye
<MalaMehrotra> bye
<Harold> Uli, in John Lloyd's "Foundations of Logic Programming" depth first is labeled as a search strategy that leads to implementation incompleteness.
<csma> make minutes
<AxelPolleres> because, he seems to neglect the difference...
<AxelPolleres> ooops